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was turned. At the end of one minute, the blood was getting dark, the animal had begun to struggle, and the pulse was 120. During the course of the second minute, it struggled violently, and the pulse could not be reckoned. At the end of two minutes and a half, the animal had ceased to struggle, the respirations were few and heaving, and the pulse was 78. At the end of the third minute, the pulse was 60. In a fourth experiment, the pulse ranged from 88 to 96 before the stop-cock was turned. After half a minute, the pulse was 71, and the blood was somewhat darker. After two minutes and a half, the animal had ceased to struggle, the blood was as dark in the artery as in the vein, and the pulse was 70. At the end of the third minute, the efforts at breathing had nearly ceased, and the pulse was 66. In such experiments as these, it is impossible to ascertain the exact frequency of the pulse at the precise moment when the sensorial functions are suspended, in consequence of the struggles and convulsive movements with which this is preceded. Taking, however, all the circumstances of the experiments into account, and combining with them the facts ascertained in those previously detailed, to prove that the arterial and venous pressure is not diminished at the time that the animal has become insensible, we have little difficulty in arriving at the conclusion, that, though the pulse has become less frequent about the time that the insensibility has supervened, yet that this has not taken place to such an extent as to justify the opinion that the arrestment of the sensorial functions depends upon any diminished transmission of blood through the vessels of the brain. If a diminution in the frequency of the pulse, to the extent we have indicated, could produce insensibility, this would frequently present itself during the course of disease, and under other circumstances where nothing approaching to it is observed. It must also be remembered that the pulse, as ascertained before the experiment has been commenced, must have been more frequent than usual, from the terror of the animal. In these experiments, I regarded the animal as in a state of insensibility when the struggles and convulsive movements had ceased. The function of respiration continued for a short time after the suspension of the sensorial functions, but rapidly became enfeebled. The circulation of the dark blood in the vessels of the encephalon, therefore, arrests the functions of the cerebral hemispheres before those of the medulla oblongata.

Dr. Kay has performed several experiments,' from which he has drawn conclusions very different from those which we have just stated. He found, that when the abdominal aorta was cut across in a rabbit of the ordinary size, "nearly seven drams and three quarters of blood would escape from the divided aorta when respiration was unobstructed." He then proceeded to cut this vessel across at different periods after the admission of fresh air into the lungs was precluded, and found that, when cut across half a minute after this, the blood collected almost equaled what would have escaped, if the free access of air into the lungs had been permitted. In another animal it was cut across after a minute and a half, and five drams of blood escaped; when postponed to two minutes and a half, four drams were collected; and when delayed to the termination of the third minute, only two drams were collected. In judging of the value to be attached to these experiments of Dr. Kay, two circumstances are to be taken into account-the time an animal requires to bleed to death; and the precise time at which the sensorial functions are arrested. As there can be no doubt that an impediment to the circulation through the lungs does not occur in the course of the process of asphyxia, it is, therefore, a matter of considerable importance to ascertain not only the precise time at which the sensorial functions are arrested, but also the average period of time which the blood would continue to flow from a cut artery when the respiration is unobstructed, before we can venture to determine whether there is any relation between the suspension of the sen

1 Opus cit. p. 185-88.

sorial functions and the arrested circulation in the lungs. With the view of satisfying myself on these points, the abdominal aorta in a rabbit, breathing naturally, was cut across a little above its bifurcation. The blood continued to flow freely for about one minute; it flowed feebly for another minute; and very feebly for about forty seconds more. In this experiment, two minutes and forty seconds elapsed before the bleeding from the artery had ceased. Though in some subsequent experiments the hemorrhage had ceased in a somewhat shorter time, yet we believe that in the rabbit it seldom stops before two minutes have elapsed. With regard to the other point we have mentioned, viz. the exact period at which the sensorial functions are arrested, this has been most unaccountably overlooked by Dr. Kay. He seems not to have been aware that a dog generally becomes insensible in from two to two minutes and a half, and a rabbit in one minute and a half, after the complete occlusion of air from the lungs, so that experiments such as those he has related, made to ascertain the quantity of blood which flows from a cut artery at periods posterior to the occurrence of the suspension of the sensorial functions, cannot be adduced in explanation of effects which have previously happened. In performing the experiments as I have already mentioned, I took the cessation of the struggles and the convulsive movements of the animal as a test of insensibility. When a ligature is tied tightly around the trachea of a rabbit, the animal moves about nimbly at first, but before one minute and a half have elapsed, it has fallen down in a state of insensibility, and the attempts at respiration are few and heaving. As the manifestation of the functions of the medulla oblongata, upon which respiration depends, are not necessarily linked with that of the functious of the cerebral hemispheres or the sensorial functions, it must be evident that, in attempting to discover the cause of the cessation of the mechanical movements of the chest, the frequency of the respirations ought to be attended to, and not the suspension of the sensorial functions. This circumstance has not been overlooked by us in performing these experiments; and we are satisfied that the function of respiration is much enfeebled at a period of the process of asphyxia, when this cannot be explained by any diminution in the quantity of blood sent to the medulla oblongata. No doubt, respiratory movements may be observed after the pulsations have been very considerably diminished in frequency, but these have become few in number, and performed at long intervals before this condition of the circulation has been induced; but it is quite possible that the ultimate cessation of the functions of the medulla oblongata may be hastened by the diminished quantity of blood sent along the arteries supplying it. If we proceed, therefore, to analyse the experiments of Dr. Kay, bearing in mind the length of time the blood continues to flow from the divided abdominal aorta of a rabbit, and the precise time at which the sensorial functions are arrested in the process of asphyxia, we must arrive at very different conclusions from those which he has deduced from them.

In further confirmation of the views we are advocating, we may appeal to the experience of every practical physician; for he cannot have failed to observe the gradual torpor that frequently creeps over the sensorial functions in severe cases of bronchitis, when an ill-arterialised blood is circulating in the vessels of the brain, and the pulse is still pretty strong at the wrist.

We feel very strongly convinced that Dr. Kay has fallen into another error in stating, that, three minutes after the entrance of air into the lungs had been prevented, the blood in the arteries had assumed the venous hue "still imperfectly;" for, in numerous experiments, various gentlemen who were present all agreed that the colour of the blood in the arteries was as dark as that contained in the accompanying veins at a period anterior to this. The statement of Bichat, that the blood in the arteries exactly resembles venous blood in a minute and a half or two minutes, is, Í am satisfied, much nearer the truth.

From the various facts we have mentioned, we have arrived at the con

clusion, that the suspension of the functions of the encephalon are chiefly, if not entirely, dependent upon the circulation of venous blood in the arteries. We do not, however, maintain that venous blood exerts any noxious influence upon the functions of the nervous texture; but believe that the effects are solely to be attributed to the want of the proper excitation of the organ; for, when the circulation of arterial blood is renewed, its functions rapidly remanifest themselves, provided that this be done within a given time.

We believe, then, that, in asphyxia, the order of succession in which the vital processes are arrested, is as follows:-The venous blood is at first transmitted freely through the lungs, and reaches the left side of the heart, by which it is driven through all the textures of the body. As the blood becomes more venous, its circulation through the vessels of the brain deranges the sensorial functions, and rapidly suspends them, so that the individual becomes unconscious of all external impressions. The functions of the medulla oblongata are enfeebled about the same period that the sensorial functions are arrested, but are not fairly suspended for some time longer. Immediately after the sensorial functions are suspended, and the blood has become still more venous, it is transmitted with difficulty through the capillaries of the lungs, and consequently begins to collect in the right side of the heart. A smaller quantity of blood must now necessarily reach the left side of the heart; and this diminution of the quantity of blood sent along the arteries, conjoined with its venous character, and the ultimate arrestment of the circulation, being circumstances incompatible with the manifestation of vitality in the other tissues of the body, general death is sooner or later induced.

The persistence of the muscular contractility after the arrestment of the circulation varies, as we have had frequent opportunities of witnessing, according to the age and strength of the individual, and also in a very marked manner from constitutional causes, which are unknown; and in this way we are able to explain how the heart's action may be renewed a considerable time in some cases after apparent death, while in others all the attempts to restore animation, though commenced shortly after the suspension of the sensorial functions, have failed. It must be obvious, that the first and principal object in the treatment of asphyxia is to restore the circulation through the lungs. If once we succeed in this, and thus renew the heart's action, the arterial blood is again transmitted to the encephalon and the other tissues of the body; the functions of the medulla oblongata remanifest themselves; the sensorial functions are gradually restored; and the animal beat return The derangement of the functions of the medulla oblongata and the sensorial functions are not necessarily coequal in extent, and never in importance, in asphyxia, and this is well observed in some of those cases of death from disease or narcotic poisons, where the process of asphyxia occurs more slowly and gradually. In these it is not unusual to find the sensorial functions nearly or entirely suspended, at a time when the respiration is pretty effectively carried on; and it is evident, from various facts, that the arrestment of the muscular respiratory movements is not dependent upon the suspension of the sensorial functions, but upon those of the medulla oblongata.

We shall now proceed to make some remarks upon the increased force with which the blood is sent along the arteries during muscular contraction. It has been proved, as we have already mentioned, that the blood is sent with greater velocity and increased force along the arteries during the contraction of the muscles of the limbs and trunk, as in exercise, and this takes place in a more marked manner during violent attempts at expiration. On the other hand, during violent attempts at inspiration, the pulse becomes less frequent, feeble, and soft. In some of the experiments we performed, as we have already mentioned, the mercury rose as high as the eleventh, and in one to the twelfth inch of the scale attached to the tube, during violent attempts at expiration, and the struggles of the animal; while it fell as low as the second inch, during violent attempts at inspiration. During these

different conditions, the pressure upon the external surface of the heart, and its position in the chest, must be somewhat altered, a certain amount of pressure being applied to its outer surface during expiration, and removed during inspiration; and it recedes deeper into the chest during inspiration, and again comes forward during expiration; but we may safely set those aside as exerting any appreciable influence in the production of the phenomena in question. Müller believes that the increased contractions of the heart, accompanying muscular movements of the trunk and limbs, may be caused by a sympathetic or reflex action-an excitant effect being produced in the filaments of the nerves distributed in the contracting muscles, which, being conveyed inwards to the spinal cord, is reflected upon the heart. As, however, he adduces no direct evidence in favour of this opinion, we do not feel inclined to abandon the old explanation, that this is merely dependent upon the mechanical acceleration of the blood, by the pressure exerted upon the blood vessels by the surrounding muscles during their contraction, and the more especially as we have witnessed several facts which at least prove that a great part of the phenomena in question may arise from this cause. We have frequently remarked, that when an animal was breathing very rapidly, even above 100 in a minute, through a tube in the trachea, that the mercury did not rise higher in the instrument than before, and that the range was limited, provided the expirations were always short, and, consequently, not attended with much compression of the blood vessels in the thorax and abdomen. On the other hand, a marked rise of the mercury took place whenever a forced expiration was made, however slowly this was performed. It was also repeatedly observed, that when one instrument was fixed in the femoral artery, and another in the femoral vein of the opposite limb, the mercury stood considerably higher in the instrument fixed in the vein than in that fixed in the artery, when the animal began to struggle violently. In few of the experiments did the mercury ri.e much above eleven inches in the instrument in the artery, while it frequently ran over the top of a tube twelve inches high, with considerable force, in the instrument fixed in the vein-showing us in some of these experiments a prodigious increase in the pressure upon the inner surface of the venous system, equal to between three and four pounds on every square inch of surface. This greater elevation of the mercury in the instrument fixed in the vein, can only be explained by the effects of the mechanical pressure of the surrounding muscles becoming increased, as the extent of the vascular tubes over which it is exerted becomes elongated, and may afford some indications of the greatly increased impulse communicated to the blood by the powerful pressure exerted by the contraction of the muscles of the chest and abdomen upon their contained blood vessels, when aided by the contractions of the muscles of the limbs, and favoured by the presence and particular disposition of the valves of those blood vessels. It is difficult to determine, then, how much this increased flow of blood along the vessels during violent expirations, and during the contraction of the muscles of the limbs, depends upon more forcible contractions of the heart, or upon the mechanical effects of temporary pressure upon the blood vessels. The increased rapidity and strength of the contractions of the heart during violent expirations, must be partly attributed to the compression of the blood vessels of the lungs, and the transmission of an increased quantity of blood to the left side of the heart, while the diminution in the strength and frequency of the pulse during inspiration must, in a great measure at least, depend upon the sudden removal of that pressure, so that a great part of the blood propelled during a few of the contractions of the right side of the heart, which immediately succeed the sudden dilatation of the thorax, goes to fill up the blood vessels of the lungs to that state of

In mentioning this fact in the article Heart, in the Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology, the word inspiration has been inadvertently printed for expiration, and

vice versa.

plenitude in which they were before the preceding expiration, and a small quantity only reaches the left side of the heart.

We do not think it necessary to make any remarks upon the question, whether or not the blood stagnates in the lungs, in consequence of the cessation of the chemical changes between the blood and the atmospheric air, or upon any supposed effect which the venous blood may have upon the contractility of the capillary vessels of the lungs, as this has already been most ably and most satisfactorily done by Dr. Alison. He has shown that this phenomenon is to be referred to an interesting general law in physiology, which has hitherto not received the attention which its importance demands, by which the movements of nutritious juices is influenced by the chemical changes, or, as he terms them, the vital attractions connected with the chemical changes, which are constantly going on in the capillary vessels between those juices and the surrounding tissues, by which nutrition and secretion are effected. That such a moving power exists, regulating the quantity of blood which flows through each individual organ, independent of any impulse from the living solids, cannot be doubted.' Before arterial blood can be transmitted freely through any tissue or organ, it is not only necessary that the contractions of the heart be performed with a certain amount of force, but that the actions of nutrition and secretion be also in operation; so in the same manner, before the blood can be transmitted through the lungs, it is not only necessary that the right side of the heart retains its contractility, but that the chemical changes between the blood and the atmospheric air should proceed. This doctrine is still further illustrated by the fact which we have ascertained, that, when the blood in the systemic circulation becomes decidedly venous, and unfit for carrying on the process of nutrition, it passes less freely through the capillary arteries into the veins.


Robertson on the Teeth.2

We have had, in recent times, several excellent treatises on the teeth, but they have been directed rather to the anatomy and physiology of those organs than to their pathological and therapeutical relations.

The author is of opinion that the destruction of the teeth is effected by the corrosive or chemical action of the solid particles of the food, which have been retained, and undergone a process of putrefaction or fermentation, in the several parts of the teeth best adapted for their reception. This we think very questionable. The process of decay certainly commences, in general, in the interior of the tooth, whence it proceeds towards the circumference; and we think there is great reason for the belief, that the decay is rather dependent upon intrinsic than extrinsic causes. The work, however, contains many valuable practical observations, and is adapted both for the professional and the lay reader.

1 Vide Outlines of Physiology, 3d edition, p. 22-25, 61–64, and 224.

2 A Practical Treatise on the Human Teeth; showing the Causes of their Destruction, and the Means of their Preservation. By William Robertson. With plates. First American from the second London edition. 8vo. pp. 229. Philadelphia, 1841.

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