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after all, there is no guide for the formation of female character, morally or religiously considered, like the inspired one. A woman unacquainted with the Bible, and ignorant of its contents, as affecting her own conduct, character, and history, has yet to know the finest patterns of female loveliness. The Bible is the best mirror by which most accurately to know what you are, and to become what you should be; before whose reflecting sur face you may adjust all the moral habiliments of the soul, and from which you may go forth adorned with all the beauties of holiness, clothed with the garment of purity, and decorated with the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.*

*The author is indebted for some things in this sermon and the next to an incomparably beautiful little work by Adolphe Monod, formerly Professor of Theology at Montauban, but now Minister of the French Reformed Church in Paris. A preacher so celebrated, that when Lacordaire, the most renowned of Roman Catholic public orators, was complimented upon being the first French preacher in France, he replied, "No: I am only the second-Adolphe Monod is first." A very elegant little work has lately been published by the Rev. John Jessop, M.A., entitled, "Woman," for which the author candidly acknowledges himself indebted chiefly to "a late highly esteemed French Protestant clergyman." Mr. J. does not seem to be aware that happily Mr. Monod is still living. His exquisitely beautiful little work has been admirably translated by Miss Lloyd; and is of such excellence, that it can not be spoken of in terms of eulogy which are too high and emphatic.

Woman's Mission.

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an helpmeet for him."--GENESIS ii. 18.

"WHAT, in this great, and diversified, and busy world, is my place, and мy business ?" is a question which every one should ask. For every one has a place to fill and a part to act.

And to act his part
God, in the lofty

well, according to the will of drama of human life, should be the ambition, the solicitude, and the prayer of each of us. It is the first lesson of wisdom, to know our place; the second, to keep it. And of course, corresponding with this, to ascertain the duties of our place, and to discharge them. There are class duties as well as individual ones, and the latter are generally to be more accurately learned by an intelligent appre hension of the former. Woman, as such, has her mission. What is it? What is precisely that rank she is to occupy-that purpose she is to fulfill, above which she would be unduly exalted, and below which she would be as unjustly degraded? This is a subject which should be thoroughly understood, in order that she should know what to claim, and man what to concede-that she may

know what she has to do, and he what he has a right to expect.

We shall endeavor to answer this question, and point out the nature of woman's mission. In doing this, we shall consult the infallible oracle of Scripture, and not the speculations of moralists, economists, and philosophers. We hold this to be our rule in the matter before us. God is the creator of both sexes-the constructor of society-the author of social relations, and the arbiter of social duties, claims, and immunities. And this is admitted by all who believe in the authority of the Bible. You are content, my female friends, to abide by the decisions of this oracle. You have every reason to be so. He that created you is best qualified to declare the intention of his own acts, and you may safely, as you should humbly, allow him to fix your position, and make known your duties. In common with man, woman has a heav enly calling to glorify God as the end of her existence; to perform all the duties, and enjoy all the blessings, of a religious life; like him, she is a sinful, rational, and immortal creature, placed under an economy of mercy, and called, by repentance toward God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, to eternal life. Religion is as much her vocation as that of the other sex. In Christ Jesus there is neither male nor female, but all are on a level as to obligations, duties, and privileges.

In common with man, she is called, where she is unmarried and dependent, to labor for her own sup

port; a condition to which large portions of the community are necessarily subject by the circumstances of their birth. Industry is as incumbent upon her as upon the other sex, and indolence is no more excusable. But in the married state, her sphere of labor, as we shall presently show, is the family; and it belongs to the husband to earn by the sweat of his brow, not only his own bread, but that of the household. In many of the uncivilized tribes, where the ameliorating condition of Christianity is not felt, the woman is the drudge of the family, while the husband lives in lordly sloth. And even in this country, at least in its manufacturing portions, manual labor falls too often, and too heavily, upon married women, greatly to the detriment of their families. An unmarried woman, however, without fortune, must provide for herself in some way or other, according to the circumstances of her birth and situation; and let her not consider herself degraded by it. Honest industry is far more honorable than pride and sloth.

But neither of these is the peculiar mission of woman, as appertaining to her sex. To know what this is, we must, as I have said, consult the page of revelation, and ascertain the declared motive of God for her creation. "And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him AN HELPMEET FOR HIM. This is further expressed, or rather repeated, where it is said, "And Adam," or, "Although Adam, had given names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and

to every beast of the field; yet for Adam there was not found AN HELPMEET FOR HIM"-Genesis ii. 18, 20. Nothing can be more clear from hence, than that woman was made for man. Adam was created a being with undeveloped social propensities, which, indeed, seem essential to all creatures. It is the sublime peculiarity of Deity to be entirely independent for happiness of all other beings. He, and he only, is the theater of his own glory, the fountain of his own felicity, a sufficient object of his own contemplation, and needing nothing for his bliss but self-communion. The highest archangel in heaven would pine, even there, for companionship, either divine or angelic. Adam, surrounded with all the glories of Paradise, and with all the various tribes it contained, found himself alone, and needed companionship, without which his life was but a solitude, Eden itself a desert. Endowed with a nature too communicative to be satisfied with himself alone, he sighed for society, for support, for some complement to his existence, and only half-lived so long as he lived alone. Formed to think, to speak, to love, his thoughts yearned for other thoughts with which to compare and exercise his soaring aspirations. His words were wearisomely wasted upon the wanton air, or at best awoke but an echo which mocked instead of answered him. His love, as regards an earthly object, knew not where to bestow itself; and returning to his own bosom, threatened to degenerate into a desolating egotism. His entire being longed, in short,

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