Imágenes de páginas


Fire wardens

and their duties.

Fire limits.

Location of shops, lumber yards, etc.

Storing gunpowder.

What buildings

LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - No. 384.

appointment of, and may appoint such number of fire wardens as may be deemed necessary, and for the examination by them from time to time of the stoves, furnaces and heating apparatus and devices in all the dwellings, buildings and structures within the city and in all places where combustible or explosive substances are kept, and to cause all such as are unsafe with respect to fire to be put in a safe condition.

SEC. 316. The council may prescribe by ordinance from time to time limits or districts within the city within which wooden buildings and structures shall not be erected, placed or enlarged, and to direct the manner of constructing buildings within such districts with respect to protection against fire, and the material of which the outer walls and roofs shall be constructed.

SEC. 317. The council may also prohibit within such places or districts as they shall deem expedient the location of shops, the prosecution of any trade or business, the keeping of lumber yards and the storing of lumber, wood or other easily inflammable material in open places when, in the opinion of the council, the danger from fire is thereby increased. They may regulate the storing of gunpowder, oils and other combustible and explosive substances, and the use of lights in buildings, and generally may pass and enforce such ordinances and regulations as they may deem necessary for the prevention and suppression of fires.

SEC. 318. Every building or structure which may be erected, declared a nuis- placed, enlarged or kept in violation of any ordinance or regulation made for the prevention of fires is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and may be abated or removed by the direction of the council.

Compensation of firemen.


SEC. 319. The officers, firemen and employés of the department shall receive such compensation as the council may prescribe, and during their term of service shall be exempt from serving on juries. The council may provide suitable compensation for any injury which any fireman may receive to his person or property in consequence of the performance of his duty at any


SEC. 320. The engineer in charge of the department at any buildings in case fire, with the concurrence of the mayor or any two aldermen, may

Compensation for buildings so destroyed.

cause any building to be pulled down or destroyed when deemed necessary in order to arrest the progress of the fire, and no action shall be maintained against any person or against the city therefor; but if any person having an interest in the building shall apply to the council within three months after the fire for damages or compensation for such building the council may, in their discretion, pay him such compensation as may be just. They may ascertain such damage by agreement with the owner or by the appraisal of a jury to be selected in the same manner as in case of juries to appraise damages for taking private property for public use, and the council may cause the amount of any damages determined upon to be defrayed by a special assessment upon the property which in their opinion was protected or benefited by the destruction of such building; but no damages shall be paid for the amount of any loss which would probably have occurred to such if it had not been pulled down or destroyed.



SEC. 321. All process against the city shall run against the service of procity in the corporate name thereof, and may be served by leaving a certified copy with the mayor, city clerk or city attorney at least ten days before the day of appearance mentioned therein.

out and

SEC. 322. No lands or premises shall hereafter be laid out, Regulations as divided and platted into lots, streets and alleys within the city platting addi except by permission and approval of the council by resolution tions, etc. passed for that purpose; nor until the proprietor shall file with the city clerk a correct survey, plan and map of such grounds and the subdivisions thereof, platted and subdivided as approved by the council and made to their satisfaction; showing also the relative position and location of such lots, streets and alleys with respect to the adjacent lots and streets of the city; nor shall any such plat and dedication of the streets and public grounds thereon be recorded in any office of register of deeds until a certificate has been endorsed thereon by the city clerk under the seal of the city, showing that such plat and declaration has been approved by the council; nor shall the city by reason of such approval be responsible for the improvement, care and repairs of such streets and alleys, excepting such as the council shall accept and confirm by ordinance as provided in section one hundred and ninety-two of this act.


SEC. 323. All persons heretofore elected or appointed to office officers to con in and for the city of Adrian, and now holding such offices, shall tinue in office. continue to hold their respective offices and to perform the duties thereof, for the remainder of the terms for which they were elected or appointed.

SEC. 324. After the incorporation of the city under and sub- Laws, regulaject to the provisions of this act as aforesaid the government and continetc., to affairs of the former corporation shall continue and proceed as before, and all its members shall remain in office and exercise their powers and duties as such officers until the city officers and members of the council first elected under the new corporation, or a majority of them shall enter upon the duties of their offices. The passage of this act shall not invalidate any act already done, right accrued or acquired, proceeding had or tax sale made under and by virtue of any law of this State in relation to the city of Adrian or the council thereof, or under and by virtue of any ordinance, by-law, regulation or resolution passed or adopted by the common council of said city; but the same shall be and Proceedings, remain as valid for all purposes as if this act had not been passed, valid, etc. and all proceedings heretofore commenced under and by virtue of any law for the incorporation of said city or under and by virtue

etc., to remain


LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - No. 385.


First election.
Notice of.

Manner of con


Act repealed.

By-laws shall

of any ordinance or by-law of said city and now pending or not yet completed shall remain valid and be completed in the same manner and with the same effect as if this act had not been passed; and all bonds, obligations, evidences of debt and indebtedness due or owing to the city of Adrian or to the council thereof may be collected and prosecuted for and enforced by said corporation hereby created by the name of the city of Adrian.

SEC. 325. The first election of officers for the new corporation shall be held on the first Monday in April next, and notice thereof, and of the officers to be elected thereat, shall be given and the election held and conducted, the votes canvassed, the result determined and notice given to persons elected in the same manner and within the same time as in annual elections of the former city corporation, and by the same persons and officers whose duty it was to perform the like services under the old corporation.

SEC. 326. An act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Adrian," approved January thirty-one, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, and all the amendments and revisions thereto shall be and are hereby repealed.

SEC. 327. The by-laws and ordinances of said city heretofore remain in force. in force and not inconsistent with this act shall remain in force

May issue bonds
not to exceed


When payable.

vote of district electors.

after the passage of this act and are hereby declared to be re-
enacted by virtue of and under the powers conferred by this act
until altered, amended or repealed by the common council. All
duties imposed on the city recorder in said ordinances shall
become the duties of the city clerk when such officer shall have
been elected under this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 8, 1887.

[No. 385.]

AN ACT to authorize school district number seven in the township of Vienna, county of Genesee, to issue bonds and borrow money to purchase a site and to build a school-house.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the district board of school district number seven (7) in the township of Vienna, in the county of Genesee, be and the same is hereby authorized to issue and negotiate the bonds of said district in such sums and for such amounts, not exceeding six thousand dollars, and drawing not exceeding seven per cent annual interest, and payable not exceeding ten years from the

If so directed by date thereof, as such school district shall direct by a vote of twothirds of the qualified electors of said district voting at any annual or special school meeting duly called for that purpose.

Money, how to be expended.

SEC. 2. The money that may be borrowed by authority of this act shall be expended in purchasing a site and in building a school-house in and for said district and for no other purpose. Ordered to take immediate effect.

Approved March 9, 1887.

[No. 386.]

AN ACT to authorize the board of supervisors of Antrim county to establish, maintain and operate one or more ferries across Clam river in said county.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Board of the board of supervisors of Antrim county be and are hereby authorized, etc., authorized and empowered at any lawful meeting of said board to teroperate locate and establish a public ferry or ferries across Clam river, in said county, and to make provisions for the maintenance and operation of the same in such a manner and subject to such rules, regulations and tolls as they may see fit from time to time to fix and adopt: Provided, That none of the powers mentioned in Proviso. this act shall be exercised unless authorized by a two-thirds vote of the supervisors of said county.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1887.

[No. 387.]

AN ACT to incorporate the village of Gagetown in Tuscola


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Territory all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in incorporated. the township of Elmwood, in the county of Tuscola and State of Michigan, known and described as follows: The south half of section one in township fourteen north of range ten east, and the north half of section twelve in town fourteen north of range ten east, containing six hundred and forty acres, according to the government survey, is hereby constituted a village corporate, known and designated as the village of Gagetown.

SEC. 2. The first election of officers in said village shall be First election.. held on the third Monday of March in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, at G. A. R. hall in said village, and H. C. Lee, Flamboy E. Robertson, and H. A. Gifford Board of shall constitute the board of election which said election shall be inspectors. held and conducted in all respects, not otherwise provided, as pro

vided in the general law for the incorporation of villages.


SEC. 3. Messrs. Nathaniel Dann, H. A. Gifford and Frederick Board of Eyre are hereby constituted a board of registration for the purpose of registering the voters for the first election to be held in said village, and said board of registration are hereby required to when to meet. meet on the Saturday preceding the third Monday of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, to register the names of all persons residents of said village presenting themselves for registration, having the qualifications of voters at annual township meetings.

SEC. 4. Notice of said first election of officers of said village Notice of shall be posted in three of the public places in said village at least election.


LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - No. 388.

Governed by generai law.

Election may be

ten days before the time of said election, which notice may be signed by any five electors in said village.

SEC. 5. The said village of Gagetown in all things not herein otherwise provided shall be governed by and its powers and duties defined by act number sixty-two of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act granting and defining powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and the acts amendatory thereto.

SEC. 6. In case the said officers are not elected at the time held at otherect designated in section two of this act, an election for officers may be had at any time within one year from the time designated in said section two of this act, notice being first given as provided in section four of this act.


Territory incorporated.

First election.


Board of registration.

Meeting of.


This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1887.

[No. 388.]

AN ACT to incorporate the village of Kalkaska in Kalkaska


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That all that territory situate and being in the township of Kalkaska, in the county of Kalkaska and State of Michigan and described as follows, to-wit: The east half and the east half of the west half of section seventeen, the west half of the west half of section sixteen, the north half of the northeast quarter and the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty, and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-one, in township twenty-seven north of range seven west, be and the same is hereby constituted a village corporate to be known as the village of Kalkaska.

SEC. 2. The first election of officers of said village shall be held on the third Monday in March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, at the office of Perkins & Ellis, in said village, notice of which shall be posted in three of the most public places in said village at least ten days before the time of said election, which notice shall be signed by five freeholders in said village.

SEC. 3. William J. Getty, Alfred G. Drake and James Crawford are hereby constituted a board of registration for the purpose of registering the names of voters for the first election to be held in said village, and said board of registration are hereby required to meet at the office of Perkins & Ellis in said village, on the Saturday preceding the third Monday of March, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, and register all persons presenting themselves for registration and having the qualifications of voters at annual township meetings, notice of which meeting shall be posted in three of the most public places in said village,

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