Imágenes de páginas



THE following articles comprise a simple equipment for a laboratory class of ten. The equipment for larger classes is proportionately less in price. The following articles may be obtained from any reliable dealer in laboratory supplies, such as the Bausch and Lomb Optical Company of Rochester, N.Y.

1 balance, Harvard trip style, with weights on carrier.

1 set gram weights, 1 mg. to 100 g.

1 bell jar, about 365 mm. high by 165 mm. in diameter.
10 wide mouth (salt mouth) bottles, with corks to fit.
10 25 c.c. dropping bottles for iodine, etc.

25 250 c.c. glass-stoppered bottles for stock solutions.
100 test tubes, assorted sizes.

1 test tube rack.

5 test tube brushes.

2 graduated cylinders, one to 100 c.c., one to 500 c.c. 1 package filter paper 300 mm. in diameter.

4 flasks, Ehrlenmeyer form, 800 c.c. capacity.

2 glass funnels, one 50, one 150 mm. in diameter.

10 Petri dishes, 100 mm. in diameter, 10 mm. in depth.

10 stender dishes 30 mm. by 50 mm.

10 pairs scissors.

10 pairs forceps.

20 needles in handles.

10 scalpels.

10 feet glass tubing, soft, sizes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, assorted.

1 oblong aquarium jar, 10 liters capacity.

12 mason jars, pints.

12 mason jars, quarts.

2 specimen jars, glass tops, of about 1 liter capacity.

1 alcohol lamp.

10 hand magnifers, vulcanite or tripod form.

2 compound demonstration microscopes or 1 more expensive

compound microscope.

1 gross slides.

100 cover slips No 2.

1 razor, for cutting sections.

1 mortar and pestle.

300 insect pins, Klaeger, 3 sizes assorted.

10 bulb pipettes.

1 box rubber bands, assorted sizes.

10 feet rubber tubing to fit glass tubing, sizes 3, 5.

1 support stand with rings.

2 books test paper, red and blue.

1 chemical thermometer graduated to 100° C.

15 agate ware or tin trays about 350 mm. long by 100 wide.

10 Syracuse watch glasses.

1 spool fine copper wire.

1 gal. 95 per cent alcohol.

1 liter formol.

1 oz. iodine cryst.

1 oz. iodide of potassium.

6 oz. nitric acid.

6 oz. ammonium hydrate.
6 oz. benzole or xylol.
6 oz. chloroform.

lb. copper sulphate.
lb. sodium hydroxide.
lb. rochelle salts.

6 oz. glycerine.

(Do not use denatured alcohol.)

The materials for Pasteur's solution and Sach's nutrient solution can best be obtained from a druggist at the time needed and in very small and accurately measured quantities.


Illustrations are indicated by page numerals in bold-faced type.

Absorption, by root hairs, 86;

course of food after, 341;

in intestine, 342;

in stomach, 338;

into blood, 340;

organs of (villi), 341.

Accessory fruit, 51.

Alcohol, effect on the nervous sys-

tem, 411;

effect on nerve cells, 413;

effect on the respiratory organs,


effect on the vocal organs, 427;
oxidation of, 385.

"Accommodation" in human eye, Alcohol poisoning, 413;


[blocks in formation]

in mantis, 232.

moral effect of, 417.
Algæ, blue-green, 173;
brown, 174;

chlorophyll in, 173;

economic importance of, 173;
green, 174;

red, 173.

Alimentary canal, comparison of, in

frog and man, 331;

in man, 330.

Alligator, 290.

Alligators and crocodiles, 290.

Alternation of generations in ferns,


in mosses, 158.

Aggressive resemblance, defined, 232; | Alveoli, function of, 381.

Air, in germination, 79;

in starch making, 131.

Albumen, test for, 22.

Alcohol, a poison, 327;

as a food, 326;

Atwater's experiments with, 326;
cause of mental disorders, 413;
chemical formula of, 326;
effect on bodily heat, 398;
effect on circulation, 360;

effect on digestion, 343;

effect on the eye, 426;

effect on the heart, 361;

effect on the kidney. 393;
effect on muscle, 369.

Ambulacræ, 203.

Ambulacral grooves, 203.

Amaba, 182;

asexual reproduction in, 182, 183;
changes during division, 182;
locomotion in, 182;

oxidation in, 182;

structure of, 182.

Amphibia, characteristics of, 280;

classification of, 285;

examples of, 284.

Ampulla, 204.

Angiosperms, defined, 151.

Annual rings, 108.

Annulus, 153.

Anther, 31.

Antheridium, in fern, 154, 155;

in liverworts, 159;

in moss, 158.

Ants, life history of, 253;

talking of, 254.

Beetles, economic importance of, 245;
life history of, 245;

sexual dimorphism in, 246;
structure of, 244;

useful to man, 246.

Ants' nest, artificial, 252, (note) Berry, 52, 53.


Aphids, 247;

life history of, 248.

Aphids and ants, 249.
Appendages, in crayfish, 217;
in frog, 371, 374;
in man, 372, 374.
Apple, study of, 51.
Apple and blossoms, 51.
Archegonium, in fern, 154, 155;
in liverwort, 159;
in moss, 158.

Arteries, structure of, 353, 354.
Arthropoda, 227.

Ascent of sap, causes of, 113.
Ascospores, 166.

Ascus (plu. asci), 166.

Asexual reproduction in coral, 201;

in fern, 155;

in hydroids, 199;

in mold, 160;

in moss, 158;

in paramecium, 181.
Astigmatism, 426.
Asymmetry, 223, 263.
Auricle, 352.

Automatic acts, 408.

Bacteria, diseases caused by, 170;
habitat of, 168;

in fermentation, 169;

method of study, 169;

relation to nitrogen, 94;
size and form, 169.

Bacteroids forming in root cells, 94.

Bark, uses of, 109.

Barnacles, 225, 226.

Bast fibers, 109.

Bean, study of, 66.

Bee, attractions offered by flower to,

38. See Bumblebee and Honey-

Beer making, 168.

Bile, 339.

Biology defined, 11.

Birds, adaptations in, 293, 296;
bills of, 295, 296;

care of young, 298;
classification of, 302, 306;
extermination of, 300;
feather of, 292, 293;
flight of, 292;
food of, 299;

harmful to man, 298;

high temperature in, 295;
migrations of, 301;
nervous system of, 297;
nesting habit of, 297;
nests of, 297, 298;

protection of, 292;

relationship between reptiles and,


skeleton of, 294, 295;
tail of, 293.

Birds of prey, 304.

Bison, 315.

Biuret test, (note) 337.

Bladderwort, 139.

Blade of leaf, section through, 24.

Blastula, formation of, 192.

Blood, amount of, 348;

changes of, in body, 357;
clotting of, 345;

corpuscles in, 344, 345, 347;
course of, 356, 357;
distribution of, 348;
function of, 344;
hæmoglobin in, 346;
Metchnikoff on, 346;

phagocytes in, 347;
plasma in, 344;

relation of food, air, and sleep
to, 348;

temperature of, in cold-blooded

animals, 348;

temperature of, in man, 348.

Blood cell, 189.

Blood serum, 345.

Boa constrictor, skull of, 289.

Calyx, 31.

Cambium, 109.

Cap of mushroom, 162.

Bodily heat, effect of alcohol on, 398; Capillaries, changes in blood in, 355;

[blocks in formation]

necessity of food, rest, and fresh Carp, anatomy of, 273.

air to, 410;

necessity of sleep to, 410.

Carpel, 31.

Cecropia moth, 237.

Breathing, hygienic habits of, 388; Cell, animal, 27;

[blocks in formation]
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