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ology? that puts itself abreast the vast divine tendencies of Science? that absorbs the superb suggestions of the Grand Opera?

I can see but one limitation to the theory of Words -the theory of Things. Is it for us who are borne on the billowy tides of this new humanity to limit the unfolding opulence of God-to put a girdle round the widening future of our civilization and our speech? Freely, then, may the American literat proceed to quarry and build in the architecture of the English Language. Of course the conditions of this free expressive activity are high. To him who would mould our language must go many qualities-must go large knowledge of the philosophy of speech, must go rich æsthetic instincts, among the rest.

The sources of future enrichings of the Anglican speech are the same old fountains. In our native roots, in the plastic forms of the antique, in the noble modern idioms are the magazines of word-wealth. How much has the French language been to English! How much has it yet to give! Nation of sublime destinies, noble, naïve, rich with humanity, bearers of freedom, upholding on her shoulders the history of Europe for a thousand years! The Italian gifts, too, direct and indirect, are not nothing to America. Spain is not nothing. How much they have to contribute-Italy with her rich and rosy nature, her grand style of music and consummate intuitions of art; Spain, so noble, so proud, so much to manners, to behavior! I would not underrate the German and Scandinavian influences-mighty race, spiritual, aspiring, individual, melancholy, prudent.

The flower and aroma of a Nation is its Language. The conditions of a grand language are a grand life. For words are metaphysical beings, and draw of the life of the mind. Not in these wondrous hieroglyphs of Words, not in these mystic runes, is the power: in the Mind which loads these airy messengers with burdens of meaning is the vis and vivification of speech. Over the transformations of a Language the genius of a nation unconsciously presides the issues of Words > represent issues in the national thought. And in the vernal seasons of a nation's life the formative energy puts forth verbal growths opulent as flowers in spring

[blocks in formation]

Abandon, 242, 263, | Andrew Farrara, 215. | Auricular, 251.


Absurd, 8. X

Aurora, 57. X

Auspicious, 15. X

Abundance, 32.

Author, 105.

Academy, 202.

Azure, 279.

Accommodate, 163.

Accouchement, 282.

Bacchanalian, 202.

Accoucheur, 282.
Acre, 43.
Acuteness, 21.
Adieu, 108.
Æsthetic, 251.
Affable, 104, 264.
Affront, 45.
Agreeable, 181.
Ajax, 163.
Album, 104.
Alcohol, 279.
Alcoran, 261.
Alderman, 81.
Alembic, 279.
Algebra, 279.
Alkali, 279.
Almanach, 279.

Ambrosia, 67.
Ambrosial, 67.x

Amen, 279.

Amiable, 247.

Amical, 247.

Amuck, 279.


Anemone, 59.
Angel, 174.

Animadvert, 196.
Animosity, 194.
Annoyance, 41.
Anointed, 258.
Anon, 105.
Antagonist, 243.


Antique Henry, 262.
Apathy, 21.
Apollo, 214.
Apothecary, 227.
Aqua Vitæ, 168.
Aquiline, 251.
Arras, 214.
Arrowsmith, 220.
Artifice, 233.
Ascendant, 61.
Ass, 149.
Astonish, 42.
Astral, 249.
Atlas, 202.
Attaché, 282.
Attention, 57.
Auditory, 251.
Auburn, 103.

Au fait, 282.

Back, 223.
Bacon, 222.
Bad, 184.
Badinage, 283.
Bag and Nails, 160.
Baker, 220.
Balderdash, 167.
Bamboozle, 167.
Ban, 184 (note).
Bandit, 263 (note).
Banish, 263.
Bane, 184 (note).
Bans, 263.
Bantam, 280.
Barbarian, 126.
Barnburner, 131.
Barnum, 207.
Bayonet, 214.
Bazaar, 279.
Bead, 238.
Bead-roll, 238.
Beastliness, 149.
Bear, 132, 242.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bull and Mouth, 160. Chancellor, 221.

Bullock, 222.

Bumpkin, 129.

Burgundy, 214.

Burns, 219.

Butcher, 220, 227.

Butler, 220, 239.

By cock and pye, 136.

By hook or by crook,


By'r lady, 135.

By the dog! 134.

By'r lakin, 136.

By the Lord, 136.

By these pickers and

stealers, 136.

By Yea and Nay, 136.

Bloody, 247.

Boileau, 222.

By these ten bones,

[blocks in formation]

Bombast, 38.

Booby, 129.

Boor, 115.

Cabala, 279.

[blocks in formation]

Character, 183.

Charlatan, 129, 278.

Charles, 115 (note).

Charm, 63.

Charter-house, 160.
Chartist, 98.

Chase, 219.

Chattel, 87.

Chevalier d'Industrie,


Chez-nous, 106.
Childish, 246.
Childlike, 245.
China, 279.
Chintz, 280.
Chit-chat, 169.
Chivalry, 93.
Chocolate, 279.
Chosen, 242.
Chouse, 204.
Christen, 205.
Churl, 115.
Church, 219.
Cinque-Ports, 144.
Circumspection, 21.
Circumvent, 262.
Clannish, 181.
Clarke, 221.
Clergie, 95.
Clerk, 94.

Close-fisted, 167.

Cape of Good Hope, Clothier, 226.


Capillary, 249.

Capricious, 173.

Caravan, 279.
Cardiac, 248.
Carpenter, 220.
Carter, 220.

Cat, 120.
Cater, 47.

Clown, 8. X

Coat, 240.

Cobalt, 60.

Cockade, 170.
Codger, 151.

Coffin, 219.
Cognac, 214.

Collier, 220.

Comfort, 181.

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