at least ten days before said meeting and shall be signed by said board of registration. SEC. 4. The said village of Kalkaska shall, in all things not Governed by herein otherwise provided, be governed and its powers and duties general law. be defined by an act entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and the amendments thereto. other SEC. 5. In case the said officers are not elected at the time Election may be designated in section two of this act, an election for officers may than time desbe held at any time within one year from the time designated in ignated. section two of this act, on notice being given as provided in said section two. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 389.] AN ACT to amend sections one [1], twelve [12] and thirteen [13] of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the public schools of Albion," being act number two hundred and sixty-seven [267] of session laws of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, approved March twelve, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Sections sections one [1], twelve [12] and thirteen [13] of act number amended. two hundred and sixty-seven of the session laws of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five, being an act to incorporate the public schools of Albion, be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: SECTION 1. That all the territory and lands situated in the townships of Albion and Sheridan, in the county of Calhoun and formerly known as school district number one [1], fractional, Albion and Sheridan and bounded as follows, to wit: Section number one [1], section number two [2], section number three [3], section number twelve [12], north one-half of section number eleven [11], southeast quarter of section number eleven [11], north half of section number ten [10], north half of northeast quarter of section number four [4], northwest quarter of section number four [4], township of Albion; also section number thirtyfour [34], section number thirty-five [35], section number thirtysix [36], east half of east half section number thirty-three [33], south half of southeast quarter of section number twenty-five [25], southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section number twenty-seven [27], and all that part of the west half of Territory east half of section number thirty-three [33] that lies south of incorporated. Kalamazoo river in the township of Sheridan shall constitute a single school district to be known and designated as the Public How desig Schools of Albion, and such district shall have all the powers nated. To be free. Board of inspectors to appoint clerk. Ballot box, etc. Notice of election. Sections amended. Trustees of and privileges conferred upon school districts and union school districts by general laws, and hereafter all schools organized therein in pursuance of this act under the direction and regulation of the school boards shall be public and free to all persons actual residents within the limits thereof above the age of five years. SEC. 12. Said board of inspectors shall before opening the polls appoint a suitable person to act as clerk of the election, and said clerk so appointed shall take the constitutional oath of office which oath either of said inspectors may administer, and the clerk so appointed shall receive one dollar for his services at said election to be paid by the treasurer of the said board of trustees. SEC. 13. Said board of inspectors shall provide a ballot box at the expense of said district and open the polls at such place within said district as the district board shall designate, giving public notice as required by law for the election of two trustees whose term of office shall be for three years and until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. Said polls shall be opened at six o'clock in the afternoon or as soon thereafter as may be on the day of annual school meeting and shall continue open until nine o'clock in the evening. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 390.] AN ACT to amend sections three and four of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Michigan and Huron Institute," approved April twenty-second, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That sections three and four of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the Michigan and Huron Institute," approved April twentysecond, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 3. The said Caleb Eldred, Wm. Meek, Wm. Duncan, H. Kalamazoo Col- H. Comstock, Nathaniel Millard, John Clark, F. P. Browning, lege. filled. Chairman. Anson Brown, John Booth, B. B. Kercheval, Thomas W. Merrill, John S. Twiss, C. H. Swain, Robert Powell, Stephen Goodman, and C. A. Lamb and their successors in office shall be the trustees of said Kalamazoo College and shall have and exercise the power and franchise herein granted until others be in the man Vacancies, how ner herein provided elected or appointed in their places. They and their successors shall by election by ballot supply all vacancies whether caused by death, resignation or other means, and said board of trustees and their successors in office shall annually appoint from their number which shall never exceed thirty-six (36), a chairman who shall preside at the meetings of said board of trustees and give the casting vote in case of equal division, Duties and who shall have and exercise all the powers conferred by law on power of. the president of the board of trustees of said college, and who Qualification. shall be when elected or appointed a member in good standing of a regular Baptist church, a secretary who shall register the pro- Secretary. ceedings of said meetings, and a treasurer who shall keep the books and funds of said college, subject at all times to the control, inspection and government of said board of trustees. Nine (9) of said trustees shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. divided into SEC. 4. At the first meeting of said board of trustees they Board to be shall divide themselves into three classes of one-third of the classes. whole number of each. The term of office of the first class shall terminate at the expiration of the first year. The term of office Term of office. of the second class shall terminate at the end of the second year. The term of office of the third class shall terminate at the end of the third year, and so that one-third of the number of trustees shall be chosen by said board of trustees annually by ballot: Provided, That not less than three-fourths of the trustees chosen Proviso. each year shall be, when chosen, members in good standing of regular Baptist churches. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 391.] AN ACT to amend section two of an act entitled "An act entitled 'An act to amend an act to incorporate the Michigan and Huron Institute," being act one hundred and five of the acts of eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and approved March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section two of act number one hundred and five of the session amended. laws of eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the Michigan and Huron Institute," approved March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 2. The trustees shall faithfully apply all funds by them Funds, how to collected or hereafter collected, according to their best judgment, be applied. in erecting suitable buildings, in supporting suitable instructors, officers and agents; in procuring books, maps, charts, globes, philosophical, chemical and other instruments and apparatus, necessary to aid in the promotion of sound learning in said institution: Provided, That the president or other chief executive of Proviso. the instructors and faculty of said institution shall be, when appointed by said trustees, a member in good standing of a regular Baptist church. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. 212 Commencement and terminus of road. Commission, appointment of. Powers and duties of. Idem. Compensation. Extension of time. LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - Nos. 392-393. [No. 392.] AN ACT to provide for the laying out of a State road in Bay county. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That a State road shall be laid out and established commencing at the north side of the bridge across the Kawkawlin river on the East Saginaw and Au Sable State road, running thence northwestly to the county line on the west line of section six in township seventeen north, of range three east, where the Gladwin branch of the Michigan Central railroad crosses said section line, to be known as the Kawkawlin and county line State road. SEC. 2. In order to secure the laying out of said State road the Governor shall appoint a commissioner who shall take and subscribe an oath of office and execute a bond with sufficient sureties in the penal sum of five hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such commissioner. Such bond shall be approved by the commissioner of the State land office, and such bond and oath of office shall be filed in the office of said commissioner of the State land office. SEC. 3. Said road commissioner shall as soon as may be after his appointment proceed to lay out such road, following the most practicable route between the point of commencement and point of termination before mentioned. Said commissioner may employ all necessary surveyors and other assistants to aid in the performance of his duties. SEC. 4. For the purpose of locating said road, which shall be four rods wide, the said commissioner and his assistants may lawfully and peacefully enter upon the lands of any person or persons which he may deem it necessary to enter upon to determine the route and location of said road, and shall not be liable to action for such entry. SEC. 5. The said commissioner shall receive three dollars a day for his services, and his account and all other expenses incurred in performing his duties shall be audited and paid by the board of supervisors of Bay county. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 393.] AN ACT to extend the time for the collection of taxes in the city of Kalamazoo for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the time for the collection of taxes in the several wards of the city of Kalamazoo, in the county of Kalamazoo, for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six be and the same is hereby extended up to and including the thirtieth day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-seven. treasurer. SEC. 2. The city treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered Authority of to proceed and collect said taxes as fully as he could in every respect in the life-time of his warrants, and to make return at any time before the first day of April next and said warrants are hereby revived and continued in full force and virtue until the thirty-first day of March next. SEC. 3. The collection of all taxes heretofore collected upon collections the tax rolls of said city for the year eighteen hundred and eighty- legalized. six shall have all the legal force and effect in every respect as if the same had been collected before the time limited for the collection of the same, in the warrants attached to said rolls, had not expired. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 394.] AN ACT to designate and make a certain highway in Bay county a State road to be known as "The South Bay City, Saginaw and Tuscola State Road." SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That commencement a certain road or highway in Bay county now laid out and and terminus of described as follows: Commencing on the town line between section thirty-three, town fourteen north, of range five east, and section four, town thirteen north, of range five east, at the north and south quarter line, running thence east on town line between town fourteen north, range five east, town fourteen north, range six east, and town thirteen north, range five east, town thirteen north, range six east, to section line between sections five and six, town thirteen north, range six east, thence south on section line between sections five and six, seven and eight, seventeen and eighteen, nineteen and twenty, twenty-nine and thirty, thirtyone and thirty-two, town thirteen north, range six east, to the county line between Bay county and Saginaw county; also commencing on the section line between sections eighteen and nineteen, town thirteen north, range six east, where said section line intersects the Tuscola plank road, running thence east on section line between sections eighteen and nineteen, seventeen and twenty, sixteen and twenty-one, fifteen and twenty-two, fourteen and twenty-three, thirteen and twenty-four, town thirteen north, range six east, to the county line between Bay and Tuscola counties, be and the same is hereby designated and made a State How desigroad to be known as the South Bay City, Saginaw and Tuscola nated. State road. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. |