City G8164 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS. Rec. Sept. 26, 1903 PREFACE. THE book now submitted to the public has so grown in the compilation that the editors have some difficulty in finding any trace of their original design. It was at first intended to meet a want often expressed in the Metropolitan Police Courts of some work embracing the statutes relating exclusively to the metropolis; but it was necessary to include in that many of the general statutes, and it was then found that by the addition of a very few more statutes the scope of the work might be very considerably enlarged and the book rendered, as it now stands, a comprehensive magisterial hand-book for the whole of England. Particular care has been taken to interfere as little as possible with the form of the statutes quoted, the great desirability of producing an accurate transcript having been constantly borne in mind; but the material to be compressed into the limits of one handy volume was too great to allow of the statutes being set out in extenso, neither was that found to be altogether desirable. For the sake of space therefore, as well as for more easy reference, the sections which relate to procedure and other matters of that nature have been collected into foot-notes and referred to as required, the cases cited being also placed in the foot-notes; by this arrangement the text has been confined almost entirely to the sections creating offences, &c., and it is hoped that greater clearness than is generally produced in works of this description has thus been attained. While it has been considered advisable to abbreviate the less important sections of the Acts (which are in every case placed between brackets), no pains have been spared to render the other parts an exact copy, each sheet as it has been issued from the press having been read and minutely compared with the statutes themselves. In the indictable offences the punishments (which are useless except as guides to the place of trial) have been omitted, and a short foot-note inserted instead showing the jurisdiction of the Sessions or Assizes and the provisions as to bail and costs. A full introduction on the duties and powers of magistrates and mode of procedure has been given, and it is hoped may prove of use not only to the magistrates themselves, but to all who practise before them; particular attention has also been paid to the duties of constables. It was a matter of regret to the editors that they were unable to publish the book in the beginning of the year; but the delay has been so far satisfactory in enabling them to incorporate the enactments of the session of 1874. Mr. Greenwood is desirous of acknowledging the great pains and unwearied energy bestowed on the work by his co-editor, on whom has devolved, not only his own original share of it, but, owing to Mr. Greenwood's removal from London in the early part of the year, the entire responsibility of incorporating the legislation of the last Session of Parliament, and also of arranging for the press and correcting the proof and revise sheets of the whole work. It is feared that in spite of every precaution errors will have crept in, indeed it is almost impossible to avoid them in a first edition, with so large a range of subjects; but it is hoped that they are neither many nor grave, and that the work will meet with approval. It is hardly necessary to add that the editors will feel themselves under personal obligation to any gentleman who will co-operate with them by sending notice of any inaccuracy or suggestions for the improvement of the work. LONDON, 2 November, 1874. |