Grades and grading. Plats of additions to be approved. Granting licenses. Not transferable. Revocable. recovery of the expenses of building sidewalks, pavements, or planking streets, lanes or alleys. SEC. 4. The village board shall have full power to establish all grades of streets, sidewalks, pavements, lanes or alleys, and regulate the grading of the same, but the grading and repairing of streets, lanes or alleys and the grading for sidewalks shall be at the expense of the village. SEC. 5. The village board shall have power to make regulations as to the platting of additions to the village, so that the streets of said additions shall conform with and continue those already laid out; and no plat of any addition within the corporate limits of the village shall be recorded by the register of deeds of said county, until the village clerk of said village has certified thereon the approval of the village board. CHAPTER XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. SECTION 1. The village board may prescribe the terms, conditions and time, not exceeding one year, upon which licenses may be granted and direct the manner of issuing and revoking the same, and by what officer or officers they shall be issued and revoked, and prescribe the amount of money that shall be paid therefor. Licenses shall not be transferable. Every license shall be revocable by the board at pleasure, and when any license shall be revoked for non-compliance with the terms and conditions upon which it was granted, or on account of any violation of any ordinance or regulation, the person holding such license shall in addition to all other penalties imposed forfeit all payments Punishment of made for such license. The village board may provide for the persons inge, punishment by fine or imprisonment, or both, of any person who Payments forfeited. acting When votes of council to be recorded. Meetings of board to be public. Title to streets not gained by lapse of time. without license shall exercise any occupation or trade or do any thing for or in respect to which any license shall be required by any ordinance or regulation of said village board or by this act. SEC. 2. Whenever required by two members, the votes of all the members present of the village board in relation to any act, proceedings or propositions had at any meeting, shall be entered at large upon the records and the minutes kept by the clerk, and such votes shall be entered in relation to the adoption of any resolution or ordinance [ordinances], report of a committee, or other acts for assessing or taxing the citizens of said village or involving the appropriation of moneys. SEC. 3. The meetings of the village board shall be public; the minutes of their proceedings shall be open at all times for public inspection. SEC. 4. No person shall be deemed to have gained any title as against the village by loss [lapse] of time to any street, lane, alley, common or public square heretofore laid out or platted by the proprietor or proprietors of said village, or any part thereof, by reason of any encroachment or enclosure of the same. SEC. 5. The president and trustees shall not receive any com- Compensation pensation for their services except when acting on board of review, of officers. registration, inspectors of elections or street commissioners, when each so acting shall receive such compensation as the president and trustees shall direct; the clerk, assessor, treasurer and marshal shall receive such salary for each year as the president and trustees shall prescribe, which shall be in full compensation for all services rendered by them, which said compensation shall be when and by fixed by the said president and trustees on or before the third whom fixed. Tuesday in April in each year after the passage of this act. board not to be SEC. 6. No member of the board of trustees shall during his Members of continuance in office become security for the performance of any come security. official act or duty to be done or performed by any person elected or appointed to any office under the provisions of this act, and dur- Or be interested ing the time for which he may be elected or appointed a member of the board he shall not be interested directly or indirectly in any contract or purchase the expense or consideration whereof is to be paid out of the village treasury. in any contract. SEC. 7. The village board shall at the expiration of each Yearly stateyear cause to be made out a true statement exhibition in detail ment. all items of receipts and expenditures of the preceding year, and the clerk shall cause the same to be laid before the electors of the said village at each next annual election herein provided for. money outside SEC. 8. The said village board may, by a majority vote of all May expend the members elect, expend in repairs upon the public highway of village. leading to the village and outside of the corporation limits thereof such an amount of money as they may deem advisable, provided Proviso. that they shall not so expend more than five hundred dollars in any one year. be destroyed, SEC. 9. Whenever any building in said village shall be on fire Buildings may it shall be the duty and shall be lawful for the chief engineer with when the consent of the president or any trustee or for any two trustees to order and direct such building or any other building which they may deem hazardous and likely to communicate fire to other buildings or any part of such building to be pulled down and destroyed and no action shall be maintained against the village therefor, but said village shall be liable for such damage as may be proven village liable in any court of competent jurisdiction. for damage. health may сев. SEC. 10. Whenever by this act, or any other provision of law, village board any power or authority is vested in or duty imposed upon the board of corporation, village board or board of health of said village, enact ordinansuch village board or board of health may enact such appropriate ordinances, not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this State, as may be necessary for the execution and exercise of such power and authority, and to regulate the performance of such duties and enforce the same by suitable fines, penalties, forfeitures or imprisonment. etc. SEC. 11. The village board shall have power to provide and Board to promaintain a village lock-up, and such watch or station houses vide a lock-up, as they may deem necessary, and may provide for the confinement therein of all persons liable to imprisonment or detention under Prisoners mav the ordinances of the village and for the employment of those imprisoned therein. SEC. 12. All persons sentenced to confinement in such lock-up be kept at labor. and all persons imprisoned therein on execution for the non-payment of fines, for violation of the ordinances of the village, may be kept at hard labor during the term of their imprisonment, either within or without the lock-up, under such regulations as the board may prescribe. Section amended. Common President pro tem. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 365.] AN ACT to amend section number eight of an act entitled "An act to amend sections number two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two and thirty-six of an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the village of Leslie,' approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine as amended by act number two hundred and fifty-eight of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, approved April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, approved March fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, as amended by act number three hundred and eight of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five," approved April second, eighteen hundred and eighty-five. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section number eight of an act entitled "An act to amend sections number two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, thirteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two and thirtysix of an act entitled 'An act to incorporate the village of Leslie,' approved March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine as amended by act number two hundred and fifty-eight of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-three, approved April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, approved March fourteen, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, as amended by act number three hundred and eight of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-five," approved April second, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 8. The president and trustees when assembled together shall constitute the common council and shall be vested with the legislative authority of said village. The president of the village shall be president of the common council and preside at the meetings thereof. In case of his absence the common council shall appoint one of their number president pro tem., who shall preside at the meetings thereof and exercise all the powers and duties council not to be of president. The common council shall hold regular meetings Regular for the transaction of business at such time as it shall prescribe, meetings. and not less than one shall be held in each month. The presi- Special dent or any three trustees may appoint special meetings, notice of meetings. which in writing shall be given to each trustee or be left at his residence at least twenty-four hours before the meeting. All Meetings to be meetings of the common council shall be public. A majority of public. the common council shall make a quorum for the transaction of business, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. The Rules. common council may prescribe the rules of its own proceedings and keep a record thereof. No member of the common council Members of nor any officer of the corporation shall be directly or indirectly interested in interested in any contract made by or service to be performed contracts, etc. for the corporation: Provided, That this act shall not pre-Proviso. vent officers receiving compensation authorized by this act. The members of the common council shall each receive the sum of fifty cents for every meeting attended by them, which shall be in full for all official services performed by them: Pro- Further proviso. vided further, That they shall not receive pay for more than forty meetings in one year: Provided further, That the presi- Further proviso, dent of said village shall be the assessor for said village, and shall, ex-officio, also be a member of the board of supervisors of the President to be county of Ingham, and he shall attend all the meetings of said supervisor, etc. board and be entitled to vote upon all matters that may be brought before the board of supervisors; and for attending all Compensation. such meetings he shall receive the same compensation authorized by law to be paid to the township supervisors for similar services, to be audited by the board and paid by the county. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 2, 1887. [No. 366.] AN ACT to amend section one of chapter one of an act entitled "An act to incorporate the city of Marquette," being act two hundred and two of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section one of chapter one of an act entitled "An act to incor- amended. porate the city of Marquette," being act two hundred and two of the session laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, approved February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: 118 Territory incorporated. Corporate name. Common coun LOCAL ACTS, 1887. - Nos. 367-368. CHAPTER I. SECTION 1. That all the following described territory, situated in the township of Marquette, and county of Marquette, to wit: Fractional section one, the east half and the east half of the west half of fractional section two, the east half and the east half of the west half of fractional section eleven, fractional sections thirteen and fourteen, sections fifteen and twenty-two, fractional sections twenty-three, twenty-four and twenty-six, sections twentyseven, thirty-four and thirty-five, and fractional section thirty-six, in township number forty-eight north of range number twentyfive west, be and the same is hereby set off from the township of Marquette and declared to be a city by the name of the city of Marquette, by which name it shall hereafter be known. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 2, 1887. [No. 367.] AN ACT to authorize the common council of the village of Sheridan in the county of Montcalm to prescribe by ordinance from time to time limits or districts within which wooden buildings and structures shall not be erected, placed or enlarged. SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That cil to prescribe the common council of the village of Sheridan, Montcalm county, fire limits, etc. Preamble. shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to prescribe by This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 368.] AN ACT to legalize the action of the board of supervisors of Gratiot county in incorporating the village of Ashley. WHEREAS, Application in writing was made to the board of supervisors of Gratiot county in the State of Michigan, at a regular meeting thereof held at Ithaca, October eleventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-six, by A. H. Phinney and fourteen other legal voters, praying that the following territory, to-wit: commencing eighty rods north of the southwest corner of section number six, town nine north of range one west, Elba, Gratiot county, Michigan; running thence east one mile, thence south one mile, thence west one mile, thence north one mile to place of |