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would either show or tell of some other things that Pray, and you will are profitable.

get at that which

Then the Interpreter began, and said, The fatter yet lies unrevealed. the sow is, the more she desires the mire; the fatter the ox is, the more gamesomely he goes to the slaughter; and the more healthy the lustful man is, the more prone he is unto evil.

There is a desire in women to go neat and fine; and it is a comely thing to be adorned with that which in God's sight is of great price.

'Tis easier watching a night or two than to sit up a whole year together; so 'tis easier for one to begin to profess well, than to hold out as he should to the end.

Every shipmaster, when in a storm, will willingly cast that overboard which is of the smallest value in the vessel; but who will throw the best out first? None but he that feareth not God.

One leak, will sink a ship, and one sin will destroy a sinner. He that forgets his friend is ungrateful unto him; but he that forgets his Saviour is unmerciful to himself.

He that lives in sin, and looks for happiness hereafter, is like him that soweth cockle, and thinks to fill his barn with wheat or barley.

If a man would live well, let him fetch his last day to him, and make it always his company-keeper.

Whispering and change of thoughts prove that sin is in the world.

If the world, which God sets light by, is counted a thing of that worth with men, what is heaven, that God commendeth?

If the life that is attended with so many troubles is so loath to be let go by us, what is the life above?

Every body will cry up the goodness of men; but who is there that is, as he should be, affected with the goodness of God?

We seldom sit down to meat, but we eat and leave: so there is in Jesus Christ more merit and righteousness than the whole world has need of.

Of the tree that is rotten at heart.

When the Interpreter had done, he takes them out into his garden again, and had them to a tree whose inside was all rotten and gone, and yet it grew, and had leaves. Then said Mercy, What means this? This tree, said he, whose outside is fair, and whose inside is rotten, is it, to which many may be compared that are in the garden of God; who with their mouths speak high in behalf of God, but indeed will do nothing for him; whose leaves are fair, but their heart good for nothing but to be tinder for the devil's tinder-box.

They are at sup


Now supper was ready, the table spread, and all things set on the board; so they sat down and did eat, when one had given thanks. And the Interpreter did usually entertain those that lodged with him with music at meals; so the minstrels played.

There was also one that did sing, and a very fine voice he had. His song was this :

Talk at supper.


The Lord is only my support,
And he that doth me feed:
How can I then want any thing
Whereof I stand in need?

When the song and music was ended, the Interpreter asked Christiana, What it was that first did move her to betake herself to a Pilgrim's life? Christiana anA repetition of swered, First, The loss of my Husband came into Christiana's expe- my mind, at which I was heartily grieved; but all that was but natural affection. Then, after that came the troubles and pilgrimage of my husband into my mind, and also how like a churl I had carried it to him as to that. So guilt took hold of my mind, and would have drawn me into the pond; but that opportunely I had a dream of the well-being of my husband, and a letter sent me by the King of that Country, where my husband dwells, to come to him. The dream and the letter together so wrought upon my mind, that they forced me to this way. Int. But met you with no opposition before you set out of doors? Chr. Yes; a neighbour of mine, one Mrs. Timorous, (she was a-kin to him that would have persuaded my husband to go back for fear of the Lions,) she all-to-befooled me for, as she called it, my intended desperate adventure; she also urged what she could to dishearten me to it, the hardships and troubles that my husband met with in the way; but all this I got over pretty well. But a dream that I had of two ill-looking Ones, that I thought did plot how to make me miscarry in my journey, that hath troubled me much; yea it still runs in my mind, and makes me afraid of every one that I meet, lest they should meet me to do me a mischief, and to turn me out of my Way. Yea, I may tell my Lord, though I would not have every body know it, that, between this and the Gate by which we got into the Way, we were both so sorely assaulted, that we were made to cry out Murder! and the two that made this assault upon us were like the two that I saw in my dream. Then said the Interpreter, Thy beginning is good, thy latter end A question put to shall greatly increase. So he addressed himself to Mercy. Mercy, and said unto her, And what moved thee

to come hither, sweetheart?

Then Mercy blushed and trembled, and for a while continued silent.

Then said he, Be not afraid; only believe, and speak thy mind. So she began, and said, Truly, Sir, my want of Mercy's answer. experience is that which makes me covet to be in silence, and that also which fills me with fears of coming short at last. I cannot tell of visions and dreams, as my friend Christiana can; nor know I what it is to mourn for my refusing the counsel of those that were good relations.

Int. What was it then, dear heart, that hath prevailed with thee to do as thou hast done?

Mercy. Why, when our friend here was packing up to be gone from our town, I and another went accidentally to see her. So we knocked at the door, and went in. When we were within, and seeing what she was doing, we asked her, what was her meaning? She said, she was sent for to go to her Husband; and then she up and told us how she had seen him in a dream, dwelling in a curious place among Immortals, wearing a Crown, playing upon a Harp, eating and drinking at his prince's table, and singing praises to him for bringing him thither, &c. Now, methought, while she was telling these things unto us, my heart burned within me; and I said in my heart, If this be true, I will leave my father and my mother, and the land of my nativity, and will, if I may, go along with Christiana.

So I asked her farther of the truth of these things, and if she would let me go with her? for I saw now, that there was no dwelling, but with the danger of ruin, any longer in our town. But yet I came away with a heavy heart; not for that I was unwilling to come away, but for that so many of my relations were left behind.

And I am come with all the desire of my heart; and will go, if I may, with Christiana unto her husband and his King.

Int. Thy setting out is good, for thou has given credit to the truth; thou art a Ruth, who did, for the love she bare to Naomi, and to the Lord her God, leave father and mother, and the land of her nativity, to come out and go with a people that she knew not heretofore.* "The Lord recompense thy work, and full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust."

Now supper was ended, and preparation was They undress made for bed, the women were laid singly alone, themselves for and the boys by themselves. Now, when Mercy

* Ruth ii. 11, 12


was in bed, she could not sleep for joy, for that now her doubts of Mercy's good missing at last, were removed further from her night's rest. than ever they were before. So she lay blessing and praising God, who had had such favour for her.


In the morning, they arose with the sun, and prepared themselves for their departure; but the Interpreter would have them tarry a while; for, said he, you must orderly go from hence. Then said The bath sanctifi- he to the damsel that first opened to them, Take them, and have them into the garden to the bath, and there wash them, and make them clean from the soil which they have gathered by travelling. Then Innocent, the damsel, took them and had them into the garden, and brought them to the bath; so she told them, that there they must wash and be clean, for so her Master would have the women to do that called at his They wash in it. house, as they were going on pilgrimage. Then they went in and washed, yea, they and the boys and all; and they came out of the bath not only sweet and clean, but also much enlivened and strengthened in their joints. So, when they came in, they looked fairer a deal than when they went out to the washing.

When they were returned out of the garden from the bath, the Interpreter took them, and looked upon them, and said unto them, "Fair as the moon." Then he called for the seal, wherewith they used to be sealed that are washed in his bath. They are sealed. So the seal was brought, and he set his mark upon them, that they might be known in the places whither they were yet to go. Now, the seal was the contents and sum of the Passover which the children of Israel did eat* when they came out of the land of Egypt; and the mark was set between their eyes. This seal added greatly to their beauty, for it was an ornament to their faces. It also added to their gravity, and made their countenance more like that of Angels.

Then said the Interpreter again to the damsel that waited upon these Women, Go into the vestry, and fetch out garments for these people; so she went and fetched out white Raiment, and laid it down before him; so he commanded them to put They are clothed. it on. It was fine linen, white and clean. When the women were thus adorned, they seemed to be a terror one to the other; for that they could not see that glory each one had in herself, which they could see in each other. Now, therefore, they began to esteem each other better than themselves. For you are fairer than I am, said one; and you

True humility.

• Exod. xiii. 8-10

are more comely than I am, said another. The children also stood amazed, to see into what fashion they were brought.

The Interpreter then called for a Man-Servant of his, one Greatheart, and bid him take sword, and helmet, and shield; and take these, my daughters, said he, and conduct them to the house called Beautiful, at which place they will rest next. So he took his weapons, and went before them: and the Interpreter said, God speed. Those also that belonged to the family sent them away with many a good wish. So they went on their way, and sang:

This place hath been our second stage;
Here we have heard and seen
Those good things that from age to age

To others hid have been.
The dunghill-raker, spider, hen,
The chicken, too, to me

Have taught a lesson; let me then
Conformed to it be.

The butcher, garden, and the field,

The Robin and his bait,

Also the rotten tree doth yield
Me argument of weight;

To move me for to watch and pray,

To strive to be sincere;

To take my Cross up day by day,
And serve the Lord with fear.

Now I saw in my dream, that they went on, and Great-heart before them; so they went and came to the place where Christian's Burden fell off his back, and tumbled into a Sepulchre. Here, then, they made a pause; and here also they blessed God. Now, said Christiana, it comes to my mind what was said to us at the Gate, to wit: That we should have pardon by word and deed: by word, that is, by the promise; by deed, to wit, in the way it was obtained. What the promise is, of that I know something: but what it is to have pardon by deed, or in the way that it was obtained, Mr. Great-heart, I suppose, you know; wherefore, if you please, let us hear you discourse thereof.

course of our be

Great-heart. Pardon by the deed done, is par- A comment upon don obtained by some one for another that hath what was said at need thereof; not by the person pardoned, but in the Gate, or a disthe way, saith another, in which I have obtained it: ing justified by so then, to speak to the question more at large, the Christ. pardon that you and Mercy, and these boys, have attained, was obtained by another, to wit by Him that let you in at the Gate. And He has obtained it in this double way. He has performed righteousness to cover you, and spilt his blood to wash you in.

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