On a simplification adapted to mode of fixation of immediate prosthetic appa- ratus, in resection of mandible. Claude Martin On use of alkalies in relieving pain. Palatal paralysis
The Association and our Journal from an American point of view... The value of respiratory exercises in naso-pharyngeal lesions in childhood.
Aids to dental anatomy and physiology. A. S. Underwood Alkalies, use of in relieving pain
Alveolar puncture of antrum, 477; Chiari's modification, 479; negative puncture,
Alveolar pyorrhoea, pathology and radical treatment of. Znamensky
Anesthetics, a new apparatus
collapse during, adrenalin in
ethyl-chloride as a general. Hatch
and their administration, by Hewitt. Review and their administration by dentists. Baudry-Mills general, in dental surgery. W. J. McCardie
Analgesia, electric high frequency
Angle's classification of the jaws Annotations
general meeting, 46, 107, 169, 232, 281, 356, 364; editorial, 96, 278, 349
Harding, W. E., presidential address
International Dental Federation, invitation to ...
Representative Board, election to
report of Resignation of J. Smith Turner
Antiseptics in dental practice
Antral suppuration, by E. S. Yonge, 474; ætiology, 474; chronic cases and radical operation, 481; condition of membrane in, 475; dangers of antral disease, 483; dry treatment of, 479; Jansen's radical operation, 483; organisms in, 474; syringing in, 478; symptoms of, 476; treatment of, 477 Antral suppuration, interesting point in treatment of Antrum, floor of, removed during extraction
Apparatus, new anesthetic
Appendicitis, suppurative, and septic mouth...
Apperley, H. D., on dental reform
Appliance for retraction of incisors and premolars. Edwards
Applications to General Medical Council
.62, 128, 184, 238, 312, 53, 648, 700, 732
general meeting, 46, 107, 169, 232, 281, 356, 364; editorial on, 96, 278, 349; Harding, W. E., Presidential address, 315; Hon. Secretary's report, 366; Hon. Trea- surer's report, 365; International dental federation, invitation to, 374; Representatives to, 101, 507; Representative board, elections to, 373; report of, 368; resignation of J. Smith Turner, Vice- president of Association, 371; withdrawal of same, 373; for 1903, 361, 368
Baker, A. W. W., Advanced and retarded dentition 427 Coffin, W. H., What should an Association jour- nal be Colyer, J. F., Oral sepsis and general disease Dolamore, W. H., and Hopewell-Smith, Two odontomes
Dreschfeld, H. T., A scheme to neutralise the advertiser... Hatch, R. M., A new anaesthetic apparatus, and suggestions in use of ethyl chloride Robinson and Rolland, Somnoform Webb, T. Law, Removal of suspicious growths or ulcers in mouth for microscopical examination... Yonge, Eugene S., Treatment of intractable sup- puration in maxillary antrum
126, 192, 245, 405, 470, 533, 643, 703, 777 Committee: Secretary and Treasurer's report
Association Intelligence-contd.
Central Counties Branch Bostock, A. L., Lengthening of porcelain teeth with gum body, 690; Articulation of artificial dentures and retention of these in edentulous cases, 144; Cundy, G. J., Method of flasking some partial and full dentures, 689; Donagan, Lennox matrices, 689; McCardie, general anaesthetics in dental surgery, 249
Coxon, S. A. T., valedictory address North Midland Branch 48, 121, 185, 238, 302, 398, 465, 516, 690, 744 Annual dinner, 521; Birch, J. C., irregularities of teeth, 24; Brunton, G., seamless crown with Berry outfit, 746; demonstrations, 520, 745; Edwards, R., appliance for retracting incisors and premolars, 136; Gaddes, valedictory address, 564; Grayston, W. C., some forms of extraction forceps, 274; on education of public, 750; Harrison, F., principles of bridge-work, 556; Harrison and Storey, J. C., forms of supernumeraries, 186; Headridge, D., presentation to, 519; Houghton, E., removable and sectional bridges, 662; loan museum, 520; Plumley, A. G. G., antiseptics in dental practice, 722; Rose, F., box crown with- out removing tooth contour, 558; pros and cons of fixed bridges, 558; Saville, D., a method of remaking a vulcanite denture, 745; Secretary's report, 185; Waite, W. H., education of public, 747; Woods, J. A., a case of absorption, 193
Scottish Branch
Southern Counties Branch
47, 119, 238, 302, 397, 456 Balance sheet, 458; Canning, H. A. E., Inlays, 197; Council's report, 457; Election of council, 119; Harrison, W., Should private pupilage be abolished, 486; Hughes Morgan, Amendment of Dental Act, 121; King, Arthur, Presidential address, 496; Treasurer's report, 121 Western Counties Branch 48, 181, 303, 397, 466, 522, 688 Hatch, R. M., Ethyl chloride as general anesthetic, 551; Helyar, Valedic- tory address, 624; Hon. Treasurer's report, 524; Hunt, W. A., Operations in the mouth, 182; Laws, alteration of bye-law, 15, 523; Report of Council for the year, 523; Underwood, A. S., Thanks of branch to, 526; Thomson, Dental reform, 265; Yates, S. G., Presidential address, 567 Austen and Gabell's Notes on materia medica. Review
Baker, A. W. W., advanced and retarded dentition, 427; form and structure of
Balance sheet, Association
Barlow, Sir Thos., trade aspect of mechanical dentistry, 705; annotation on, 674 Barton, L. F., on mechanical pupilage
Baudry-Mills, A. F., should anæsthetics be administered by dentists ? conclusion from the Clitheroe case
Bennett, F. J., on Dreschfeld's scheme to neutralise advertiser, 612; international dental federation, 392; odontomes, 550; organisms in nasal cavities, 484; structure of retarded teeth, 423
Bennett, Horace, on Dreschfeld's scheme to neutralise advertiser
Bennett, Norman G., on dental education, 162, 230; on redistribution of branches 735 Bennett, Storer, research scholarship
Betts, E. G., on extraction of six-year molars
Bostock, A. L., articulation of artificial dentures and retention of these in edentulous cases, 144; method of lengthening porcelain teeth with gum body, 689
Box crown without removing tooth contour
Brain, abscess of, extension from lower wisdom Branch Secretaries' Reports :-
Bridgework, notes on, Thew, 605; Principles of, F. Harrison, 556; causes of failure of, 557; fixation of, 557; Pros and cons of fixed, Fred Rose, 558; Removable and sectional, E. Houghton, 662
Brief notes on cleft palate. L. H. Ormsby..
British Dental Association prosecution for unregistered practice
Broderick, F. W., Birmingham students' society report
Bromide of ethyl as general anesthetic
Brophy, Truman W., and Chicago press, 680; F. Canton on, 738; dental educa- tion, 99
Broughton Head, L. C., two cases of bullet-wound in mouth
Brown v. Panhaus, action for unregistered practice, 581; v. Loft, 766 Brunton, Sir Lauder, on alkalies in relieving pain
Campbell, Harry, on adenoids and deformities of the upper jaw Campion, G. G., movements of condyles
on international dental federation ,, University degrees in dental surgery vote of thanks to publishing committee Canine, outstanding, treatment of ...
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