PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY. NEW SERIES. - VOL. XXII. Containing the Papers read before the Society during the PUBLISHED BY WILLIAMS AND NORGATE, 14, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON, W.C. 2. 1922. Price Twenty-five Shillings nett. 55 ORIGIN GREAT BRITAIN. CONTENTS. VIII. THE LOGIC OF THE VEDANTA. By S. N. DASGUPTA IX.-SOME BYWAYS OF THE THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE. By X.-REALISM AND VALUES. By MARGARET MCFARLANE... ABSTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY FOR THE FORTY-THIRD SESSION PAPERS READ BEFORE THE SOCIETY. 1921-1922. Meeting at 21, Gower Street, W.C. 1, on October 10th, 1921, at 8 P.M. I. NOVELTY. THE PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. By F. C. S. SCHILLER. SINCE you have chosen me to be your President for this Fortythird Session of our Society, and since this honour imposes on me the duty of delivering a Presidential Address, you may fairly be said to have asked for it. And I, of course, am not the man to let you off. You are going to have it all right, and I expect that, before I have done, most of you will have had your patience severely tried. But the fault is yours, not mine, if we have to-night to consider the most detested of subjects, which runs odiously counter to every instinct and every habit of every being, animate and inanimate. Even a desperado like myself would hardly have dared to intrude it upon a gathering of respectable philosophers, if he could not quote precedents and claim support; if, that is, the greatest of living metaphysicians had not so effectively pleaded for a revision of the old Eleatic verdict, to which nearly all philosophers have assented with such uncritical docility and unthinking enthusiasm, that no place need be made for Novelty in our philosophies, because Novelty is as such ultimately unthinkable and impossible. Perhaps M. Bergson's greatest achievement is to have shaken this prejudice, and to have made Novelty a good philosophic problem. It is no longer mere impertinence to inquire into Novelty, to ask philosophers to recognize its existence, to beg B |