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4. It necessitates learning how to study alone, at home, thus increasing self-reliance.

These and other good reasons are convincing to yourself, and they may be convincing to some other people who are indifferent about the matter and who have not heard any arguments from those who believe in the double-session plan. But you may be sure that those who believe in the double session have good reasons too, and that if the single-session idea is to prevail, you will have to find out what their reasons are and prepare yourself to deal with these.

By talking with people at home and in school about the question, and by reading whatever has been written on the subject, you find out what reasons the advocates of the double session have for believing as they do. Perhaps you discover that they believe that

The Double-Session Plan is Better. Because

1. It gives time for a warm dinner at home, at midday.

2. It leaves two hours before six for work at home, or for earning money.

3. It keeps young people off the streets in the afternoon hours.

4. It enables them to get most of their lessons in study periods at school.

Now it becomes clear to you that as these reasons cannot be neglected or ignored, the work of argumentation is twofold in dealing successfully with a controversy:

1. It is constructive in part, involving the presentation of reasons in favor of your own view. Such reasons are called Direct Proof.

2. It is destructive in part, requiring attention to the doubts and objections that exist in the minds of those who think differently from yourself, and the effort to overthrow or counterbalance the arguments in which these doubts and objections are expressed. This is called Indirect Proof or Refutation.

Every question has two sides. Study and understand both sides, no matter which you advocate.

125. Assignments on the Work of Argumentation. A. Select one of the following. Make a list (as above) of reasons for or against the proposition. Also make a list of the reasons which will probably be offered by those who think differently from yourself. Bring both lists to class.

1. The village or township high school gives more thorough training than the big city high school.

2. Monday is better than Saturday for the weekly school holiday. 3. The Commercial Course is better than the Manual Training Course.

4. The study of mathematics is more profitable than the study of English.

5. Physical training is more important than mental training. 6. Football is a better school sport than baseball.

7. The study of history is more profitable than the study of fiction.

8. A five-minute recess every hour is better than one fifteenminute recess each half-day.

9. Study at home is better than study in school.

10. Bookkeeping is more important than Latin.

B. Think of all the reasons you can in favor of the death penalty for murder. As you think of a reason make a written

note of it. Then compare your list of notes with the following brief. Which of your arguments has the writer of this brief anticipated? Which has he evidently not thought of? Which of his arguments are direct? Which are refutation? What answer can you make to some of his arguments? Write your answer.

Proposition: Capital punishment should be abolished.


A. It does not protect society from murder. For
1. Murders are still committed, though the
penalty has existed thousands of years.
2. Juries acquit many whom they would con-
vict were the penalty life imprisonment.

B. It is immoral in its influence. For

1. It imperils the lives of innocent people wrongfully accused of murder.

2. It destroys the idea that human life is sacred. For

a. It takes human life.

3. If an innocent man is convicted and hanged, the mistake cannot be corrected.

4. The penalty is not applied impartially. For a. Much depends on the skill and eloquence of the defendant's lawyer.

b. Men of great wealth are rarely convicted, while the friendless criminal is rarely acquitted.

5. There is no reforming influence in capital punishment. For

a. It takes no account of heredity and environment as causes of crime.

C. Its abolition has been followed by good results. For 1. In Michigan, Maine, and Wisconsin, murders have decreased since it has been abolished.

2. People have turned their thoughts to reforming criminals instead of killing them.

. C. What parts of the following plan or brief show that the writer is aware of opposition and is prepared to meet it? Imagine yourself an advocate of the jury system. What points in favor of that system are not answered below?

Proposition: The jury system should be abolished. Be


A. It makes just verdicts hard to secure.
1. Juries are often ignorant.

2. Juries are often prejudiced. For


a. They are influenced by church or society


b. They are prejudiced against railroad cor


B. The trial of all cases by judges without a jury would

[blocks in formation]

1. Judges are intelligent and experienced in deciding intricate matters.

2. Judges are not prejudiced by church or society affiliations.

3. Judges are not moved by the eloquent sophistry of lawyers.

4. Judges are not easily deceived by witnesses. 5. Judges can be just to corporations as well as to the poorest suitor.

C. The substitution of judges for juries would not be a dangerous innovation. For

1. Appellate, Chancery, and Supreme Courts now get along without juries.

2. Many conservative lawyers have long favored the substitution.

D. Find out the meaning of the terms "initiative" and "referendum." Then study the following arguments, especially with the purpose of finding answers to some of them if possible.

Proposition: The Initiative and Referendum should be made parts of our state constitutions. Because

A. They will purify legislation. For

I. They will prevent the passage of corrupt and unjust laws. For

1. Legislatures knowing that the people stand ready to repudiate any vicious

or unjust act, will make better and wiser laws.

II. They are the only complete and specific cure for bribery. For

1. They deprive legislators of their present monopoly of legislative power. The

legislator would not be bribed because

he can no longer "deliver the goods." III. They will destroy the lobbyist and overthrow the "boss." For

1. Each derives his power from his ability to influence, or even to buy and sell,

legislation giving special privileges.

IV. They will break the power of trusts and monopolies. For

1. These cannot control legislation through

the lobby.

2. The people will by the initiative be able to pass laws to regulate these.

V. Refutation. The argument that the voters will be bribed to vote directly for bad laws is unsound. For

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