Imágenes de páginas


Dana's Wheaton. Dip. Cor.

Evans, Int. Law Cases.




Fiore, Code.

For. Rel.



Garner, Int. Law and The World War.



Harv. Law Rev.


Fourth edition edited and revised by Gordon E. Sherman. New York, 1916.

Frantz Despagnet: Cours de Droit International Public. Fourth edition revised and augmented by Ch. de Boeck. Paris, 1910. See Wheaton.

Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, 1783-1789. 3 vols. Washington, 1837. or,

Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States, published by the Department of State for the years 1861-1868. No volume was published for the year 1869.

Lawrence B. Evans: Leading Cases on International Law. Chicago, 1917. Charles G. Fenwick: The Neutrality Laws of the United States. Washington, 1913. David Dudley Field: Outlines of an International Code. Second edition. New York, 1876. Pasquale Fiore:

Noureau Droit International Public. Second edition. Translated into French by Chas. Antoine. 3 vols. Paris,


Pasquale Fiore: International Law Codified and Its Legal Sanction. English translation from the fifth Italian edition with an introduction by Edwin M. Borchard. New York, 1918.

United States, Department of State. Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, 1870 (The volume for the year 1913 was the latest one published during 1920.) Roland R. Foulke: International Law. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1920.

James W. Garner: International Law and The World War. 2 vols. New York and London, 1920.

William Edward Hall: International Law. Seventh edition edited by A. Pearce Higgins. Oxford, 1917.

Henry Wager Halleck: International Law or Rules Regulating the Intercourse of States in Peace and War. Third edition by Sir G. Sherston Baker. London, 1893. Fourth edition by Sir G. Sherston Baker, assisted by M. N. Drucquer. 2 vols. London, 1908. Harvard Law Review. Cambridge (Mass.), 1887

August Wilhelm Heffter: Das Europäische


Hertslet's Commercial Treaties

Völkerrecht der Gegenwart. Eighth edition by F. H. Geffcken. Berlin, 1888.

Amos S. Hershey: The Essentials of International Law. New York, 1912.

A collection of the Treaties and Conventions, and Reciprocal Regulations, subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers. London, 1820- The original compiler was Lewis Hertslet. The present editors and compilers are Edward Parkes and W. L. Berrow.

Hertslet's Map of Europe by The Map of Europe by Treaty. Showing the Treaty.

various political and territorial changes which have taken place since the general peace of 1814. Compiler, Sir Edward Hertslet. 4 vols. London, 1875–1891.

Higgins, Hague Peace Confer- A. Pearce Higgins: The Hague Peace Con


Holland, Studies.

ferences and other international conferences concerning the laws and usages of war; texts of conventions with commentaries. Cambridge (Eng.), 1909.

Thomas Erskine Holland: Studies in International Law. Oxford, 1898.

Holland, War and Neutrality. Same author: Letters to The Times upon


War and Neutrality. Second edition. London, 1914 (with a Supplement to 1916. London, 1917).

Frederick William Holls: The Peace Conference at the Hague. New York, 1900.

Hurst and Bray's Russian and Russian and Japanese Prize Cases. (Being a Japanese Prize Cases.

Ills. Law Rev.


Int. Law Assoc. Reports.


Jour. Comp. Leg.


collection of translations and summaries of
the principal cases decided by the Russian
and Japanese Prize Courts arising out of the
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.) Editors:
C. J. B. Hurst and F E. Bray. 2 vols. Lon-
don. 1912-1913.

Illinois Law Review. Chicago, 1906-

International Law Association (The Asso-
ciation for the Reform and Codification of the
Law of Nations), Conferences, 1873–

Robert Jacomet: Les Lois de la Guerre Continentale. Paris, 1913.

Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law (prior to 1918 entitled Journal of the Society of Comparative Legislation). London. First Series, 1896-1897; "New Series", 1899-1918; Third Series, 1919James Kent: Commentary on International Law. Second edition by J. T. Abdy. Cambridge (Eng.), 1878. Cited as Abdy's Kent.



Lawrence's Wheaton.

Law Quar. Rev.


Magoon, Reports.


Malloy's Treaties.

MS. Desp.

MS. Dom. Let.

MS. Inst.

MS. Misc. Let.

Martens, Recueil.

Martin and Baker.


Mich. Law Rev.
Minn. Law Rev.
Moore, Arbitrations.


Richard Kleen: Lois et Usages de la Neu-
tralité d'après le Droit International, Con-
ventionnel et Coutumier des États civilisés. 2
vols. Paris, 1898-1900.

Thomas J. Lawrence: Principles of Inter-
national Law. Third edition, Boston, 1900.
Fourth edition, London, 1911. Sixth edition,
Boston, 1915.

See Wheaton.

The Law Quarterly Review.

London. 1885Franz von Liszt: Das Völkerrecht systematisch dargestellt. Ninth edition, Berlin, 1913. Eleventh edition, Berlin, 1920.

James Lorimer: The Institutes of the Law
of Nations. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1883-1884.
Charles E. Magoon: Reports on the Law of
Civil Government under Military Occupa-
tion. Washington, 1902.

Sir Henry Sumner Maine: International Law.
New York, 1888.

Treaties, Conventions, International Acts,
Protocols and Agreements between the United
States of America and Other Powers (1776-
1909). Compiled by William M. Malloy,
under Resolution of the Senate, January 18,
1909. Senate Document No. 357, Sixty-first
Congress, Second Session. 2 vols., 1910.
United States, Department of State.
script Despatches.


United States, Department of State. Manuscript Domestic Letters.

United States, Department of State. Manuscript Instructions.

United States, Department of State. Manuscript Miscellaneous Letters.

See Rec.

F. de Martens: Traité de Droit International.
Translated from the Russian into French
by Alfred Léo. 3 vols. Paris, 1883-1887.
Harold H. Martin and Joseph R. Baker:
Laws of Maritime Warfare Affecting Rights
and Duties of Belligerents as Existing August
1, 1914. Department of State. Washington,

Alexandre Mérignhac: Traité de Droit Public
International. 3 vols. Paris, 1905-1912.
Michigan Law Review. Ann Arbor, 1902-
Minnesota Law Review. Minneapolis, 1917-
John Bassett Moore: History and Digest of
the International Arbitrations to which the

Moore, Dig.

Moore, Extradition.

Naval War College, Int. Law Situations; Int. Law Topics; Int. Law Documents.

Naval Instructions Governing Maritime Warfare.


United States has been a party, together with appendices containing the treaties relating to such arbitrations, and historical and legal notes on other international arbitrations ancient and modern, and on the domestic commissions of the United States for the adjustment of international claims. House Misc. Doc. No. 212, Fifty-third Congress, Second Session. 6 vols. Washington, 1898. John Bassett Moore: Digest of International Law as embodied in diplomatic discussions, treaties and other international agreements, international awards, the decisions of municipal courts and the writings of jurists, and especially in documents, published and unpublished, issued by Presidents and Secretaries of State of the United States, the opinions of the Attorneys-General, and the decisions of courts, Federal and State. House Document No. 551, Fifty-sixth Congress, Second Session. 8 vols. Washing

ton, 1906.

John Bassett Moore: A Treatise on Extradition and Interstate Rendition. 2 vols. Boston, 1891.

Annual publications of United States Naval War College, Newport, embracing topics, discussions and conclusions pertaining to international law, also the texts of treaties and other documents, under direction of Prof. John Bassett Moore for the year 1901, and since under that of Prof. George Grafton Wilson. Washington, 1901–

Instructions of the Navy of the United States Governing Maritime Warfare. Issued by the Secretary of the Navy, June 30, 1917. Washington, 1918.

Recueil d'actes internationaux de l'Empire Ottoman. Collected and published by Gabriel Effendi Noradounghian. 4 vols. Paris, 1897-1903.

Nouv. Rec. or Nouv. Rec. Gén. See Rec. or Nouv. Rec. Supp.


Nys, Origines.

Oakes & Mowat.

Ernest Nys: Le Droit International. 3 vols. Brussels and Paris, 1904-1906. Second edition, Brussels, 1912.

Ernest Nys: Les Origines du Droit International. Brussels, 1894.

The Great European Treaties of the Nineteenth Century. Edited by Sir Augustus






Pol. Sc. Quar.



Presidents' Messages.

Ralston, Arbitral Law.

Ralston's Report.


Rec.; Rec. Supp.; Rec., 2 ed.; Nouv. Rec.; Nouv. Rec. Supp.; Nouv. Rec. Gén.

Oakes and R. B. Mowat, with an introduction by Sir H. Erle Richards. Oxford, 1918. Marqués de Olivart: Tratado de Derecho internacional público. 4 vols. Madrid, 1903


Paul Morgan Ogilvie: International Waterways. New York, 1920.

L. Oppenheim: International Law. Second edition. 2 vols. London, 1912. Third edition edited by Ronald F. Roxburgh. Vol. I, London, 1920.

Sir Robert Phillimore: Commentaries upon International Law. 4 vols. London. First edition, 1854-1861; Second edition, 18711874. Third edition, 1879-1889.

Robert Piédelièvre: Précis de droit international public ou droit des gens. 2 vols. Paris, 1894-1895.

Political Science Quarterly. (Now published at New York) 1886–

John Biddle Porter: International Law, having special reference to the laws of war on land. Second edition. Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Press of the Army service schools. 1914.

P. Pradier-Fodéré: Traité de Droit International Public, Européen et Américain. 8 vols. Paris, 1885-1906.

A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents, prepared under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing, of the House and Senate, pursuant to an Act of the Fifty-second Congress of the United States. 20 vols. New York (1917).

Jackson H. Ralston: International Arbitral Law and Procedure; being a résumé of the procedure and practice of international commissions, and including the views of arbitrators upon questions arising under the law of nations. Boston, 1910.

Venezuelan Arbitrations of 1903, including protocols, personnel and rules of commissions, opinions and summary of awards, etc. Prepared by Jackson H. Ralston, assisted by W. T. Sherman Doyle. Washington, 1904 Recueil des principaux traités d'alliance, de paix, de trêve, de neutralité, de commerce, de limites, d'échange, etc. (1761-1801.) 7 vols. Göttingen, 1791-1801. Compiler: Georg Friedrich von Martens. Cited as Rec.

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