when and held at Parker Brothers' drug store, in said village, on the First election second Monday in March, in the year of our Lord eighteen hun- where held. dred and eighty-seven, due notice of which election shall be given Notice of by the board of registration hereinafter appointed, by posting election. notices in three public places in said village ten days before said election. registration. SEC. 3. Thomas Williams, William Alcott, and Joseph Dar- Board of wood, are hereby constituted a board of registration for the purpose of registering voters for the first election to be held in said village, and said board of registration shall meet on Saturday next preceding said day of election, at said Parker Brothers' drug store, and remain in session the same hours required of the board of registration at general elections, and register the names of all persons residing in said village having the qualification of voters at annual township meetings. Due notice of such registra- Notice. tion shall be given by said board by posting notices thereof in three public places in said village ten days previous to said meeting for registration. SEC. 4. The said village of Dryden shall, in all things not General law herein otherwise provided, be governed and its powers and duties governing. defined by an act entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and acts amendatory thereto. be held at other SEC. 5. In case said officers are not elected at the time and in Election may the manner designated in section two of this act, an election for than time apofficers may be held at any time within one year from the time pointed. designated in said section two of this act, and notice given as provided by said section. The electors present at the place of registration may fill any vacancy or vacancies that may occur in such board of registration. The members of said board of registration shall take the constitutional oath of office before entering on the discharge of their duties. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 326.] AN ACT to incorporate the village of Mayville, in Tuscola county. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Territory all that territory situate and being in the township of Fremont, incorporated. Tuscola county, and State of Michigan, and deser bed as follows, to-wit: The north half of section thirty-six, and the south half of section twenty-five, both descriptions being in township eleven north, of range nine east, be and the same is hereby constituted a village corporate to be known as "The village of Mayville.” SEC. 2. The first election of officers of said village shall be First election held on the third Monday in March, in the year one thousand held. when and where Board of registration, Notice. General law governing. Election may be held at other than time appointed. eight hundred and eighty-seven, at Bryant's Hall, in said village of Mayville, notice of which shall be posted in three public places in said village at least ten (10) days before the time of sa d election, which notice shall be signed by the board of registration hereinafter named and constituted. SEC. 3. Arthur Veitch, Nicholas [R.] Schermerhorn, and Freeley J. Hopkins are hereby constituted a board of reg stration for the purpose of registering the names of voters for the first election to be held in said village. The said board of registration is [are] hereby required to meet at Bryant's Hall, in said village, on the Saturday next preceding the said third Monday in March, one thosand eight hundred and eighty seven, and register all persons presenting themselves for registration and having the qualifications of electors at township meetings. Notice of which meetings shall be posted in three public places in said village at least ten days before said meeting of said board of registration and shall be signed by the members of said board. SEC. 4. The said village of Mayville shall in all things not herein otherwise provided, be governed and its powers and duties shall be defined by an act entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, and the amendments thereto. SEC. 5. In case the said officers are not elected at the time designated in section two of this act, an election of officers may be held at any time within one year from the time designated in section two of this act, on notice being given as provided in section two. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Territory First election, [No. 327.] AN ACT to incorporate the village of Brown City, in Sanilac county, Michigan. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and bing in the township of Maple Va'ley, county of Sanilac, and State of Michigan, to wit: the south half of section seven and the north half of section eighteen, in township nine north, of range thirteen east, is hereby constituted a village corporate, known. and designated as the village of Brown City. SEC. 2. The first election of officers for said village shall be when and where held on the second Monday in March, in the year eighteen hun held. Board of registration at first election. dred and eighty-seven, at the hardware store of Windsor Brothers, in said village. SEC. 3. John Windsor, Jesse F. Holden and John Sherk are hereby constituted a board of registration for the purpose of board. registering voters for the first election to be held in said village, and said board of registration are hereby required to meet at the hardware store of Windsor Brothers, in said village, on th Satur- Meeting of day preceding the second Monday in March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven aforesaid, to register the names of all persons, residents of said village, pre enting themselves for registration, having the qualifications of voters at annual township meetings. And the said board of registration Subsequent shall hold its subsequent meetings on the Saturday next preceding meetings. the second Monday of March in each year. election. SEC. 4. Notice of said first election of officers for said village Notice of first shall be posted in three of the most public places in said villase at least eight days before the time of said election, which notice shall be signed by five electors of said village. SEC. 5. The said village of Brow City shall, in all things not General law herein otherwise provided, be governed bv, and its powers and governing. duties defined by act number sixty-two of the session laws of eighte n hundred and seventy five entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporated villages," approved April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and acts amendatory thereto. be held at other SEC. 6. In case the said officers are not elected at the time Elections may designated in section two of this act, an election of officers may than time be had at any time within one year from the time designated in appointed. section two of this act on notice being given as provided by section four of this act. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 328.] AN ACT to incorporate the village of Carsonville, in Sanilac county. incorporated. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Territory the following described territory, to wit: The northwest quarter of section two (2), and the northeast quarter of section three (3), in town eleven (11) north, of range fifteen (15) east; also the southeast quarter of section thirty-four (34), and the southwest quarter of section thirty-five (35), in town twelve (12) north, of range fifteen (15) east, in the county of Sanilac, and State of Michigan, be and the same s her by constituted a village corporate, to be known as the village of Carsonville. when and where of. SEC. 2. The first election of officers of said village shall be First election, held on the third Monday of April, eighteen hundred and eighty-held seven, at Carson's Hall, in said village, ten days' previous notice of which shall be given by the board of registration hereinafter designated, or any two of them, by posting such notice in three public places in said village. Board of registration. Meeting of. Election may be held at other than time appointed. General law governing. SEC. 3. J. A. Hosmer, Wm. Thompson and James McCarn are hereby constituted a board of registration, for the purpose of registering voters for the first election to be held in said village, and they are hereby required to meet on the Saturday preceding the time herein provided for holding the first election in said village, at Carson's Hall, in said village, and register the names of all persons residents of said village presenting themselves for registration, having the qualifications of voters at annual township meetings. SEC. 4. If for any reason the said election shall not be held at the time hereinbefore specified, it may be held at any time within one year thereafter, by giving the notice above required. SEC. 5. The said village of Carsonville shall, in all things not herein otherwise provided, be governed, and its powers and duties defined, by an act entitled "An act granting and defining the powers and duties of incorporat d villages," approved April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and acts amendatory thereto. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Section amended. Powers conferred. First board of trustees. [No. 329.] AN ACT to amend section two of act number three hundred and twenty-one, of local acts of eighteen hundred and eightyfive, being "An act to organize the union school district of Salem," approved April eleven, eighteen hundred and eighty five. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section two, of act number three hundred and twenty-one, of local acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-five, being "An act to organize the union school district of Salem," approved April eleven, eighteen hundred and eighty five, be and hereby is amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 2. Said school district shall have all the powers conferred upon graded school districts by act number one hundred and sixtyfour, public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and the acts amendatory thereof; and it is hereby provided that the first board of trustees of said school district shall be the following persons, whose names and terms of office are as follows, to wit: William Murray and Stephen C. Wheeler shall hold their said office Terms of office respectively until the first Monday in September, eighteen hun dred and eighty-five, and until their success rs are elected and qualified; Samuel D. Frederick and Walter P. Holmes until the first Monday in September, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and until their successors are elected and qualified; George S. Wheeler and Dwella E. Smith until the first Monday in September, eigh teen hundred and eighty-seven, and until their successors are This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 330.] AN ACT to authorize the township of Deerfield in Lenawee county to borrow money to be used in the construction of a bridge, and to issue bonds therefor. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Authorized to the township board of the township of Deerfield, in Lenawee borrow money. county, be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of said township, a sum not exceeding seven thousand dollars, for a term not exceeding ten years, at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per cent per annum, and to execute the coupon bonds of said township therefor in such form as said board shall determine, which bonds shall in no case bedasposed of for a less sum than their par value. SEC. 2. Such money shall not be borrowed nor such bonds If electors so issued unless a majority of the qualified electors of said township vote. voting at the annual township election or at a special election, to be called for the purpose of voting on said loan, shall so determine; and said township board is hereby authorized and empowered to call a special election for the purpose of submitting the question of said loan to the qualified electors of said township, giving due notice thereof by causing the date, place of voting and Notice of object of said election to be stated in written notices, and by election. posting said notices in five public places in said township, not less than ten days before said election, which notices shall state the amount of money proposed to be borrowed. SEC. 3. The vote upon such proposition shall be by ballots, vote by ballot. either written or printed, or partly written and partly printed. Ballots in favor of such proposition shall be in the following words: "For the bridge loan-Yes," and ballots against the same shall be in the following words: "For the bridge loanNo," and it shall be the duty of the said township board to provide at the polls of such election during the whole time while the same shall be open, a sufficient number of ballots, both for and against such proposition, printed or written in the form above indicated, to furnish all the electors desiring to vote thereon. The Canvass. election shall be conducted and the votes canvassed in all respects as in other special township elections, and immediately upon the conclusion of such canvass the inspectors of the election shall make and sign a certificate showing the whole number of votes cast upon such proposition, and the number for and against the same respectively, and not later than the day following such election, said inspectors shall endorse upon such certificate a declara |