PRINTED AT THE SCHOOLS OF INDUSTRY, AND SOLD BY LONGMAN AND CO. PATERNOSTER-ROW, LONDON, BOOKSELLERS. 1884. THE HISTORY OF THE RISE, INCREASE, AND PROGRESS, OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS: INTERMIXED WITH SEVERAL REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES. WRITTEN ORIGINALLY IN LOW-DUTCH BY WILLIAM SEWEL. PART III. THE HISTORY OF THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. THE SEVENTH BOOK. Having now left America, and being returned to England, let us go and see the state of persecution in London, where desperate fury now raged; though it was not in that chief city alone the Quakers, so called, were most grievously persecuted for a little before this time there was published in print a short_relation of the persecution throughout all England, signed by twelve persons, shewing that more than four thousand and two hundred of those called Quakers, both men and women, were in prison in England; and denoting the number of them that were imprisoned in each county, either for frequenting meetings, or for denying to swear, &c. Many of these had been grievously beaten, or their clothes torn or taken away from them; |