DECREES GRANTED. 55 Whole number of decrees granted in all the courts, during the past and present 1868.1869. 114 191 227 305 ......341 496 CRIME. The following statements show the statistics of crime in the courts of record during the past four years. RECORDER'S COURT-NUMBER SENTENCED. The following is a list of the crimes for which persons have been sentenced, with the number in each class: 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 2 ... ... 13 6 7 ... ... 1 ... 9 23 11 26 38 31 1 The following shows the number of each sex sentenced, and for what: SENT TO PRISON. The following shows the number of prisoners sentenced to the different prisons, with the crimes for which they were convicted: The following shows the number of each sex sent to the different prisons: The number of sentences in the Superior Court consisted of four for murder, of whom three were sent to the penitentiary, and one is to be hanged. Our efficient Coroner, Benj. Cleaves, has made up the following summary of the number of inquests held in Cook county during the year 1869, together with the causes of death: Infants found abandoned in different parts of the city who died at or before THE COUNTY JAIL. The following is a monthly statement of prisoners received and discharged from Cook county jail during 1869: Mr. Anthony offered the following amendments; which were referred-those relating to city affairs, to the committee on Municipal Corporations; and those relating to courts and court officers, to the commitee on Judiciary : FEES. Every county treasurer, county clerk, register or recorder of deeds, clerk of any court, sheriff, city collector and city treasurer, and every person who shall hold any office, who is paid any fees for his services, shall be required, by law, to make semiannual reports to proper officers, to be designated by law, of all fees and emolu ments of his office; and no such officer shall be allowed to retain, for his own personal compensation, over and above his necessary office expenses, including necessary clerk hire, also to be audited and allowed by the proper auditory officers, a sum exceeding dollars per year, or at that rate for the time he shall hold the office; and the surplus of such fees and emoluments, in the case of such county officers, shall be paid into the county treasury; and of such city officers into the city treasury. .... All warrants for the collection of state, county, city and other taxes and assessments, general and special, shall be made returnable to same officer, to be provided and specified by law, at one uniform time in the year, to be fixed by law, and remain with him for collection at least two months before application for judgment, and may be enforced against delinquents' property by judgment of a competent court, upon his application, in such manner as the Legislature shall provide by general law. A penalty, not exceeding one per centum a month, upon the amount of any tax or assessment, may be imposed by law for a failure to pay such tax or assessment, from the time the same shall become due and payable. No person shall hold more than one office at the same time, whether federal, county, city or town, either by election or appointment. No person shall be qualified to hold any office in the gift of any municipal corporation, body, board, or council, of which he is a member or during the time for which he was elected or appointed and qualified as a member of such municipal corporation, body, board or council. No county, city or town officer shall be eligible to any city, county or town office within two (2) years from the expiration of his last term of service, except judges of courts provided for in this Constitution. No city, county or town officer shall be elected or appointed for a longer term than two (2) years, except clerks of courts and judges of courts of law or equity. The Legislature shall not create any office, city, county or town, without an election to said office by the people. The Legislature shall not pass any law to increase fees or salaries of any county, city or town office, to take effect within two years after the passage of the act. And the Legislature shall never extend the term of any city, county or town office whatever. In all cities containing more than one hundred thousand inhabitants, no person shall be eligible to the office of alderman, unless he is a freeholder and has been a tax payer in said city for two years next preceding his election, and has been a resident of said city for two years next preceding his election. The county affairs of Cook county shall be managed by a board of supervisors, consisting of fifteen persons, ten of whom shall be elected from the city and five from towns outside of said city. No person shall be a member of said board who is not at the time of his election a freeholder, and who has not paid taxes for two years next preceding his election, and who has not resided five years in said Cook county. No person who is a sheriff or deputy sheriff, or who is holding any other office in said county, shall be eligible to said office of supervisor of said board. The first election of said board of supervisors shall take place on the day when this Constitution is submitted to the people for adoption, and every two years thereafter; and no person shall be a member of said board more than two years during a period of four years; and all supervisors shall have all the powers now possessed by the present board of supervisors, under the township organization law, and such further powers as may be conferred on them by the General Assembly, and shall within sixty days after their election, fix and prescribe the salary of the treasurer, the sheriff, clerk of the county court, the clerk of the circuit court, the three chief clerks of the Superior Court, the register of deeds, coroner, the clerk of the Recorder's Court or Common Pleas Court and district attorney, all in the said Cook county; which salaries shall continue until changed by the General Assembly. Mr. Turner offered the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Judiciary : Resolved, That the Supreme Court of this State should consist of one Chief Justice and six Associate Justices---the Chief Justice to be elected by the voters of the State at large; and two Associate Justices, to be elected by the voters, respectively, of the grand judicial divisions of the State. Mr. Vandeventer offered the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Revenue: Resolved, That the present Constitution be amended, by striking out article XV, relating to what is commonly known as the two-mill tax. Mr. Atkins offered the following resolutions; which were adopted: Resolved, That the clerk of the Supreme Court for the Third Grand Division of this State, at Ottawa, be requested to inform this Convention what judges of the Circuit Courts of this State have filed reports in the office of said clerk, in conformity with the provisions of an act of the General Assembly, approved January 29th, A. D. 1869, requiring all of the circuit judges of this State, annually, to report to the office of said clerk, by the second Tuesday of September, of each year, what defects exist in our civil and criminal code, in their judgment, and what amendments thereto are required by the public interest. Resolved, That the State Treasurer be requested to report to this Convention what judges of the Circuit Court of this State have drawn salaries of one thousand dollars, per annum, out of the treasury, for services required to be rendered by them by virtue of an act of the General Assembly, approved January 29th, A. D. 1869, entitled "An act to aid in the revision of the laws." Mr. Pierce offered the following resolution; which was referred to the committee on Legislative Department: |