made, and also that the offender be kept at labor during such imprisonment. Such fine, penalty or forfeiture and imprisonment for the violation of any ordinance shall be prescribed in the ordinance, and if imprisonment be adjudged in any case it may be in the village prison or in the county jail of Lenawee county, or in any other place of confinement provided by the village for such purpose, in the discretion of the court. be recover how com arrest, etc., how SEC. 52. Whenever a penalty shall be incurred for the violation when penalty of any ordinance and no provision shall be made for the imprisoned in an action ment of the offender upon conviction thereof, such penalty of debt, etc. may be recovered in an action of debt or in assumpsit. And when a corporation shall incur a penalty for the violation of any such ordinance the same shall be sued for in one of the actions aforesaid. Prosecutions for violations of the ordinances of the village Prosecutions, may in all cases, except against corporations, be commenced by menced warrant for the arrest of the offender. Such warrant shall be in the name of the people of the State of Michigan and shall set forth the substance of the offense complained of, and be substantially of the form and be issued upon complaint made as provided by law in criminal cases, cognizable by justices of the peace, and the proceedings relating to the arrest and custody of the Proceedings accused during the pendency of the suit, the pleadings and all relating to proceedings upon the trial of the cause, and in procuring the governed. attendance and testimony of witnesses, and in the rendition of judgments and the execution thereof shall, except as otherwise provided by this act, be governed by and conform as nearly as may be to the provision of law regulating the proceedings in criminal causes, cognizable by justices of the peace. And any Power of justijustice of the peace of said township of Hudson shall have power in all cases where by the provisions of this act, or of any by-law, or ordinance made in pursuance thereof, any person may be sentenced to imprisonment in the county jail of the county of Lenawee, and it is hereby made the duty of the keeper of said county Duty of keeper jail to receive and safely keep such persons during the time for of county jail. which they shall be sentenced respectively as in all other cases. when person And in all cases where the term of such imprisonment shall not may be sentencbe less than sixty days such person may be sentenced to the House of CorDetroit house of correction. ces of the peace. rection. SEC. 53. The council shall have power to provide and main- Council may tain a village prison and such watch or station houses as may be prison, etc. necessary, and may provide for the confinement therein of all persons liable to imprisonment or detention under the ordinances of the village and for the employment of those imprisoned therein. All persons sentenced to confinement in such prison, and all who may be persons imprisoned therein on execution for non-payment of labor, etc. fines for violation of the ordinances of the village, may be kept at hard labor during the term of their imprisonment, either within or without the prison, under such regulations as the council may prescribe. provide village This act is ordered to take immediate effect. kept at hard Territory incorporated. First election, [No. 334.] AN ACT to incorporate the village of East Jordan, Charlevoix county. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the township of South Arm, county of Charlevoix, and State of Michigan, to wit: Lots one, two, three and the east half of the northeast quarter of section twenty-three, and the west half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-four, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section thirteen, also lot three and the south half of the southeast quarter of section fourteen, all in township thirty-two north of range seven west, together with all accretions to the said lands above described by the actions of the waters of the south arm of Pine Lake, and also all slips, docks, dockage and water approaches attached to the above described lands or in any manner connected therewith, is hereby constituted a village corporate known and designated as the village of East Jordan. SEC. 2. The first election of officers for said village shall be when and where held on the second Monday in April in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven at the town hall in the township of South Arm. Board of registration. SEC. 3. John A. Stevens, James B. Parmiter and John Chamberlin are hereby constituted a board of registration for the First meeting purpose of registering voters for the first election to be held in of. Subsequent meetings. Notice of first election. said village, and said board of registration are hereby required to. meet at the town hall in said township on Saturday preceding the second Monday in April in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-seven aforesaid, to register the names of all persons residents of said village presenting themselves for registration having the qualification of voters at annual township meetings, and said board of registration shall hold its subsequent meetings on the Saturday next preceding the second Monday of March. SEC. 4. Notice of said first election of officers for said village shall be posted in three of the most public places in said village at least eight days before the time of said election, which notice shall be signed by any five electors in said village. SEC. 5. The said village of East Jordan shall, in all things not herein otherwise provided, be governed by and its powers and duties defined by act number sixty-two of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and acts amendatory thereto. General law governing. Election at nated. SEC. 6. In case the said officers are not elected at the time theetha desig designated in section two of this act, an election of officers may be had within one year from the time designated in section two of this act, on notice being given as provided by section four of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 335.] AN ACT to incorporate the village of Durand in Shiawassee county. Territory SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the following described territory, to-wit: The southwest quarter incorporated. of section fifteen and the southeast quarter of section sixteen and the northeast quarter of section twenty-one and the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, in township six north, of range four east in the township of Vernon, county of Shiawassee and State of Michigan, be and the same is hereby constituted a village corporate to be known as the village of Durand. SEC. 2. The first election of officers of said village shall be First election, held at the store of Charles E. Cook in said township of Vernon, when and where on the second Monday in April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven, due notice of which Notice of election shall be given by the board of registration hereinafter election. appointed, by posting notices in three public places in said village ten days before said election, and by causing a copy of said notice to be published in "The Independent," a newspaper printed and published in the city of Corunna and county of Shiawassee, at least two weeks before said election. SEC. 3. William H. Putnam, Chas. Clark and Chas. E. Cook Board of are hereby constituted a board of registration for the purpose of registration. registering voters for the first election to be held in said village, and the said board of registration shall meet at the store of Meeting of. Charles E. Cook aforesaid and remain in session the same hours required of boards of registration at general elections, and register the names of all persons residing in said village and having the qualifications of voters at annual township meetings, due notice of which registration shall be given by said board by post- Notice of ing notices thereof in three public places in said village ten days registration. previous to said meeting for registration, and by publishing said notice in "The Independent," a newspaper printed and published in the city of Corunna and county of Shiawassee, two weeks previous to said meeting of said board of registration. SEC. 4. The said village of Durand shall, in all things not General law herein otherwise provided, be governed and its powers and duties governing, etc. defined by an act entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and acts amendatory thereto. other than time SEC. 5. In case the said officers are not elected at the time Election at designated in section two of this act, an election for officers may abigated. be held at any time within one year from the time designated in said section two, on notice being given as required herein. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved February 7, 1887. Territory incorporated. First election. Board of registration. Meeting of. Notice of. Election at [No. 336.] AN ACT to incorporate the village of Carson City in the township of Bloomer, county of Montcalm and State of Michigan. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the following described lands and territory, the same lying and being in the township of Bloomer, Montcalm county, to wit: The south one-half of section twelve and the south one-half of the south one-half of the north one-half of section twelve, and the north threefourths of the north one-half of section thirteen, all in township nine north of range five west, be and the same is hereby constituted a village corporate to be known as the village of Carson City. SEC. 2. The first election of officers of said village shall be held on the first Monday of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven at the rink in said village, ten days' previous notice of which shall be given by the board of registration hereinafter appointed, or any of them, by posting such notice in three public places in said village. SEC. 3. William A. Sweet, Jr., Ophir R. Goodno and William H. Thayer are hereby constituted a board of registration for the purpose of registering the voters for the first election to be held in said village, and they are hereby required to meet on the Saturday preceding the time herein provided for holding the first election in said village, at William A. Sweet's office in said village or at such place in said village as said board of registration shall designate by public notice posted in at least three prominent places in said village, and register the names of all persons residents of said village presenting themselves for registration having the qualifications of voters at annual township meetings. SEC. 4. If for any reason the said election shall not be held at other than time the time hereinbefore specified, it may be held at any time within designated. General law governing, etc. Power of council relative to one year thereafter, by giving the notice above required. SEC. 5. The said village of Carson City shall in all things be governed, and its powers and duties defined, except as hereinafter provided, by an act entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporate villages," approved April first, [in the year] eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and acts amendatory thereto. SEC. 6. The council of said village may, on petition of a grading streets, majority in number of the owners of property, or of those owning a majority of the property along the line of any proposed improvement, as hereinafter designated, and shall on petition of a majority in numbers and of ownership of property on the said line, order the grading of the street or sidewalk, building of sidewalks, sewers or gutters, or the setting of shade trees along the line of any street, lane or alley in the said village. etc. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. 1 [No. 337.] AN ACT to organize the county of Gogebic. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Territory the following described territory, to-wit: Surveyed townships organized. forty-three, forty-four and forty-five north, range thirty-eight west; forty-three, forty-four and forty-five north, range thirtynine west; forty-four and forty-five north, range forty west; forty-four, forty-five, forty-six and forty-seven north, range fortyone west; forty-four, forty-five, forty-six and forty-seven north, range forty-two west; forty-four, forty-five, forty-six and fortyseven north, range forty-three west; forty-five, forty-six, fortyseven and forty-eight north, range forty-four west; forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine and fifty north, range forty-five west; forty-five, forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight, fortynine and fifty north, range forty-six west; forty-six, forty-seven, forty-eight and forty-nine north, range forty-seven west; fortyseven, forty-eight and forty-nine north, range forty-eight west, and forty-eight north, range forty-nine west, be and the same is hereby detached from the county of Ontonagon and organized into a separate county to be known as the county of Gogebic. SEC. 2. At the election to be held on the first Monday of April Election of next, the several county officers of said county of Gogebic shall county officers. be elected. The election of such officers and the canvass thereof, shall be conducted in the manner prescribed by law for general elections: Provided, That the county canvass of such elec- Proviso. tion shall be held at the office of the township clerk of the township of Bessemer in the said county on the Monday next succeeding such election, and the officers so elected shall qualify and enter on the duties of their respective offices on or before the first day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and shall hold Terms of office. their several terms of office until the first day of January, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, and until their successors are elected and qualified. SEC. 3. The permanent county seat of said county shall be county seat, fixed and determined at the election to be held on the first Mon- how fixed. day of April next, when there shall be written or printed or partly written and partly printed, on the ballots to be then and there polled by the qualified electors of said county, the words: "For county seat," and thereafter the name of one place, and the place which shall receive the highest number of votes cast at said election shall be the permanent county seat until otherwise designated according to law. The canvass of such votes for permanent county seat shall be conducted by the same persons and in the same manner as that for county officers. circuit, etc. SEC. 4. The said county of Gogebic shall be in the twenty- To be in twentyfifth judicial circuit, the thirty-second senatorial district, the fifth judicial representative district now composed of the counties of Ontonagon, Baraga, Keweenaw and Isle Royal and the eleventh congressional district, until otherwise provided by law. The judge |