Imágenes de páginas


Mr. James French, a tasteful publisher, has sent us two or three beautiful volumes, which look as if they were made for gift rather than for trade. They are from the pen of Rev. T. A. Taylor; and convey the soundest instruction, in the spirit of an ardent piety. We might have forgotten to notice them, had we not seen them soundly abused in a certain publication which assumes the highest airs of catholicity and liberality. Their author is maligned as a man of a bad heart and execrable spirit; though all who know him regard him as the very soul of gentleness, such as must create a sort of impossibility that he should ever be subjected to abusive usage. But the disciple must fare as his Master. However meek and lowly may be the defender of the Trinity and the opposer of infidelity, he must expect to be encountered by men like-minded with those who would have stoned our Lord, and who murdered his faithful martyr Stephen. Mr. French has also sent us one of his dainty little volumes, containing a quantity of sonnets by Moxon. These are in the fashionable style of poetry; but are a little too sleek to obtain a lasting popularity. Mr. Moxon answers the prescription for a ladies' poet; who, as it is said on high authority,

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"A verse must write as smooth and calm as cream,

In which there is no current, and scarce stream."

OLD ATTICS. Notwithstanding the ruling passion among us for making all things new, there yet remain in New England many habitations, which have been standing for one or two centuries; and each of which has been occupied, all that time, by successive generations of one family. In the garrets of these old mansions, there may often be found accumulations of old pamphlets, newspapers, and manuscripts, embalmed in dust and cobwebs; and which will often be found to contain much matter of antiquarian and historical interest. The examination of some of these "lumber-mountains" and "slumber-lakes," as Carlyle calls them, has exhumed many treasures of this kind. All persons having access to any such deposits of forgotten valuables, are earnestly exhorted to lose no time in exploring them, and bringing their treasures to light. We are moved to make this exhortation by a statement from a friend who narrowly missed a notable opportunity of the kind. In the place where he resided was an ancient habitation, originally built as a parsonage for the first minister of the town. That minister, in his youth, had been carried captive to Canada by the Indians; in his manhood, he served as chaplain at the taking of Louisburg, and also in the old French war; and he died, in the sixty-sixth year of his ministry, among his own flock. Our informant, through special favor with a descendant of the patriarch, obtained access to the attic of the old habitation. Here he spent one happy day in overhauling and arranging the, long neglected treasures; and roughly calculated that it would take about ten days more to complete the business. He found what appeared to be full files of the Boston News-Letter, which our antiquarians have greatly desired to see. There were journals relating to the Louisburg and other military expeditions,

which would have been invaluable. There were files of letters full of interesting items of intelligence and traits of old times. There were bundles of long-lost proclamations and other public documents. In short, there were heaps of those spoils and relics of the past, over whose discovery the heart of the antiquary leaps for joy. Before our friend could revisit the precious hoard, he was called out of town. On his return, the first sight which met his eyes was that old parsonage wrapped in flames! It burned to the ground before his sorrowing eyes, and all those priceless documents perished together in melancholy ruin. Now, therefore, take warning, all who have access to like spots; and take heed lest they too be destroyed, before their wealth shall have been made available to the lover of our country, studious of its history, and proud of its early fame.


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Close of the Course of Doctrinal Sermons.· sermons was delivered by Rev. Mr. Kirk. The Old South was crowded as it had been; and it was a happy conclusion of such a a series of discourses, to end it with such a practical subject as the evidence of the believer's hope. This topic was selected as the last, with a view to shew, that however important the doctrines of grace are in themselves, they cannot save the soul, unless they are embraced and obeyed. This course of lectures was well conceived, and as well sustained; and it has given much instruction, satisfaction, and comfort to the people of God. It has been attended, and, we trust, with profit, by very many, who have never before heard the doctrines of the gospel duly stated and defended. They who have ventured to assert, that our ministers would not preach, and our churches would not bear, the ancient doctrines of their fathers, have been put to shame. This course of lectures, in which all the pastors have taken a part, and have responded to each other, was soundly orthodox throughout. It is to be hoped, that it may speedily appear in printed form, "in perpetual memory of the thing."

Eulogy on Mr. Adams. At the appointment of the legislature of Massachusetts, this service was performed, in Faneuil Hall, April 15th, by Hon. Edward Everett. It was worthy of the place, occasion, speaker, and subject. The crowds who failed to obtain admission, had reason to envy the crowds who succeeded, cruelly condensed as they were. The sable drapery in which the Hall was mantled recalled the fact, that it was for the first time so decked on occasion of the death of the elder Adams, as now on account of the death of his illustrious son. The topics on which the orator principally expended his power, were the early training of John Quincy Adams, and his moral and religious character. The contrast between the

dying scene of Mr. Adams, as he expired in the Capitol, and the flight of the king of the French, at nearly the same time, afforded the noblest burst of eloquence. The last years of Mr. Adams's life at Washington were finely depicted. He held, indeed, a wonderful preeminence in that tempestuous political region.

"Like some tall cliff that lifts its awful form,

Swells from the vale, and midway leaves the storm;
Though round its breast the rolling clouds be spread,
Eternal sunshine settles on its head."

To this great statesman and patriot may be applied the words of the Son of Sirach: "He was as the morning star in the midst of a cloud, and as the moon at the full; as the sun shining upon the temple of the Most High, and as the rainbow giving light in the bright clouds."

State of Religion. A very general religious interest prevails in this vicinity, though it "cometh without observation," in gentle and silent refreshing. The churches of Boston are mostly, in some degree, revived; and especially the Salem Church, the Church of the Pilgrims, and the Phillips Church. The Sabbath School is blessed; and many of its pupils, who are also children of the covenant, appear to be coming to Jesus. May the Lord "come and rain righteousness upon us," till "by watering he wearieth the thick cloud."

The Children's Home.- Among the best and most efficient of our benevolent institutions is the Children's Friend Society. It has been in existence for nearly quarter of a century. It gathers in the fatherless and the motherless, and clothes, feeds and educates them. Its main design is to give them a religious training. A large and elegant building, reared by the munificence of Bostonians, and standing on a lot of ground given by the city, was set apart for its use, on Thursday, April 13th, by appropriate religious services. Mr. Walley presided; and Dr. Sharpe, in solemn prayer, dedicated the house to "the Father, Word, and Holy Ghost." Addresses were made by several gentlemen. It was a pleasant and cheering sight, to see one more barrier thrown up to bear back the tide of crime and suffering, which sets in so rapidly.

Anti-Sabbath Convention. This meeting was held soon after our last Monthly Record was made up. It must have occasioned much mortification to those who called it. We doubt whether an infidel gathering has ever been held, which has been the occasion of results so favorable to religion. It was most meagre in its numbers, its character, and its doings. The sentiment of the community seems to have been; "If the abolition of the Sabbath is going to make us all like this miserable crew, we will cling to that sacred observance more closely than ever." Four or more of the most active and prominent members were obviously insane; and others

apparently were bordering closely on the same sad condition. Perhaps they were geniuses once; and, if so, may serve to verify one couplet of Pope's:

"Great wits to madness, sure, are near allied,

And thin partitions do their bounds divide."

Their proceedings excited that kind of sympathy which sober men must feel, on seeing the inmates of a lunatic asylum, sitting in solemn conclave, revising the judicial code, and tinkering the constitution of the country. Medical men have testified in favor of the obser vance of the Sabbath, because it favors health and morality by promoting cleanliness. And it seemed as though Providence had permitted this assemblage of Sabbath-haters, in order to shew what aspect society would wear without the purifying influences of that day. Such an unwashed, uncombed, unshorn, unshaven, and utterly untidy set could hardly have been matched in all New England beside. Some might have been ceremonially clean, but few appeared to be so. It seemed probable that most of them had wholly dispensed with ablution, since they had taken up with abolition, and enlisted in the crusade against the holy time of rest. Abby Folsom's gloves were awfully in want of darning; and many stockings had more than two large holes. What the apostle Jude said of the false teachers and pretended reformers of his day, will apply with literal exactness to this dirty Convention: "These filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities."


Mar. 22. Mr. Revilo J. Cone, Copenhagen, N. Y.


Mar. 14. Rev. D. C. Lansing, D. D., Clinton Avenue Church, Brooklyn, N. Y.


15. Rev. William Tappan Eustis, Chapel Street Church, New Haven, Conn..

66 22. Rev. Asa B. Smith, Buckland, Ms.

Apr. 5. Rev. W. D. Love, Howe Street Church, New Haven, Conn.


Mar. 24. Rev. James Gooch, of North Yarmouth, Me. æ. 47.
Apr. 14. Rev. Peter Eaton, D. D., of West Boxford, Ms. æ. 83.


Mar. 15. In Township Letter F., Aroostook County, Me.

THE subscribers hereby express their conviction, that such a work as the Christian Observatory, set for the defence of the faith and practice of the Puritans, is needed by the Christian community; and that its extensive circulation would highly subserve the cause of evangelical truth, and of a pure and wholesome literature. From the ability and spirit with which it is conducted, they also believe, that it will prove an attractive, as well as an instructive and useful, visiter, in any intelligent Christian family that may receive it. They therefore commend it cordially to the confidence and support of all with whom their opinion may have influence.




Amherst College.

I have examined, with considerable care, the first numbers of the Christian Observatory. The result, in my own mind, is a decided conviction, that the work is one of great value. It is a periodical for the times; and it will commend itself to all who love, and who would have others love, the faith of our puritan Fathers.

I regard it as especially adapted to the wants of this community, and should be glad to see it in as many of the families of my congre gation as may feel able to take it. E. Y. SWIFT.


I have read, with much pleasure, the Christian Observatory. A periodical of this character is much needed at the present time, when such onsets are continually made "" the upon faith delivered to the saints." This work is conducted with ability, and is sufficiently catholic in its spirit to meet the approbation of every lover of those religious sentiments which the Puritans of New England imbibed, and under whose influence the churches reposed and flourished for two hundred years. I hope it may receive sufficient patronage from the Christian public to ensure its success. SAMUEL OSGOOD.


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