DIAGRAM 21.-Showing movement of enrollment and the number of graduates in nurse • training schools in the United States during the period 1880-90. 1886-7 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 DIAGRAM 22.-Showing nunber of graduates (passed an examination before faculty) in midwifery in France during the period 1880-88. Graduates in Midwifery of 1st and 2d classes. DIAGRAM 23.-Showing number of students in scientific schools and departments of colleges and universities (excluding manual training high schools) during the period 1880-90, and the degrees in science conferred during the same period. Scientific Land Depts. of Grant Colleg 2000 1000 Degrees in science (B. S., C. E., M. E., etc.). 1 |