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the Chicago riots as his "peg." The poet, as we pointed out at the time, was not quite as careful as he ought to have been to avoid wounding the feelings of our American kinsfolk, but for insight and exposition it was a work of rare genius. It interpreted a certain side of the American character to perfection. And to do this at that moment was a most useful work, for over here men were bewildered and distracted by what was happening in the West. We have spoken above only of Mr. Kipling, but it must not be supposed that we regard him as the only poet who acts as interpreter to the nation.

to such practical effect.

We chose him because he does so All true poets are, as we have said, interpreters, each in his own sphere. If they are not, they are mere embroiderers of melodious words.

No, as long as States are made and unmade, and men in their communities grope and wander, asking for the light, so long will the world need the poet's help. While there is anything to interpret and make clear to men who will act on what comes to them through their emotions, but will remain cold to the mere teachings of reason, the poet and his art will survive. When we are all so coldly reasonable that we cannot be stirred by Chevy Chase, then, but not till then, will the poet's occupation be gone. Meantime, let us remember that we lost America because we did not understand the feelings of the "native-born," and thank heaven we have a poet-interpreter to help save us from another such treason to our race as that George III and Lord North incited.


123. Miscellaneous Assignments in Exposition. A. Write an editorial for the school paper on Why we Lost the Game," or on "A Needed Reform in the Study Hour," or on "Our Prospects in Debate."

B. From any newspaper select a news item that stirs you to admiration or indignation, and write a brief editorial on it as if

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for a city paper. Paste the news item on the first page of your theme.

C. Write a brief comment on the last sermon or lecture you have listened to. First state its theme or central idea. Then reproduce the two or three main ideas. If your own comment is on the sermon or lecture as a whole, reserve your comment until the end. If it is on several things, introduce it piecemeal where it is most pertinent.

D. Explain by setting up a series of comparisons and contrasts, one of the following: (1) Men of thought and men of action. (2) Wit and humor. (3) Manual Training School and Trade School. (4) Education and training. (5) Single-entry and doubleentry bookkeeping. (6) News writing and editorial writing. (7) Hem-stitch and lock-stitch.

E. Explain, by dividing and defining, one of the following: (1) Joints in woodworking. (2) Seams in dressmaking. (3) Strokes in rowing. (4) Door-hinges. (5) Systems of physical culture. (6) Methods of piano-playing.

F. Figures 10 and 11 are illustrations by different artists of a certain passage of Dickens's David Copperfield. If you have read David Copperfield, find the passage, and point out and explain the differences in the pictures.



I. Simple Argumentation and Informal Debating.

124. By argumentation a person tries to convince others that they ought to believe or to act as he wishes them to believe or to act. The very fact that he makes the attempt implies that there are at least two ways, more or less reasonable, of believing or acting in regard to the matter which he has at heart. There would be no room for argument about the matter if all thought alike about it. Suppose that the question has arisen in the school circles of your town whether the single long session with a very short noon and early dismissal, or the double-session plan (such as prevails in the lower grades) is best for your High School; and suppose that you have thought about it and personally are in favor of the former. Your reasons are sufficient for you, and probably also for others who think as you do. Perhaps they run about in this fashion : :

The Single-Session Plan is Better. Because

1. It wastes less time for nooning.

2. It saves several daylight hours for work at home or for earning money if that is necessary.

3. It gives opportunity for out-of-door exercise at favorable hours.

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