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Additional powers of common

[No. 395.]

AN ACT to amend section fifty-eight of act number two hundred and fifteen of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Greenville," approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and seventyone, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section fifty-eight of act number two hundred and fifteen of the sesssion laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Greenville," approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 58. The common council in addition to the powers and council relative duties specially conferred upon them in this act shall have the to finances, etc. management and control of the finances, rights and interests,

Vice, etc.

Gaming places, etc.

Liquors, etc.

Sports, exhibitions, etc.

Auctions, etc.

Nuisances, etc.

buildings and all property, real and personal, belonging to said city, and may make such orders, by-laws and ordinances relating to the same as they shall deem proper and necessary, and further that they shall have power within said city to enact, make, continue, establish, modify, amend and repeal such ordinances, by-laws and regulations as they may deem desirable within said city for the following purposes:

First, To prevent vice and immorality, to preserve the public peace and good order, to regulate the police of said city, to prevent and quell riots, disturbances, disorderly conduct and assemblages, and to provide that the proprietors or lessees of public halls in said city shall keep a sufficient police force to preserve order at all exhibitions, dances and performances for money in their halls;

Second, To restrain and prevent disorderly and gaming places, houses of ill-fame and to restrain bowling alleys, saloons and restaurants;

Third, To forbid and prevent the giving of, or selling of, intoxicating liquors to any minor, apprentice or drunkard;

Fourth, To prohibit, restrain, regulate, license and tax all sports, exhibitions of natural and artificial curiosities, caravans of animals, theatrical exhibitions, circuses, lectures delivered for money not before a college or organized literary society, or other performances and exhibitions for money;

Fifth, To prohibit and restrain peddlers, foot peddlers, hawkers, ten pin alleys, billiard tables, auctioneers and the sale of all goods, wares and personal property at auction, except in cases of sale authorized by law;

Sixth, To abate or remove nuisances of every kind and to compel the owner or occupant of every grocery, tallow chandler shop, butcher's stall, meat market, soap factory, tannery, cellars and store rooms where hides, furs, pelts or tallow are stowed, stable, privy, hog-pen, sewer or other offensive or unwholesome house or place, to cleanse, remove or abate the same from time to time as often as they may deem necessary for the health, comfort and

convenience of the inhabitants of said city;

Seventh, To prohibit, restrain and regulate the driving of Driving on side. horses, oxen and mules, hogs, sheep and cattle upon the side- walks, etc. walks of said city and the sliding, skating, hauling of carts and

sleds and wheeling of wheelbarrows on said sidewalks;

Eighth, To direct the location of all slaughter houses, markets Location of and buildings for storing gunpowder, oils and other combustible markets, etc. substances;

Ninth, To prohibit, restrain and regulate the sale of carbon Explosive oils, oil and oils, and illuminating materials that are found to be etc. below the standard required to prevent their being dangerous and explosive when used in lamps and burners;

Tenth, To prohibit, regulate and restrain the laying of gas Gas pipes, etc. pipes and gas mains;

Eleventh, Concerning the lighting of streets and alleys and the Lighting protection and safety of public lamps;



Twelfth, Concerning the buying, carrying, selling and using Gun-powder, gunpowder, fire-crackers and fire-works manufactured or prepared therefrom or other combustible materials and the exhibition of fire-works and the discharge of fire-arms and the lights in barns, stables and other buildings, and to restrain the making of bonfires in streets and yards;


Thirteenth, To prevent the incumbering of streets, sidewalks, Encumbering cross-walks, gutters, squares, parks, lanes, alleys, bridges in any manner whatsoever;


Fourteenth, To prevent and punish horse-racing and immod- Immoderate erate driving or riding in any street or over any bridge, and to authorize the stopping and arrest of any person who shall be guilty of immoderate driving or riding in any street or over such bridge;

Fifteenth, To prohibit and regulate the bathing in any of the Bathing. lakes, ponds, or races within said city;

Sixteenth, To restrain and punish drunkards, vagrants, mendi- Drunkards. cants, street beggars, disorderly persons and persons found drunk in the street;

Seventeenth, To establish and regulate one or more pounds, and Pounds, etc. restrain and regulate the running at large of horses, cattle, swine and other animals, and to authorize the impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred and the cost of keeping and impounding;

and offensive

Eighteenth, To prohibit any person from bringing or depositing Unwholesome any dead carcass, or any unwholesome or offensive substance within substances. the limits of said city and to require the removal or destruction thereof; if any person or persons shall have on his or her or their premises such substances or any putrid meats, fish, hides or skins, and on his or her or their refusal to remove the same forthwith, to authorize the removal and destruction thereof by said officers of said city;


Resisting of officers.


Clearing of side-walks.

Ringing of bells, etc.

Traveling physicians.


Building and fence lines.





Appointed officers.

Stands for drays, etc.

Weighing and measuring.

Streets, etc.

Awnings, etc.

Sewers, etc.

Nineteenth, To prevent and punish the resisting and obstructing of any officer in the discharge of his duties;

Twentieth, To prevent and regulate the running at large of dogs;

Twenty-first, To compel all persons to keep sidewalks in front of premises owned or occupied by them clear from snow, ice, dirt, wood or obstruction of any kind;

Twenty-second, To regulate the ringing of bells and the crying of goods and other commodities for sale at auction or otherwise, and to prevent disorderly noises and obscene and improper language in the streets;

Twenty-third, To license all traveling physicians who may visit said city for the purpose of practicing their professions for money: Provided, That this section shall not include any physician from abroad who may have been called to said city to consult with a resident physician;

Twenty-fourth, To regulate and establish the line upon which fences and buildings may be erected upon any street, lane or alley in said city and to compel such fences or buildings to be erected upon such line by fine upon the owner or building thereof, not to exceed five hundred dollars;

Twenty-fifth, To regulate the burial of dead and to compel the keeping of bills of mortality;

Twenty-sixth, To establish, order and regulate the markets; regulate the vending of wood, meat, vegetables, fruits and provisions of all kinds and time and place for selling the same: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall prevent the selling of fish, and wholesome meat by the quarter within the limits of said city;

Twenty-seventh, To establish, regulate and preserve public wells, reservoirs and pumps and to prevent the waste of water; Twenty-eighth, To prescribe the term of office and the duties of all officers appointed by said common council and their compensation, and the penalty or penalties for failing to perform such duties and to prescribe the bonds and the number of sureties to be given by the officers of the city for the discharge of their duties and the time for making the same in cases not otherwise prescribed by law or by this act. To prescribe and regulate the stands for carts and carters, drays and draymen, and the stand or stands for wood, hay and produce exposed for sale in said city, and to prescribe and regulate the weighing of hay and measuring of fire-wood by the persons appointed by the common council for that purpose;

Twenty-ninth, To ascertain, establish and settle the boundaries of all streets, lanes and alleys and public places in said city and remove all encroachments thereon;

Thirtieth, To regulate the setting of awning and other posts and trees in the streets, lanes, alleys and public places in said city; to construct and repair sewers, drains and bridges.


Thirty-first, To make all such by-laws and ordinances as shall Fires. be necessary to secure said city and the inhabitants thereof against injuries by fires and thieves, robbers and burglars at fires, to compel the owners or occupiers of buildings to procure and keep in readiness such a number of fire buckets as they may direct. They shall also have power to prohibit, forbid and prevent the Fire limits. construction or erection within such parts, streets or districts of said city as in their opinion the public safety may require, any wooden or frame house, store, shop or other building, and prohibit and prevent the removing of wooden or frame buildings from any part of said city to any place or lot within said limits and rebuilding and repairing the same, and also to regulate the construction of party walls, chimneys, fireplaces and the putting up of stoves, stovepipes, furnaces, grates and other things that may be dangerous in causing or promoting fires; to prohibit the burning out of Chimneys. chimneys in order to clean the same; to compel and regulate the cleaning of the same; to appoint fire wardens to enter into all the Fire wardens. buildings to discover whether the same are in a dangerous state, and to cause all such as are in a dangerous state to be put in a safe condition, and also to regulate the construction of all black-Construction of smith shops, cooper shops, carpenter shops, planing establish- shops, etc. ments, bakeries and all buildings and establishments usually regarded as extra hazardous in respect to fires; to establish and Fire companies. regulate such hand fire-engine companies, hose companies, hook and ladder companies, steam fire-engine companies and bucket companies as they may deem necessary and to provide such proper buildings, engines, reservoirs, equipments and implements as they may deem necessary, or they may establish and construct such water works. water-works, buildings and machinery to supply the city with water and for the protection thereof from fire as they may deem necessary. To accomplish the foregoing provisions for furnishing Borrow money water and the protection of the city from fire they are hereby and issue bonds. authorized to borrow money and to issue bonds of the city therefor in such sums and for such amounts as they may deem necessary not exceeding fifty thousand dollars at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent per annum and payable in not more than fifteen years from m the date thereof: Provided however, That said bonds shall not be issued payable and due in any one year an amount exceeding five thousand dollars exclusive of interest: Provided also, That no more than five thousand dollars of said Further bonds shall be issued without a majority of the electors voting at proviso. a special or annual election duly called, due notice of which shall be given, shall, voting by ballot, thus determine. The said common Levying taxes, council are hereby authorized in addition to the powers conferred etc. in section thirty-nine of the act to which this amendatory to levy and collect such amount of taxes yearly on the real and personal property of said city of Greenville as shall become due and payable on any of the aforesaid bonds, both principal and interest. If Acquiring title in the construction and maintenance of said works it becomes nec- to property.



LOCAL ACTS, 1887. -No. 396.

Firemen ex. cused from certain duties.

essary to use the grounds or property of private owners, either within or without the limits of the city, the common council are hereby authorized to institute such proceedings as are provided for in sections twenty-eight and twenty-nine of the act to which this is amendatory for the acquirement and condemnation of lands for roads, streets and other public grounds. The members of the fire department of said city shall be excused from the payment of poll tax in said city, shall be excused from all duty in the militia in time of peace and also from serving on any jury in any of the

Duty of officers courts of the county of Montcalm; and upon the breaking out of

at fires.

Salaries of.

City jail.

Vacating old

Removal of


such fire the chief engineer and his assistants, the marshal and constables of said city may require the assistance of by-standers to aid and assist such companies in extinguishing the fire or fires, to prevent any goods or property from being stolen or injured and in protecting, conveying and securing the same; and in case any by-stander shall wilfully refuse or neglect to comply with such requirements he shall be punished in the manner provided by the by-laws and ordinances of said common council, who are hereby authorized to pass such by-laws and ordinances in relation thereto as they may deem necessary;

Thirty-second, To regulate the salaries, the amount of bonds to be given and the sureties of the clerk, marshal and treasurer; Thirty-third, To provide for and designate a place in said city for the temporary confinement of persons charged with crimes or misdemeanors while awaiting trial or examination;

Thirty-fourth, To vacate the cemetery in said city known as burying ground. the "old burying ground" in the western part of said city on Washington street, and bounded on the north and east by Berridge's addition to said Greenville, on the west by Macomber and Jefferd's addition and on the south by said Washington street, and remove or cause to be removed the bodies therein buried to the "Forest Home Cemetery" near said city, except as in such cases as the friends of persons buried in said old burying ground shall elect to remove such bodies to some other place without expense to said city: Provided, That before any body shall be removed the said city shall file such record evidence of perpetual right of burial of the lot where the re-interment is proposed to be made, as the rules of the city governing the "Forest Home Cemetery" require, to fully secure the right.


This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 15, 1887.

[No. 396.]

AN ACT to amend sections one, two, three and six of act number two hundred and seventy-eight of the local acts of the session laws of the State of Michigan for eighteen hundred and eighty-three, also to amend section four of said act as amended by act number three hundred and fifty of the local acts of the session laws of the State of Michigan for eighteen hundred and eighty-five, relative to stone roads in Bay county.

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