ABSTRACT OF THE MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY FOR THE FORTY-THIRD SESSION. October 10th, 1921. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, President, in the Chair. -The President delivered the Inaugural Address on "Novelty" and invited discussion. The following members took part in the discussion.-Prof. Wildon Carr, Mr. Joad, Prof. Nunn, Prof. Whitehead, Mr. Hannay, Dr. Thomas, Mr. Cator, Mr. Ainslie and Mr. Mead. November 7th, 1921. Prof. Dawes Hicks, Vice-President, in the Chair.-Prof. J. H. Leuba read a paper on "Intuition in Experience and in Philosophy." In the discussion Mrs. Stephen, Mr. Raknes, Mr. Mead, Mr. Davies, Mr. Ainslie, Dr. Kramerisch and Prof. Whitehead took part. November 21st, 1921. Prof. Dawes Hicks, Vice-President, in the Chair.-Dr. F. W. Thomas read a paper on "An Indian Doctrine of Perception and Error." Mr. Cator, Mr. Mead and Mr. Hooper took part in the discussion. December 5th, 1921. Prof. Dawes Hicks, Vice-President, in the Chair.-Prof. James Johnstone read a paper on "The Limitations of a Knowledge of Nature." Prof. Nunn, Prof. Wildon Carr, Mr. Mead, Mr. Joad, Prof. Gates and Mr. Greenwood took part in the discussion. December 19th, 1921. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, President, in the Chair.-Mr. F. Tavani read a paper on "Physical Space and Hyperspaces." Mr. Bertand Russell, Dr. Wrinch, Miss Sinclair, Mr. Greenwood, Prof. Wildon Carr, Mr. Shelton, Dr. Jeffery and Dr. Goldsbrough took part in the discussion. January 9th, 1922. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, President, in the Chair. The President read a paper on "Mr. Russell's Analysis of Mind.” Mr. Joad, Prof. Hoernlé, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Ginsberg, Dr. Goldsbrough and Miss Stebbing took part in the discussion, and Mr. Bertand Russell replied to the criticisms of his book. 66 January 16th, 1922. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, President, in the Chair. -Mr. H. J. Paton read a paper on Plato's Theory of eixaσía. In the discussion Dean Inge, Mr. Leon and Prof. Dawes Hicks took part. February 6th, 1922. Prof. Wildon Carr, Vice-President, in the Chair.-Mr. A. H. Hannay read a paper on "Standards and Principles in Art." In the discussion Mr. Ainslie, Mr. Joad, Mr. Mead, Mr. Leon, Mrs. Roberts, Mr. Cator and Prof. Plimpton Adams took part. February 20th, 1922. Viscount Haldane, Vice-President, in the Chair. A Symposium on "The Idealistic Interpretation of Einstein's Theory" by Prof. Wildon Carr, Prof. Nunn, Prof. Whitehead and Dr. Dorothy Wrinch was read. The discussion was opened by the Chairman, and Mr. Joad, Mr. Mead, Dr. Jeffery and Prof. Nicholson took part. March 6th, 1922. Prof. J. S. Mackenzie, in the Chair.-Prof. S. N. Dasgupta read a paper on "The Logic of the Vedanta." In the discussion Prof. Wildon Carr, Dr. Thomas, Prof. Shastri and Mr. Mead took part. March 20th, 1922. Prof. Dawes Hicks, Vice-President, in the Chair. -Prof. R. F. A. Hoernlé read a paper on "Some Byways of the Theory of Knowledge." In the discussion Miss Stebbing, Mr. Joad, Prof. Wildon Carr, Mr. Cator and Mr. Ionides took part. April 10th, 1922. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, President, in the Chair. -Dr. G. E. Moore opened a discussion on "Dr. McTaggart's Nature of Existence." Miss Stebbing, Mr. Powell and Miss Oakeley took part. May 1st, 1922. Prof. T. P. Nunn, Treasurer, in the Chair.-Miss McFarlane read a paper on "Realism and Value." Prof. Wildon Carr, Miss Sinclair, Mr. Davies, Mrs. Duddington, Miss Hazlitt, Mr. Burns, Dr. Goldsbrough and Mrs. Roberts took part in the discussion. May 16th, 1922. Miss H. D. Oakeley, in the Chair.-Prof. Nunn opened a discussion on "Prof. Whitehead's Enquiry into the Principles of Natural Knowledge and The Concept of Nature." Prof. Wildon Carr, Miss Sinclair and Mr. Joad took part, and Prof. Whitehead gave an account, in reply to the criticisms on his books, of the relation of his work to the new theories in mathematics and physics. June 12th, 1922. Prof. Dawes Hicks, Vice-President, in the Chair. -Mr. T. Greenwood read a paper on "Geometry and Reality." In the discussion Prof. Edmund Husserl of Freiburg, Dr. Thomas, Mr. Constable, Dr. Jeffery, Dr. Tudor Jones and Prof. Wildon Carr took part. July 3rd, 1922. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, President, in the Chair.The Report of the Executive Committee for the Session, and the Treasurer's Financial Statement, were presented and adopted. The nominations by the Executive Committee of the Officers of the Society for the Forty-fourth Session were approved, and Prof. A. N. Whitehead was declared elected President; Prof. T. P. Nunn, Treasurer; Miss L. S. Stebbing, Librarian; and Prof. H. Wildon Carr, Honorary Secretary and Editor. The following six members to serve on the Executive Committee were elected:-Mr. Delisle Burns, Rev. W. F. Geikie-Cobb, Prof. G. Dawes Hicks, Mr. C. E. M. Joad, Miss May Sinclair and Dr. W. F. Thomas. Mr. Douglas Ainslie read a paper on "Benedetto Croce's Historiography." In the discussion the President and Prof. Wildon Carr, Miss Sinclair, Prof. Brough, Mr. Mead, Miss Stebbing, Mr. Hannay and Mr. Cator took part. JOINT SESSION OF THE ARISTOTELIAN SOCIETY, THE BRITISH PSYCHOLOGICAL SOCIETY AND THE MIND ASSOCIATION, HELD AT MANCHESTER, JULY 14TH-17TH, 1922. July 14th. In Hulme Hall at 9 p.m. Sir Henry A. Miers, ViceChancellor of the Victoria University, Manchester, in the Chair. The Right Rev. William Temple, Bishop of Manchester, gave the Inaugural Address on "Symbolism as a Basis for Metaphysics." A discussion followed, in which Prof. Wildon Carr, Prof. Lindsay, Mr. Richardson, Mr. Brosnan, Prof. Taylor, Dr. Schiller, Mr. Milburn and Sir Leslie Mackenzie took part. The Bishop of Manchester replied. July 15th. At the University Arts Building at 10 a.m. Prof. S. Alexander in the Chair. A Symposium on "Are History and Science different Kinds of Knowledge?" by Mr. R. G. Collingwood, Prof. A. E. Taylor and Dr. F. C. S. Schiller, was discussed. Discussion was opened by the writers of the papers. In the general discussion, Prof. Plimpton Adams, Canon Green, Prof. Powicke, Mr. Brosnan, Mr. Richardson, Dr. Moore and Mr. Ainslie took part. In the Psychological Laboratory at the same hour a meeting was held for the discussion of subjects of experimental psychology. Prof. T. H. Pear in the Chair. Dr. C. S. Myers read a paper on "Experiments on Musical Appreciation "; Mr. F. C. Bartlett, "Experiments on the Process of Conventionalization"; Mr. R. H. Thouless, "Experiments on Contrast Effect in a smoothly graded Disc"; Mr. Eric Farmer, "The Value of Curves of Output"; and Messrs. S. C. Jackson and S. Wyatt, "The Effect on Mental Fatigue of varying duration and quality of Rest Pauses." At 9 p.m. In Hulme Hall. Prof. T. H. Pear in the Chair. The Chairman referred to the great loss sustained by Psychology and Philosophy in the death of Dr. W. H. R. Rivers, whose participation in the present Congress had been part of the original arrangements. The meeting rose in silent expression of sympathy. A Symposium on "Is the Unconscious a Conception of Value in Psychology?" by Mr. G. C. Field, Dr. F. Aveling and Prof. J. Laird, was discussed. Dr. Mitchell, Dr. William Brown, Mr. Shand, Mr. Benjamin Rand, Mr. Thouless, Mr. Leonard Russell and Mr. Heath took part. July 16th. At Hulme Hall at 10 a.m. Prof. Wildon Carr in the Chair. The discussion on the Unconscious was resumed in order to consider the subject with special reference to the concrete facts of psycho-therapy. Dr. William Brown gave some typical cases, and indicated the theory of the unconscious which explained them. Prof. Laird, Mr. Field, Sir Leslie Mackenzie, Mr. Milburn, Mr. Thouless, Mr. Heath, Mr. Ainslie, Mr. Rand and Dr. Schiller took part in the discussion, and Dr. Brown replied. At 2 p.m. Dr. F. C. S. Schiller in the Chair. A Symposium on "The Relation between Sentiments and Complexes," by the late Dr. W. H. R. Rivers, Mr. A. G. Tansley, Prof. T. H. Pear, Dr. Bernard Hart, Mr. A. F. Shand and Dr. C. S. Myers was discussed. Mr. Shand, Prof. Pear and Dr. Myers opened the discussion, and Mr. Bartlett, Dr. Noble, Mr. Wheeler and Miss Iken took part. At 5 p.m. At 8.45 p.m. Prof. Wildon Carr in the Chair. Prof. A. N. Whitehead read a paper on "The Philosophical Aspects of the Principle of Relativity." The discussion was opened by the Chairman, and continued by Prof. Taylor, Mr. J. E. Turner, Prof. Alexander, Dr. Moore and Prof. Stout. Prof. Whitehead replied. In proposing the thanks of members to Mr. Nicklen, Warden of Hulme Hall, and to Mrs. Hogg, of Ashburne Hall, for the hospitality offered to the Congress, and for the comfort of the arrangements, Prof. Wildon Carr announced that the Societies had received and had accepted an invitation from Prof. A. Robinson, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Durham, to hold the Congress in Durham in 1923. |