THE SPECIAL SESSION OF THE SOCIÉTÉ FRANÇAISE DE PHILOSOPHIE, HELD AT THE SORBONNE, PARIS, 27-31 DECEMBER, 1921. The following members accepted the invitation of the Société Française and attended the Session: Mrs. Beer, Prof. Wildon Carr, Prof. S. N. Dasgupta, Mr. T. Greenwood, Mr. C. R. S. Harris, Prof. R. F. A. Hoernlé, Sir Leslie Mackenzie, Miss H. D. Oakeley, the Hon. Eleanor Plumer, Dr. W. D. Ross, Mr. Leonard Russell, Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, Prof. J. Seth, Prof. J. A. Smith, Prof. W. R. Sorley, Dr. Jessie White, and Dr. Dorothy Wrinch. The following Members contributed papers which will be printed in the Bulletin of the Special Session: Prof. Wildon Carr, "The Nature of Scientific Knowledge; " Mr. T. Greenwood, "The Nature and Function of Geometrical Concepts"; Prof. R. F. A. Hoernlé, "Berkeley as the Forerunner of recent Philosophy of Physics"; Miss H. D. Oakeley, "The Derivation of Value"; Dr. W. D. Ross, "Plato's Later Development of the Ideal Theory"; Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, "Reality, Fact and Value"; Prof. J. A. Smith, "The Economic' Theory of the Concept"; Prof. W. R. Sorley, "La Notion de l'État et les Expériences Contemporaines"; Dr. Dorothy Wrinch, "Relativity." The Session was organized in four sections. The sections were : I. Logique et Philosophie des Sciences-President, M. P. Painlevé ; II. Métaphysique et Psychologie-President, M. Henri Bergson ; III. Histoire de la Philosophie-President, Prof. Lévy-Bruhl ; IV. Morale et Sociologie-President, Prof. C. Bouglé. There were four general Sessions, one for each section; the sections meeting separately in the morning on each day. The Session opened on December 27th in the Amphithéâtre Michelet at 10 a.m. with an address of welcome to the Delegates of the American, Belgian, English, and Italian Societies, by M. Xavier Léon, President of the Société Française de Philosophie. M. Léon Brunschvicg followed with an impressive "Hommage aux Morts." The first general Session was held at 2.30. M. Bergson presided. The subject of discussion was "Theory of Knowledge," and the theses submitted were by Prof. Wildon Carr and Dr. Schiller. T The second general Session, on December 28th, was presided over by Prof. Lévy-Bruhl. The subject of discussion was "The Relations of Philosophy with the Sciences from the beginning of the Eighteenth Century." The theses presented were by Prof. W. T. Bush and Prof. F. Enriques. The third general Session, on December 29th, was presided over by M. Painlevé. The subject of discussion was "The most recent Form of the Theory of Relativity." The theses presented were by Miss Wrinch, Prof. P. Langevin, and M. Painlevé. The fourth general Session was on December 30th. Prof. C. Bouglé presided. The subject of discussion was "Raison et Société." The theses discussed were by M. Chardon and M. Vermeil. There were receptions at the Rapprochement Universitaire, at the Sorbonne by the Rector and members of the Council of the University, and by M. Xavier Léon at his home in the Rue des Mathurins. On the evening of December 30th the Delegates were entertained at dinner at the Club de la Renaissance Française by the Société Française de Philosophie. M. Painlevé presided. Prof. Wildon Carr on behalf of the English Societies, Prof. R. B. Perry on behalf of the American Societies, M. Dupréel on behalf of the Belgian Societies, and Prof. Enriques on behalf of the Italian Societies returned thanks to the President and Members of the Société Française for the successful organization of the Session and for their most generous hospitality. The theses and a report of the discussions will be published in a special volume. Note by Treasurer.-By a resolution of the Committee the Financial Statement will henceforward be made for a year ending LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEMBERS FOR THE FORTY-FOURTH SESSION, 1922-1923. THE COUNCIL. PRESIDENT. A. N. WHITEHEAD, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. VICE-PRESIDENTS. BERNARD BOSANQUET, M.A., LL.D., F.B.A. (President, 1894–1898). VERY REV. DEAN HASTINGS RASHDALL, M.A., D.C.L., F.B.A. (President, 1904-1907). RIGHT HON. VISCOUNT HALDANE OF CLOAN, O.M., K.T., LL.D., F.R.S. F.B.A. (President, 1907-1908). S. ALEXANDER, M.A., LL.D., F.B.A. (President, 1908–1911). HON. BERTRAND RUSSELL, M.A., F.R.S. (President, 1911-1913). G. DAWES HICKS, M.A., PH.D., LITT.D. (President, 1913–1914). RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF BALFOUR, O.M., K.G., LL.D., F.R.S., F.B.A. (President, 1914-1915). H. WILDON CARR, D.LITT. (President, 1915-1918). G. E. MOORE, Sc.D., LL.D., F.B.A. (President, 1918-1919). F. C. S. SCHILLER, M.A., D.Sc. (President, 1921–1922). TREASURER. PROF. T. PERCY NUNN, London Day Training College, Southampton Row, W.C. 1. HONORARY MEMBERS. F. H. BRADLEY, M.A., LL.D., Merton College, Oxford. Prof. W. R. DUNSTAN, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., 38, Cranley Gardens, S.W. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Prof. J. MARK BALDWIN, c/o Harris Forbes & Co., 56, William Street, New York. HENRI BERGSON, 32, Rue Vital, Paris. Prof. J. M. CATTELL, Garrison, New York. Senator BENEDETTO CROCE, Trinità Maggiore 12, Naples. Prof. JOHN DEWEY, Columbia University, New York City. M. H. DZIEWICKI, 11, Sczepańska, Cracow, Poland. Prof. HARALD HÖFFDING, Carlsberg, Copenhagen. Prof. E. B. TITCHENER, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. MEMBERS. Elected. 1915. DOUGLAS AINSLIE, B.A., Athenæum Club, S. W. 1. 1885. Prof. S. ALEXANDER, M.A., LL.D., F.B.A., Vice-President, 24, Brunswick Road, Withington, Manchester. 1919. G. ANDERSON, M.A., 552, Lonsdale Street, Melbourne. 1921. H. M. ANDREWS, 9, Harcourt House, Cavendish Square, W. 1. 1922. 1913. Rev. H. DOUGLAS ANTHONY, M.A., B.Sc., The College, Richmond, Rev. FRANCIS W. AVELING, D.D., Ph.D., The Mission House, 1916. Prof. J. B. BAILLIE, M.A., D.Phil., Ladyhill, Bieldside, Aberdeenshire. 1908. Right Hon. The EARL OF BALFOUR, K.G., Vice-President, 4, Carlton Gardens, Pall Mall, S.W. 1. 1912. Prof. SURENDRA NATH BARAL, M.A., Gaurisankar-Sæter Lille-Elvedalen, Norway. 1915. Miss B. C. BARFIELD, Bicknell, Athenæum Road, Whetstone, N. 20. 1915. F. C. BARTLETT, B.A., 32, St. Barnabas Road, Cambridge. 1919. ROBERT J. BARTLETT, St. Hilda's, Christchurch Avenue, N.W.6. 1907. Mrs. MARGRIETA BEER, M.A., 65, College Court, Hammersmith, W. 1893. E. C. BENECKE, 182, Denmark Hill, S.E. 5. 1913. Col. E. H. BETHELL, 18, Hyde Park Square, W. 2. 1888. H. W. BLUNT, M.A., 183, Woodstock Road, Oxford. 1913. Prof. A. BONUCCI, Perugia, Italy. 1921. Prof. J. E. BOODIN, M.A., Ph.D., Carleton College, Minnesota, U.S.A. 1886. Prof. BERNARD BOSANQUET, M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., F.B.A., VicePresident, The Heath Cottage, Oxshott, Surrey. 1890. A. BOUTWOOD, Charity Commission, Whitehall, S.W. 1. 1919. W. R. V. BRADE, B.A., 34, Kingsmead Road, Tulse Hill, S.W. 2. W. O. BRIGSTOCKE, B.A., Royal Societies Club, St. James's, S.W. 1. 1919. |