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an inn or victualling-house wherein to refresh the feebler sort. Here, therefore, was grunting, and puffing, and sighing; while one tumbleth over a bush, another sticks fast in the dirt; and the children, some of them, lost their shoes in the mire: while one cries out, I am down! and another, Ho! where are you? and a third, The bushes have got such fast hold on me, I think I cannot get away from them.

An Arbour on


Then they came at an Arbour, warm, and promising much refreshing to the Pilgrims; for it was the finely wrought above-head, beautified with greens, furnished with benches and settles. It also had in it a soft couch, whereon the weary might lean. This, you must think, all things considered, was tempting; for the Pilgrims already began to be foiled with the badness of the way; but there was not one of them that made so much as a motion to stop there; yea, for aught I could perceive, they continually gave so good heed to the advice of their guide, and he did so faithfully tell them of dangers, and of the nature of dangers, when they were at them, that usually, when they were nearest to them, they did most pluck up their spirits, and hearten one another to deny the flesh. This Arbour was called The Slothful's Friend, on purpose to allure, if it The name of the might be, some of the Pilgrims there to take up Arbour. their rest when weary.

The way difficult

to find.

I saw then in my dream, that they went on in this their solitary ground, till they came to a place at which a man is apt to lose his way. Now, though, when it was light, their guide could well enough tell how to miss those ways that led wrong, yet in the dark he was put to a stand; but he had in his pocket a map of all ways The guide has a leading to or from the Celestial City; wherefore map of all ways he struck a light, (for he never goes also without leading to or from his tinder-box,) and takes a view of his book or the city. map, which bids him to be careful in that place to turn to the right hand. And had he not been careful here to look in his map, they had all, in probability, been smothered in the mud; for just a little before them, (and that at the end of the cleanest way too,) was a pit, none knows how deep, full of nothing but mud, there made on purpose to destroy the Pilgrims in.

God's book.

Then thought I with myself, who that goeth on pilgrimage, but would have one of these maps about him, that he may look, when he is at a stand, which is the way he must take?

Then they went on then in this Enchanted Ground till they


An Arbour, two asleep therein.

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[Sleepers on the Enchanted Ground.]

came to where there was another Arbour, and it was built by the high-way side; and in that Arbour there lay two men, whose names were Heedless

and Too-bold. These two went thus far on pilgrimage; but, here being wearied with their journey, sat down to rest themselves, and so fell fast asleep. When the Pilgrims saw them, they stood still, and shook their heads, for they knew that the sleepers were in a pitiful case. Then they consulted what to do; whether to go on, and leave them in their sleep, or to step to them, and try to awake them. So they concluded to go to them, and awake them; that is, if they could; but with this caution, namely, to take heed that they themselves did not sit down, nor embrace the offered benefit of that Arbour.

awake them.

So they went in, and spake to the men, and The Pilgrims try to called each by his name, (for the guide, it seems, did know them ;) but there was no voice nor answer. Then the guide did shake them, and do what he could to disturb them. Then said one of them, I will pay you when I take my money. At which the guide shook his head. I will fight so long as I can hold my sword in my hand, said the other. At that one of the children laughed.

Then said Christiana, What is the meaning of this? The guide said, They talk in their sleep. If you strike them, Their endeavour is beat them, or whatsoever else you do to them, they fruitless. will answer you after this fashion; or, as one of them said in old time, when the waves of the sea did beat upon him, and he slept as one upon the mast of a ship: "When I awake, I will seek it again."* You know, when men talk in their sleep, they say any thing; but their words are not governed either by faith or reason. There is an incoherency in their words now, as there was before, betwixt their going on pilgrimage and setting down here. This then is the mischief of it; when heedless ones go on pilgrimage, 't is twenty to one but they are served thus; for this Enchanted Ground is one of the last refuges that the enemy of Pilgrims has; wherefore it is, as you see, placed almost at the end of the way, and so it standeth against us with the more advantage. For when, thinks the enemy, will these fools be so desirous to sit down as when they are weary? and when so like to be weary as when almost at their journey's end? Therefore it is, I say, that the Enchanted Ground is placed so nigh to the land Beulah, and so near the end of their race. Wherefore let Pilgrims look to themselves, lest it happen to them as it has done to these that, as you see, are fallen asleep, and none can awake them.

The light of the


Then the Pilgrims desired with trembling to go forward; only they prayed their guide to strike a light, that they might go the rest of the way by the help of the light of a lantern. So he struck a light. and they went by the help of that through the rest of this way, though the darkness was very great.

But the children began to be sorely weary; and The children cry they cried out unto him that loveth Pilgrims, to for weariness. make their way more comfortable. So, by that they had gone a little farther, a wind arose that drove away the fog; so the air became more clear.

Yet they were not off (by much) of the Enchanted Ground; only now they could see one another better, and the way wherein they should walk.

Now, when they were almost at the end of this ground, they perceived that a little before them was a solemn noise, as of one that was much concerned. So they went on, and Standfast upon his looked before them; and behold they saw, as they knees on the Enthought, a Man upon his knees, with hands and chanted Ground. eyes lifted up, and speaking, as they thought, earnestly to one that

• Prov. xxiii. 34, 35. 12 Pet. i. 19.

was above. They drew nigh, but could not tell what he said; so they went softly till he had done. When he had done, he got up, and began to run towards the Celestial City. Then Mr. Greatheart called after him, saying, Soho! friend, let us have your company, if you go, as I suppose you do, to the Celestial City. So the man stopped, and they came up to him. But as soon as Mr. Honest saw him, he said, I know this Man. Then said Mr. Valiant-for-truth, The story of Stand. Prithee, who is it? It is one, said he, that comes from whereabout I dwelt; his name is Stand-fast;


he is certainly a right good Pilgrim.

So they came up to one another; and presently Stand-fast said Talk betwixt him to old Honest, Ho! father Honest, are you there? and Mr. Honest. Ay, said he, that I am, as sure as you are there. Right glad I am, said Mr. Standfast, that I have found you on this road. And as glad am I, said the other, that I espied you on your knees. Then Mr. Standfast blushed, and said, But why, did you see me? Yes, that I did, quoth the other; and, with my heart, was glad at the sight. Why, what did you think? said Standfast. Think! said old Honest; what should I think? I thought we had an honest man upon the road; and therefore should have his company by-and-by. If you thought not amiss, said Stand-fast, how happy am I! but, if I be not as I should, 't is I alone must bear it. That is true, said the other; but your fear doth farther confirm me that things are right betwixt the Prince of Pilgrims and your soul; for, he saith "Blessed is the man that feareth always."

They found him at prayer.

Val. Well, but, brother, I pray thee tell us, what was it that was the cause of thy being upon thy knees even now? Was it for that some special mercy laid obligations upon thee, or how?

What it was that

his knees.

Stand-fast. Why, we are, as you see, upon the fetched him upon Enchanted Ground, and, as I was coming along, I was musing with myself of what a dangerous nature the road in this place was, and how many that had come even thus far on pilgrimage had there been stopped, and been destroyed. I thought also of the manner of the death with which this place destroyeth men. Those that die here die of no violent distemper: the death which such die is not grievous to them; for he that goeth away in a sleep begins that journey with desire and pleasure; yea, such acquiesce in the will of that disease.

Then Mr. Honest, interrupting him, said, Did you see the two men asleep in the arbour ?

Stand-fast. Ay, ay; I saw Heedless and Too-bold there; and

for aught I know, there they will lie till they rot.* But let me go on with my tale: As I was thus musing, as I said, there was one in very pleasant attire, but old, who presented herself to me, and offered me three things, to wit, her body, her purse, and her bed. Now, the truth is, I was both aweary and sleepy: I am also as poor as a howlet, and that perhaps the witch knew. Well, I repulsed her once and again; but she put by my repulses, and smiled. Then I began to be angry; but she mattered that nothing at all. Then she made offers again, and said, if I would be ruled by her, she would make me great and happy; for, said she, I am the Mistress of the World, and men are made happy by me. Then I asked her name, and she told me it was Madam Madam Bubble; or Bubble. This set me farther from her: but she this vain world. still followed me with enticements. Then I betook me, as you saw, to my knees; and with hands lifted up, and cries, I prayed to him that had said he would help. So, just as you came up, the gentlewoman went her way. Then I continued to give thanks for this my great deliverance; for I verily believe she intended no good, but rather sought to make stop of me in my journey.

Hon. Without doubt, her designs were bad. But stay, now you talk of her, methinks I either have seen her, or have read some story of her.

Stand-fast. Perhaps you have done both.

Hon. Madam Bubble! is she not a tall, comely dame, something of a swarthy complexion?

Stand-fast. Right; you hit it. She is just such a one.

Hon. Doth she not speak very smoothly, and give you a smile at the end of every sentence?

Stand-fast. You fall right upon it again; for these are her very actions.

Hon. Doth she not wear a great purse by her side? and is not her hand often in it, fingering her money, as if that was her heart's delight?

Stand-fast. 'Tis just so. Had she stood by all this while, you could not more amply have set her forth before me, and have better described her features.

Hon. Then he that drew her picture was a good limner, and he that wrote of her said true.

Great-heart. This women is a witch; and it is by virtue of her sorceries that this ground is enchanted. Whoever doth lay his head down in her lap, had as good lay it down on that block over which the axe doth hang; and

The world.

*Prov. x. 7.

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