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The reason assigned for the air of levity which pervades the New York meetings, and which leads to ludicrous story-telling and noisy applause, is that the popular taste demands it, and will not be satisfied without. But of this notion there was a practical refutation at the meeting in behalf of the American Board. It was one of the largest meetings of the week, and was pervaded as by the solemnity of eternity. Tears of profound emotion took the place of lightness of heart. There was no attempt at clamorous applause. It would have seemed as much out of place in a church on the Sabbath. These noisy demonstrations are so many safety-valves, which let off the excitement before a working head of steam can be raised. It is not the vapor which rushes forth with deafening sound that urges the slow barge, or propels the rapid car. But it is that which is confined and condensed, till it gathers more than giant strength, and operates with silent and resistless power. At the meeting of the American Board, the tender religious spirit which pervaded the heart of the speakers, found a response in that vast and weeping audience, which could scarcely refrain from an outbreak of sobs and sighs. Such a meeting is a heavenly augury in favor of the success of the cause.

The Evangelical Alliance for all the United States held its meeting and chose its officers. Alas, it has but a consumptive look. Its life will, to all appearance, be short and not very merry. A moral union of Christians of different names, but united in affection and sympathy is greatly to be desired. But what can we hope from a formal union, in which some of the members must treat others as unbaptized, and as being out of the covenant of Christ, and in which one class of ministers regards the rest as usurpers of the sacred office? We honor the feeling which prompts these efforts; but we feel that the foundations of true union are not yet laid and settled.


Apr. 20. Mr. Henry H. Saunderson, Ludlow, Ms.

May 4. Mr. Orramel W. Cooley, Dover.


"Mr. Ira M. Preston, at Marietta, Ohio, Missionary to Africa.


Apr. 19. Rev. Hubbard Beebe, South Wilbraham, Ms. 66 26. Rev. William C. Jackson, Lincoln.

May 10. Rev. Augustus B. Collins, East Stafford, Conn. "18. Rev. George C. Partridge, Greenfield, Ms.


Apr. 23. At Indian Orchard District, Springfield, Ms.


THE subscribers hereby express their conviction, that a periodical of the character of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVATORY is demanded by the wants of the religious community; and they heartily commend it to the members of evangelical congregations, and to all with whom their opinion may have influence. It is their purpose, also, to contribute to its pages, so far as their duties and engagements will permit.




Manchester, Feb. 21, 1848.

I should do wrong to myself, did I not express my hearty approval of the OBSERVATORY. I love its thorough-going, unbending, Puritan character, its unflinching advocacy of the "old paths," and firm adherence to "sound doctrine" in these days of slippery theology. May it live and flourish, so long as there is work to be done for the defence of the truth.


NEW BRAINTREE, Feb., 3, 1848.

I have carefully and with much pleasure perused nearly the whole work. Its objects, and the manner of accomplishing them, are such as cannot fail of securing the approbation of those who love the great principles which led our pilgrim fathers "to seek a country," and who desire to see those principles sustained, and transmitted to future generations. I am especially pleased to find the Bible occupying so prominent a place on the pages of the OBSERVATORY, and treated as the Word of God, and defended from the assaults of semi-infidelity which it has had to encounter in these latter days. This is what I think to be needed by the people at large.


Rev. Dr. Woodbridge, of Hadley, Mass.

The character, objects and execution of the CHRISTIAN OBSERVATORY are, in the opinion of the subscriber, such as to give it a just title to the warm and extensive patronage of the friends of evangelical truth, of the primitive order of the New England churches, of the junction of liberty with conservatism, and of practical and experimental piety. JOHN WOODBRIDGE.

THE CHRISTIAN OBSERVATORY stands in the right place, having the widest horizon for its purposes in New England. It is built upon a good, solid, Puritan foundation; and below that, as I believe," upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, JESUS CHRIST himself being the chief corner-stone." But such an observatory, with all its advantages of basis, location and height, would be of little use without a competent and wakeful observer; and so far as I have been able to learn, the public think they have got the right man. He is, every month, pointing out to us some of the disturbing forces, which vex our system, and threaten us with "disastrous twilight." If any of these dubious "vestiges," which lie beyond our system, should conglomerate themselves into "wandering stars," I doubt not he will give us the elements of their orbits, and warn us of the danger. Some, perhaps, would be heartily glad to be rid, both of the Observatory and the Observer; but for myself, I hope that the one will stand as long as Bunker Hill monument, that the other will live a great while to announce the result of his observations, and that when he is transferred to a higher sphere, a worthy successor may never be wanting. H. HUMPHREY. Pittsfield, Feb. 14, 1848.



THE first volume of this work, for 1847, contains a series of articles on the Inspiration of the Bible; another on the use and necessity of creeds; another exposing the mistakes and misstatements, in disparagement of Orthodoxy, made by ex-president Quincy in his History of Harvard College; and another of lives and sketches of eminent Puritans. Besides these, there is a great variety of articles and reviews, none long, and many short and condensed, relating to subjects of religious and practical interest. The whole forms a handsome volume, combining utility with entertainment. It may be had, on appli. cation at this office, neatly bound in cloth, at very moderate terms.

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This work is published at Boston, in monthly numbers of fortyeight octavo pages, forming a volume of five hundred and seventy-six pages, original matter, for two dollars per annum, payable on the delivery of the first number.

No person will be considered as a subscriber, who does not distinctly make known his wish to that effect. His subscription will be continued on our books, till a discontinuance is ordered, and all arrearages are paid.

Any person remitting to this office nine dollars, shall receive six copies of the Christian Observatory for one year.

Clergymen will be supplied with the work at one half the subscription price, or one dollar per annum.

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JOHN V. BEANE & CO., Publishers,

No. 21 Cornhill, Boston.

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