Whole amount of interest or profits received or earned, Times for the dividends fixed by the by-laws: January and July. The total amount of loans, with each specified rate of interest: $2,000, Number and amount of deposits received for previous year, 46 550 25 Number and amount of deposits of and exceeding $300 at any one time Amount of expenses of the corporation during previous year, 156 00 10,000 00 Date of examination by commissioner: July 10. BROOKLINE SAVINGS BANK-BROOKLINE. Incorporated Feb. 24, 1864. Number of corporators, 59. WM. H. LINCOLN, President. W. E. LINCOLN, Treasurer. Whole amount of interest or profits received or earned, $7,359 33 2,410 97 2,399 38 The total amount of loans, with each specified rate of interest: $4,000, 5 per cent.; $8,500, 54 per cent.; $44,637.50, 6 per cent.; $3,100, 64 per cent.; $6,950, 7 per cent.; $2,100, 8 per cent. Number of outstanding loans which are of an amount not exceeding $3,000 each, 33 Aggregate amount of the same, 37,787 50 Amount of investments from which no income is received, 1,416 78 Number of open accounts, 1,149 Number and amount of deposits received for previous year, Number and amount of deposits of and exceeding $300 at any one time Amount of expenses of the corporation during previous year, 1,075 00 5,000 00 CAMBRIDGEPORT SAVINGS BANK - CAMBRIDGE. BENJAMIN TILTON, President. EDWARD HYDE, Treasurer. Whole amount of interest or profits received, 2 per cent, Times for the dividends fixed by the by-laws: third Wednesday in January and July. The total amount of loans, with each specified rate of interest: $364,000, 4 per cent.; $100,000, 44 per cent.; $100,000, 43 per cent.; $50,000, 47 per cent.; $701,092.50, 5 per cent.; $49,700, 5 per cent.; $393,770, 6 per cent.; $199,630, 64 per cent.; $20,954.81, 7 per cent.; $9,650, 7 3-10 per cent.; $6,000, 73 per cent. Number of outstanding loans which are of an amount not exceeding $3,000 each, Aggregate amount of the same, $57,051 92 84,600 00 7,079 07 1,348 19 $20,100 00 15,000 00 $128,546 87 42,589 34 44,703 49 313 Number of open accounts, 6,983 Number and amount of deposits received for previous year, Number and amount of deposits of and exceeding $300 at any one time Amount of expenses of the corporation during previous year, This bank has been notified that these loans have exceeded the legal limit. |