"Pushing to the Front; or, Success Under Difficulties," and "Architects of Fate; or, Steps to Success and Power." PUBLISHED BY THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, BIBLE HOUSE, NEW YORK. HARVARD Copyright, 1896, BY LOUIS KLOPSCH. PRESS AND BINDERY OF PHILADELPHIA. VI. Will You Pay the Price? VII. Foundation Stones, X. To Be Great, Concentrate, XII. Thoroughness, XIII. Trifles, 49 58 318 HOW TO SUCCEED. CHAPTER I. FIRST, BE A MAN. The great need at this hour is manly men. We want no goody-goody piety; we have too much of it. We want men who will do right, though the heavens fall, who believe in God, and who will confess Him.-REV. W. J. DAWSON. All the world cries, Where is the man who will save us? We want a man! Don't look so far for this man. You have him at hand. This man-it is you, it is I; it is each one of us! . . . How to constitute one's self a man? Nothing harder, if one knows not how to will it; nothing easier, if one wills it.-ALEXANDER Dumas. "I thank God I am a Baptist," said a little, short Doctor of Divinity, as he mounted a step at a convention. Louder ! louder!" shouted a man in the audience; we can't hear." Get up higher," said another. "I can't," replied the doctor, to be a Baptist is as high as one can get.' But there is something higher than being a Baptist, and that is being a man. Rousseau says: "According to the order of nature, men being equal, their common vocation is the profession of humanity; and whoever is well educated to discharge the duty of a man cannot be badly prepared to |