84 Petition. What to set forth. When filed. Notice by • publication Township board to cause bodies to be removed. Where to be re interred. Fences and monuments to erected. Proviso. LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - No. 363. thereof, on petition made to such court as is hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. Such petition shall be made in behalf of said township board by the chairman of said board, or agent appointed by them for that purpose, who shall file a petition signed and sworn to by the chairman of said board, or by said agent, in the office of the register of said court for Kent county, which petition shall set forth his authority as chairman of said board, or agent, if it is filed by the agent of said board, the particular reasons for making and filing such petition, and a distinct description of the premises on which such burying ground is located, which petition shall be filed, as aforesaid, at least forty days previous to the first day of the term for which such petition shall be noticed for hearing. Notice of the pendency and hearing of such petition shall be given for the same space of time, by publishing the same in a newspaper published in the county of Kent, once in each week for four successive weeks prior to the first day of the term when such case is noticed for hearing. SEC. 3. When said burying ground shall be vacated as provided in this act the said township board shall cause all the dead bodies and remains buried therein to be re-interred in the new township burying ground, located on section eight in said township, in a prudent, careful and respectful manner, and shall be removed and cause to be removed and again erected over the proper remains all permanent fences around graves and lots, all tombstones and monuments, with as little injury as the case will admit: Provided, that no removal of said bodies and remains shall be made during Costs, how paid the months of June, July, August or September. Such removal, and the cost of the proceedings under this act shall be at the expense of and paid by the said township. Township to repay owners of lots. Territory designated. SEC. 4. In case of the vacation of said burying ground or any part thereof, said township shall on demand and upon reconveyance of such lot (where conveyance may be necessary) to said township, repay to any owner the price he may have paid for his lot. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 363.] AN ACT to organize the county of Luce, comprising a portion of Chippewa and Mackinac counties. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That surveyed townships numbered forty-five north of ranges eight, nine, ten, eleven, and twelve west, be and the same are hereby detached from the county of Mackinac, and that townships numbered forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight and forty-nine north of ranges eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve west, and fractional township numbered fifty north of ranges eight, nine, eleven and twelve west, be and the same are hereby detached from the county of Chippewa, and that the territory so detached from the said counties of Mackinac and Chippewa is hereby organized into a county to be known and designated as the county of Luce. SEC. 2. The county seat of said county is hereby located at County seat. the village of Newberry. Proviso. to qualify, etc. SEC. 3. At the general township election to be held on the County officers. first Monday of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, the several county officers of the said county of Luce shall be elected. The election of such officers and the canvass thereof Manner of shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law: Provided, electing That the county canvass of such election shall be held at the place of holding of the election in the village of Newberry on the Monday next succeeding such election, and the officers so elected shall officers, when qualify and enter on the duties of their respective offices on or before the twentieth day of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and shall hold their several terms of office until the Terms of office. first day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and until their successors are elected and qualified: And pro- Further vided further, That the supervisors of the township of McMil-proviso. lan shall give twenty days' notice of such election to the several township clerks of said county of Luce, which said township clerks shall give notice of such election in the manner now provided for by law for the election of county officers. etc. SEC. 4. The county officers of Mackinac and Chippewa counties Certain officers, respectively shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties powercise now devolving upon them in the territory taken from said counties until the county officers of Luce county shall be elected and qualified and entered upon the duties of their respective offices aforesaid. and county offi SEC. 5. The sheriff and county clerk elected under the pro-Place for holdvisions of this act shall provide a place in the village of New-ing circuit court berry for holding the circuit court of said county, and also a ces. suitable place in said village for the county offices until the board of supervisors of said county shall provide for the same. detached. SEC. 6. That surveyed townships forty-five north of ranges Township of eleven and twelve west, are hereby detached from the county of Lakefield, terriMackinac and shall remain and constitute the township of Lakefield in the county of Luce; and that the township officers now Certain officers residing in said detached territory and performing their respective ties. duties in said offices, shall continue to perform such duties in said territory until their successors are duly elected and qualified. to perform du SEC. 7. The surveyed township forty-five north of range eight Township of west, is hereby detached from the township of Hendricks in the Pentland organcounty of Mackinac, and surveyed townships forty-five north of daries defined. ranges nine and ten west, are hereby detached from the township of Garfield in the county of Mackinac, and the territory so detached from the townships of Hendricks and Garfield is hereby organized into a township to be known as the township of Pentlend in said county of Luce. SEC. 8. The first election for township officers in said town- First election, Where and when held. Board of inspectors. Board of registration. When and where to hold session. Territory attached to town ship of Pentlend organized under the provisions of this act, shall be held at the house of Thomas Pentlend, in said township, on the first Monday of April, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty'seven. The inspectors of said election shall consist of Thomas Pentlend, W. G. Randolph and Thomas McCutcheon, which said board of inspectors, or a majority thereof, shall constitute a board of registration with like powers and duties of township boards of registration in other cases, and the holding of the session of said board of registration shall be at the house of said Thomas Pentlend on Saturday next preceding said election. SEC. 9. Surveyed townships forty-eight north of ranges eight, ship of McMil nine, ten and eleven, and the north half of twelve, and surveyed lan. Representative district. trict. Congressional. townships forty-nine north of ranges eight, nine, ten, eleven and twelve west, and surveyed fractional townships fifty north of ranges eight, nine, eleven and twelve west, be and the same are hereby detached from the township of Sault Ste. Marie, county of Chippewa, and attached to the township of McMillan in the said county of Luce. SEC. 10. Said county of Luce shall remain a part of the representative district now composed of the counties of Schoolcraft, Senatorial dis- Alger, Chippewa and Mackinac, and of the thirtieth senatorial district and of the eleventh congressional district and of the eleventh judicial circuit until otherwise provided by law. The judge of said circuit shall fix the time of holding the circuit court Time of holding. of said county on or before the first day of June, A. D. eighteen Place. How changed, Register to make transcript, etc. Expense, how defrayed Settlement be hundred and eighty-seven. The sheriff and county clerk of said county shall designate in writing where said circuit court shall be held and such designation shall be filed with the county clerk and the same shall remain so fixed until changed by the board of supervisors of said county. SEC. 11. The register of deeds of said county of Luce shall make or cause to be made a transcript of all records in other counties which are necessary to be on the records of said county of Luce, which register shall have access to the records of Mackinac and Chippewa counties for that purpose. Such transcribed records shall be taken and received in all cases and have the same legal effect as the original records, and the board of supervisors of said county of Luce shall, within one year after the first meeting of the board, make provisions [provision] for defraying the expenses of the same. SEC. 12. The settlement between the said county of Luce and tween counties. the said counties of Mackinac and Chippewa shall be made as Body corporate. Acts vold. provided by law. SEC. 13. Said county of Luce is hereby created and declared a body corporate with all the powers and duties conferred upon or required of organized counties by the constitution and laws of this State. SEC. 14. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby declared inoperative and void as concerning the county of Luce, hereby organized. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 1, 1887. [No. 364.] AN ACT to revise, amend and consolidate [revising, amending and consolidating] the charter of the village of Howard City in the county of Montcalm, and State of Michigan and the several acts amendatory thereto modifying and defining the powers of the corporation and the duties of its officers, being act number two hundred and fifteen of the local acts of Michigan of eighteen hundred and seventy-three and the several acts amendatory thereto. CHAPTER I. INCORPORATION AND BOUNDARIES. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That all Boundaries. that tract of the township of Reynolds, situated in the county of Montcalm and State of Michigan, known and described as follows, to-wit: The south half of the north half and the south half of section twenty-five, and the south half of the north half and the south half of section twenty-six, and sections thirty-five and thirty-six, all in township twelve north of range ten west in the county of Montcalm and State of Michigan, be and is hereby constituted a village corporate by the name of the village of Howard City. CHAPTER II. ELECTIONS. SECTION 1. The inhabitants of said village having the qualifi- Elections. cations of electors under the constitution of this State shall meet in said village on the second Monday in March next, and on the second Monday of March annually thereafter, at such place as shall be provided by resolution of said village board, and there by ballot shall elect by plurality of votes a president, clerk, treasurer, Elective assessor and marshal, each for one year, and three trustees for officers. two years, who shall hold their respective offices for the terms for Terms of office. which elected and until their successors are elected and qualified. But if an election of president and trustees shall not be had on the day provided for in this act the corporation shall not for that reason be dissolved, and it shall be lawful to hold such election Election may be at any time thereafter, public notice being given as prescribed by than time desthis act for the holding of regular elections. The president and ignated. trustees shall constitute a village board, and a majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; a less number may adjourn from time to time. The president Duty of presishall also be the chief executive of the village; he shall preside at the meetings of the board, and it shall be his duty to see that all the officers of said village faithfully discharge their duties, and in case of his absence or inability to serve the trustees shall have held at other Village board. dent. 88 President pro tem. Notice of election. LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - No. 364. power to elect from their own number a president pro tem., who shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of president. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the clerk to give at least five days' notice of the time and place of the holding of all the elections, either by posting written or printed notices in five of the most public places in said village, or by causing the same to be Time of opening published in some paper printed in the village, and at all the and closing polls. Notice to persons elected. Board of Oath of, etc. Inspectors of subsequent elections. Power of, etc. Oath of office. Body corporate. elections the polls shall be opened at nine o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as may be, and close at four o'clock in the afternoon; and at the close of the polls the ballots shall be counted and a true statement thereof proclaimed to the electors present, and the clerk shall make a true record thereof and within five days give notice to the persons elected, who shall enter upon their duties the ensuing Monday. SEC. 3. At the first election to be held in said village under this act there shall be chosen by the qualified voters there present from among their number, viva voce, two inspectors and a clerk of election, who together shall constitute a board of inspectors of such election, each of whom shall before entering upon the duties of his office take an oath before some person authorized to administer oaths that he will support the constitution of the United States and the constitution of this State and that he will faithfully discharge the duties of inspector of such election; said board shall conduct said election and certify the result thereof. SEC. 4. At all subsequent annual elections the president, clerk, and any two of the trustees may be inspectors of the election, and in case of the absence of the clerk any person may be chosen by the president or trustees to act as clerk of the election, and each of the inspectors shall take an oath, to be administered by some person qualified to administer oaths, to faithfully and impartially discharge their duties as inspectors or clerk of such election; and said board shall have such power to preserve the purity of the election as is now or may hereafter be given to township boards of election. SEC. 5. The president and every other officer elected or appointed under the provisions of this act, before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, which may be administered by any trustee or other person authorized to administer oaths, to support the constitution of the United States and of this State, and that he will faithfully and impartially discharge the duties of his office to the best of his ability, a record of which oath shall be made and kept by the clerk. SEC. 6. The president and trustees of said village shall be a body corporate and politic with the same powers as township boards, in addition to those granted in this act under the name of the president and trustees of the village of Howard City, and may have a common seal which they may alter at pleasure; may purchase and hold real estate for the use of said village and at any time sell and convey the same; and may sue and be sued, defend |