Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

dred and eighty-three, entitled "An act to provide a charter for
the city of Detroit, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in con-
flict therewith," approved June seven, one thousand eight hun-
dred and eighty-three, relating to registration and elections in
said city. Approved June 28---

565. An act to authorize the township of Wilson in the county of Alpena
to construct and maintain a toll road through said township and
to borrow money and issue its bonds for the construction of the
same. Approved June 27.....





[No. 318.]

AN ACT to legalize the assessment roll of the township of Port Austin, in the county of Huron, for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six.


of township

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Legalization of the assessment roll of the township of Port Austin, in the county of Huron, and the taxes levied thereunder for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, as the same have been re-assessed upon a new roll rep'acing, or purporting to replace, the original roll of said township for said year, as made by the supervisor duly elected for said township for said year, be and the same hereby are legalized, and the taxes assessed upon such roll for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-six, and the collection thereof by the treasurer of said township of Port Austin, and all proceedings of proceedings had and taken, or to be had and taken by the treasurer of said treasurer. township of Port Austin in the collection or return of taxes upon such new or replaced roll, be and the same hereby are legalized; and that the said new or replaced assessment roll and the acts of the said township treasurer to be taken thereunder and by virtue thereof, are hereby declared to be as valid as though the proceedings heretofore had upon such new roll were as regular in every particular as if the said roll were the original assessment roll of said township for said year, assessed in due time according to statute, and duly passed upon and certified to by the township board of review of said township for said year, and duly equalized and certified to by the board of supervisors of said county for said year, and that the warrant of said township treasurer or any of warrant township treasurer duly appointed in his place, shall be as suffi- treasurer. cient and legal for the purpose of the collection and return of said taxes so assessed as though it had been attached to the original, duly and legally certified in all respects as aforesaid.

of township


SEC. 2. The township treasurer of said township is hereby Power and authorized and empowered to proceed and collect or return said authority of taxes assessed upon said new or replaced roll as fully as he could upon the original roll duly certified in all respects as aforesaid, and to make his return to the county treasurer at any time before

Time of payment of taxes,

the twenty-fifth day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and all taxes paid upon said roll to the township

collection fees, treasurer of said township before the first day of March, A. D.


Transcript of unpald taxes

eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, may be paid by paying not more than one per cent collection fee, and all taxes paid upon said roll after the first day of March, A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, and before the return of said treasurer of uncollected taxes to the county treasurer, shall be liable to four per cent collection fee.

SEC. 3. A transcript of all unpaid taxes returnable to the returnable, etc. county treasurer in pursuance of the foregoing provisions shall by

Attachment of certificate and warrant as evidence, etc.

him be returnable to the Auditor General within fifteen days after receiving said returns from treasurer, and such unpaid taxes shall then be collected in the same manner and with interest computed at the same rate as other taxes for the year A. D. eighteen hundred and eighty-six, duly returned to the Auditor General.

SEC. 4. The usual certificate required by law to be attached to the assessment roll by the township supervisor, and the warrant to the treasurer so required to be attached shall, when attached to such new roll by the supervisor of said township, be sufficient evidence of the fact that such roll is the new roll contemplated in this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved January 11, 1887.

Authorized to borrow money and issue bonds.

Majority of voters shall determine at a special election.

[No. 319.]

AN ACT to authorize the township of Blissfield in Lenawee county to borrow money to be used in the construction of a bridge and to issue bonds therefor.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the township board of the township of Blissfield in Lenawee county, be and it is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of said township a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars for a term not exceeding ten years at a rate of interest not exceeding seven per centum per annum and to execute the coupon bonds of said township therefor in such form as said board shall determine, which bonds shall in no case be disposed of for a less sum than their par value.

SEC. 2. Such money shall not be borrowed nor such bonds issued unless a majority of the qualified electors of said township voting at a special election, to be called for the purpose of voting on said loan shall so determine, and said township board is hereby authorized and empowed to call a special election for the purpose of submitting the question of said loan to the qualified electors of Notice thereof. said township, giving due notice thereof by causing the date, place of voting, and object of said election to be stated in written notices and by posting said notices in five public places in said township, not less than ten days before said election, which notices shall state the amount of money proposed to be borrowed.

SEC. 3. The vote upon such proposition shall be by ballots Ballots, form of. either written or printed or partly written and partly printed. Ballots in favor of such proposition shall be in the following words: "For the bridge loan-Yes;" and ballots against the same shall be in the following words ds: "For the bridge loan-No;" and it shall be the duty of the said township board to provide at the polls of such election, during the whole time while the same shall be open a sufficient number of ballots both for and against such proposition printed or written in the form above indicated, to furnish all the electors desiring to vote thereon. The election Election, how shall be conducted and the votes canvassed in all respects as in other conducted. special township elections, and immediately upon the conclusion of such canvass, the inspectors of the election shall make and sign a certificate showing the whole number of votes cast upon such proposition, and the number for and against the same respectively, and not later than the day following such election, said inspectors shall endorse upon such certificate a declaration in writing, over their hands and seals, of the result of such election, which declaration and certificate shall then forthwith be filed with the clerk of said township, to be preserved by him among the archives of said township, and a copy thereof certified to by said township clerk shall be by him filed with the clerk of said Lenawee county.

SEC. 4. Any money borrowed under the provisions of this act Money, how shall be expended in the construction of an iron or wooden bridge expended. or partly iron and partly wooden over and across the Raisin river on the site of the old iron bridge in the village of Blissfield, in the township of Blissfield in Lenawee county, and in constructing and grading the approaches thereto, and for no other purpose whatever, and in case of the issue of such bonds it shall be the Assessment duty of the supervisor of said township to assess, and the treas- of taxes. urer of said township to collect in each year thereafter, in addition to any taxes now authorized by law to be assessed and collected in said township, an amount sufficient to pay all interest upon such bonds accruing and becoming payable therein, and also any installment of the principal thereof falling due in any such year, but no more than one thousand dollars of such principal shall be made to become due in any one year, and the said interest shall be payable by said treasurer after the same shall become due, on presentation to him of the proper coupons, and the said principal shall be payable by said treasurer after the same shall become due on presentation to him of the proper bond.

and collection

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved January 19, 1887.

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