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Paris, Sept. 14. The king of France vifited the national affembly, and took an oath to preferve the new conflitution, in the following words:

After high mafs, the upper lord | prefent of five millions of piaftres, and marshal took the fword again from the one of our ports in the Mediterratable, and his majefty, attended by the fame retinue, went to the great hall, where there was a throne two fteps high, on which was a richly decorated arm-chair. His majefly fat down with his head covered. Oppofite the throne a chair was erected, from which the hereditary homage was read, in the Bohemian and German languages. The Bohemian oath was first read, and then the German.

The fecular ftates held up three fingers of the right hand, and the spiritual put their right on their bofom.

After the oath, the ftates thanked his majefty with a low bow; upon which his majesty rofe from the throne, and went with the fame attendance to his apartments.

"Gentlemen, I come to confecrate here folemnly the acceptation which I have given to the conftitutional act.

"In confequence, I swear, to be faithful to the nation and to the law; to employ all the power, which is delegated to me, in the maintenance of the con ftitution, decreed by the conftituent national affembly; and to caufe the laws to be executed."

His majefty came to the national affembly in his ftate coach, attended by his minifters, and having taken the oath, he returned to the palace of the ThuilLisbon, Sept. 1o. A plan, firft fug-leries, through the garden on foot, atgefted by the late marquis of Pombal for the reform of religious orders in Portugal, is now under confideration of her most faithful majesty. A bull from the pope has appointed the bishop of Aldgarve, confeffor to the queen, to the office of reformer.

The revenues, derived by Portugal from Brafil, have diminished confiderably of late years. This circumftance is as much a misfortune to other kingdoms as to that, for the money received in it has always been remitted to the manufacturers of other countries.

13. Vice-admiral Ramirez is preparing to fet fail in the frigate Golfino for Barbary, with a prefent of 10,000 crufades for the emperor of Morocco.

Madrid, Sept. 13. The emperor of Morocco has appeared at the head of his army before Ceuta, and demanded the furrender of that fortrefs; but don Durbicza, the governor, who had already received his majesty's declaration of war against the Moorish prince, anfwered only by a difcharge of cannon; upon which the Moors opened their batteries, and have damaged many houses with their bombs.

Don Barcelo is on the point of failing from Algefiras, in order to attack the different maritime cities belonging to the Moors, whose sovereign, among other ridiculous pretenfions, demands the furrender of the city of Grenada, a

tended by the members of the affembly. 21. The following are the terms in which the general amnesty, with respect to the events of the revolution, was decreed:

The national affembly, confidering that the object of the French revolution was to give a conftitution to the empire, and that therefore the revolu tion ought to end at the period when it has received his majesty's accept


Confidering that, by how much the more culpable it will henceforth be to refift the conftituted authorities, fo much the more honourable it will be to forget thofe marks of oppofition teftified against the general will; and that the time hath at length arrived when diffentions ought to be extinguished by a general fentiment of patriotifm and of fraternity for each other, and affection for the monarch, who has himself given the example of this generous oblivion :-It is decreed

Art. 1. That all profecutions, judg. ments, and proceedings, which have

the revolution for their object, fhall be irrevocably abolished.

Art. 2. No officers of the police, judge,

&c. fhall commence any fresh profe


Art. 3. The king fhall be requested to

order the minifter of juftice to draw



up a lift of thofe at prefent confined on account of the revolution. Art. 4. That a general amnefty fhall take place in regard to all military men, accufed or convicted of military offences fince the ift of June, 1789.

Art. 5. There fhall no longer be occafion for any paffports, the ufe of which was only adopted during a troublefome period; and every French citizen is hereby empowered to enter or leave the kingdom, according to his inclinations.

Hague, Sept. 25. The ftates of Brabant have agreed to grant the ufual fubfidies to the emperor on the following terms: A general amnefty without exception; the restoration of five members now removed, to the fovereign council; the re-establishment of all the fuppreffed convents, with restoration of their rents during the time of their fuppreffion; the re-eftablishment of the univerfity of Louvain on its ancient footing, with additional privileges to be recognized by the ftates of Brabant ; the fuppreffion of the new council of Limbourg. With these terms it is not imagined that the emperor will comply.

Paris, Sept 30. The late national affembly of France clofed its legislative labours; and, having about a fortnight before, voluntarily furrendered its conftitutive authority, on that day peacefully and formally furrendered all its powers to the new body, whom it had invited to receive them.

Bruffels, Sept. 30. Letters from Vienna ftate, that a few days before the emperor's departure for Prague, the cardinal archbishop prefented to him a bull from the pope, which excommunicates all the free mafons, as the authors, abettors, and accomplices of the diforders in various ftates. The emperor perused and returned it, obferving, that he could make no ufe of it in his territories.

Berlin, 08. 1. The day before yefterday, in the evening, the wedding of princefs Frederica was confummated with the duke of York.

About fix o'clock, all perfons who were of a princely blood affembled in gala in the apartments of the dowager queen, where the diamond crown was put on the head of princefs Frederica,


The generals, minifters, ambassadors, and the high nobility, affembled in the White Hall.

Immediately after it ftruck feven o'clock, the duke of York led the princefs his fpoufe, whofe train was carried by four Dames de la Cour, preceded by the gentlemen of the chamber, and the court officers of ftate, through all the parade apartments into the White Hall. -After them went the king, with the queen dowager; prince Lewis of Pruffia, and the reigning queen (the crown prince was abfent by indifpofition ;) the hereditary prince of Orange, with princefs Wilhelmina; prince Henry, third fon to the king, 'with the hereditary ftadtholdrefs, his aunt; prince Wilhelm of Pruffia, with princefs Augufta; the duke of Weimar, with the fpoufe of prince Henry of Pruffia; the reigning duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz, with the hereditary princefs of Brunfwick.

In the White Hall, a canopy was erected of crimfon velvet, and alfo a crimfon velvet fopha for the marriage ceremony.

When the young couple had placed themselves under the canopy, before the fopha, and the royal family flood round them, the upper counsellor of the confiftory, Mr. Sack, made a fpeech in German. This being over, rings were exchanged, and the illuftrious couple, kneeling on the fopha, were married according to the rites of the reformed church. The whole ended with a prayer; and 12 guns placed in the gar den firing three rounds, the benediction was given.-After which the new married couple received the congratulations of the royal family, and they returned in the fame order to the apartments, where the royal family and all perfons prefent fat down to card tables; after which the whole court, the high nobility, and the ambaffadors, fat down to fupper.

The fupper was ferved at fix tables. -The firit was placed under a canopy of crimfon velvet, and the victuals ferved in gold dishes and plates. Lieutenant general Bornftedt and count Bruhl had the honour to carve, without being feated.

The other five tables, at which fat the generals, ministers, ambassadors, all the officers of the court, and the high 4 B 2 nobility

nobility, were ferved in their apart


Thofe who did the boneur at thofe tables, were-At the firft, prince Sacker, minister of state-At the second, general Mollendorf-At the third, count Jinckenfilein, minifter of ftate-At the fourth, count Schulemburgh, lieutenant general and minifter of fate-At the fifth, major general Bifhoffswerder.

During fupper mufic continued playing in the galleries of the firft hall, which immediately began when the company entered the hall.

At the defert, the royal table was ferved with a beautiful fet of china made in the Berlin manufactory.

Supper being over, the whole affembly repaired to the White Hall, where trumpets, timbrells, and other mufic were playing-the Flambeau dance was begun, at which the minifters of ftate carried the torches. With this ended the feftivity.

The new couple were attended to their apartments by the reigning queen, and the queen wager.

The duke of York wore on this day the English uniform, and the princess Frederica was dreffed in a fuit of Drap d'Argent, ornamented with diamonds. The palace of the margrave of Anfpach was illuminated.


Weymouth, Sept. 14.

Warrington, Sept. 17. A moft me

a mile from hence, at five o'clock in the morning, on Thurfday laft, in the robbery of the mail and the murder of James Hogworth, who was found in a brook with his hands and feet tied behind him, with feveral wounds on the head, and the body otherwife much bruifed; his throat alfo appeared to have been stabbed in several places, and his face much beat about the eyes, Hogworth was about 24 years of age, and bore a moft excellent characterhe has unfortunately left an unhappy widow, far advanced in pregnancy, to lament his lofs.

ABOUT ten o'clock, the king accom-lancholy circumftance happened about companied by lords Cheflerfield, Grenville, and Courtoun, fir George Yonge, general Harcourt, and the two equerries, fet off on horfeback to make the tour of Portland Island, where they arrived between eleven and twelve o'clock, under a royal falute of the caftle guns and the gratulations of the iflanders, who affembled on the occafion, and met his majefty, with mufic playing and flags flying; they alfo conducted him to Portland, and through the tour of the whole island back again to the ferry, whilft the cafile guns again were fired. The gun at the new light-house was alfo fired feveral times. The king was very much pleafed.

17. The people of Weymouth are trying to obtain the king's patronage to get fresh water conveyed into the town from a fmall river which runs at the diftance of about two miles and a half; a circumfiance, the completion of which will add fo much to the accommodation of the place, that it will foon pay itself by the additional number of annual vifitors it will occafion.

Notwithstanding there. are many elegant houfes at Weymouth, yet the place is almost deftitute of gardens, although they contribute fo much to the delight and convenience of families.

Salisbury, Sept 19. At Wilton fair on Monday laft, it was computed that there were upwards of 60,000 sheep, which were all fold, and at tolerable prices; but upon the whole the fale was in favour of the purchafers. Wethers and ewes yielded from 14s. to 19s, and lambs from 8s. to 148. per head.

Exeter, Sept. 19. Prince John, the African prince, is arrived here from Sierra Leona. His bufinefs to this country appears chiefly to be refpecting the flave trade. He has met with a very cordial reception, in this city, and particularly among the getlemen who with for the abolition of that trade.

Penzance, Sept. 20. Sunday laft Mr. Smith accompanied by moft of the genИспред


tlemen of this town and neighbourhood, proceeded to the Land's End, to lay the firft ftone of a new light-house that is to be built on the Long Slips, a very dangerous tier of rocks that run into the fea, near two miles from the Land's End. This intended erection has been planned by Mr. Smith, and greatly approved by the lords of the admiralty. It is a matter of aftonishment, that a light-houfe has never before been built on the Long Sips, as the number of veffels that have been annually wrecked on thofe deftructive rocks muit render it particularly ufeful

His majefty holds no regular levee at Weymouth; any nobleman or gentleman withing to be noticed by the king, mentions it to one of the lords in waiting, who acquaints his majefty of it, and his majesty makes a point of speaking to them in his next walk on the efplanade.

The falmon fishing in the north of Scotland has been remarkably productive. In one fmall town on the coast, they thought nothing of 1000 and fometimes 1500 a day.

21. Some difpatches were received at the secretary of State's office, from New York; they are dated the 20th of Auguft, and contain an account of the arrival of several ships from London, Briftol, Liverpool, &c. that trade continued very brifk, and European goods went off fuperior to the French.

22. This being the anniversary of the king's coronation, it was obferved with great ceremony at Weymouth. At nine o'clock the duke of St. Alban's had his yacht anchored in the bay, where the gave three royal falutes. At twelve o'clock the town guns were fired, and were answered by thofe on Portland Ifland. At one o'clock the two parties of his royal highnefs the prince of Wales's regiment drew up, when they fired a feu de joye; after which the band played "God fave the king;" and gave three cheers. In the evening, their majelties, accompanied by their royal highneffes the three prince fles, and attended by the earl and countefs of Chesterfield, the earl and countefs of Courtoun, ladies M. Howe and C. Waldegrave, went to the theatre to fee the Belle's Stratagem, with the entertainment of Captain Cook.

A large fleet of colliers from the

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northern ports arrived fafe at moorings in the Pool, deeply laden.

23. Since Saturday last upwards of fifty fail of merchant-fhips from Jamaica and the Leeward Islands, all loaded with new fugars and rum, have arrived in the river.

24. According to letters from Gibraltar the garrison there is likely to benefit much by the prefent war between the Moors and Spaniards, especially with regard to provifions; formerly the markets of Cadiz, Algefiras, &c. were in a great degree fupplied from the Barbay coaft; all thofe articles are now brought there for faie.

27. Orders have been fent from Mr. Dundas's office to the gaol-keepers in the feveral counties, &c. in the kingdom, for an immediate account to be tranfmitted of the number and condition of convicts under fentence of transportation now in cuftody, preparatory to provifion being made to fend them out of the kingdom.

This day John William Anderson, efq. citizen and glover, and Harvey Chriftian Coombe, efq. citizen and fifhmonger, aldermen, were fworn into the office of fheriffs for the year enfuing, and afterwards gave a grand entertainment to the lord-mayor, aldermen, the city officers, and liyery of their companies, at Fishmongers'-Hall, Thames-freet.

The princes Ernest Augustus and Auguftus Frederick are now, at the court of Berlin, where they remain to be prefent at the marriage of their brother, the duke of York, with the princefs royal of Pruffia.

Lieutenant Fonblanque and cornet Hoare, who were taken with the unfortunate general Mathews, have been reflored to liberty and their countrymen, having been confined in the fortress of Nundycondah, which place was taken by affault on the 3d of April, by a ftrong detachment of the main army.

28. Another accident happened to the tone-work at Somerset place. A cart was left by the driver oppofite the flamp-office; while he went into the ftamping room for fome paper flamps, the horfe fuddenly took fright, and backed the cart with much force against the balustrade, twelve or thirteen feet of which immediately gave way, and tumbled with much force into the area,


where the cart and borse must have inevitably followed, had it not been for the iron railing of the flairs. The fhock was fo violent as to occafion the clerks, commiffioners, &c. &c. &c. to run out of their refpective offices in great confternation.

29. This being Michaelmas-day, a common-hall was held for the election of a lord-mayor of this city for the year enfuing, at which were prefent the lord mayor, recorder, common-ferjeant, 18 aldermen, and two fheriffs.

At eleven o'clock they proceeded from the hall to St. Laurence's church, to hear divine fervice and a fermon by his lordhip's chaplain, and at one o'clock returned to the hall. Soon af*ter which they went upon the huftings, and the hall being opened by the common-cryer, the recorder came forward, and explained the bufinefs for which the livery were called together in a concife fpeech, in which he took an oppor tunity of paying a fuitable compliment to the prefent lord-mayor, as the liberal patron of the arts and merit. The bufinefs then commenced by putting up thofe aldermen who had not paffed the chair, when Mr. alderman Hopkins and fir James Sanderfon were returned by the fheriffs to the aldermen for their choice, who retired into the council chamber, and, upon their coming back to the huitings, the recorder reported that Mr. alderman Hopkins was chofen lord-mayor of this city for the year enfuing.

The lord-mayor elect then came forward, and thanked the livery for the honour they had done him, but in fo low a voice we were unable to collect the whole of his speech.

By a recent calculation it appears, that upwards of 50,cco children are educated at Sunday schools. At Mancheffer there are 5000, at Leeds they are fomewhat more numerous.

30. Recent letters from Gibraltar reprefent the garrifon of that important fortress to be in the highest ftate of dif cipline, and moft perfect harmony, under the focial, but foldierly command of their gallant governor, fir Robert Boyd, K. B.

08. 1. There is a plan hefore Mr. Pitt, for the eftablishment of a regular poft to Bengal; the projector, who is now in England, comes from Grand

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Cairo; he attended the celebrated Ali Bey in all his wars and journies, and was his fecretary at the time of his death; the plan propofes to have a packet arrive every four months, and in addition to the advantages arifing from this fpeedy conveyance of information, that it fall produce a faving of at leaft 8000l. a year to government. Such are the propofitions made in favour of the fcheme, which will undoubtedly be acopted, if it can be made appear that they are founded in fact.

Weymouth, O. 3. The king got on horfeback foon after ten this morning, attended by the lord Courtoun, general Harcourt, general Garth, and colonel Gwyn; and the queen and princeffes, in an open landau, with ladies Courtoun and C. Waldegrave, on the box, in Front Park, attended by their carriages empty, in cafe of wet wea ther, all fet out out on a vifit to Thomas Weld, efq. at Lulworth caftle.

The royal family arrived fafe at the caffle, at half paft twelve o'clock, where they were received by Mr. and Mrs. Weld, and conducted into a room where wine was placed on a table, and a profufion of the choiceft dainties prepared to refresh them, of which they partook with much pleasure. They afterwards vifited the extensive gardens, fhrubberies, and pleasure-grounds, and the principal rooms of the calle, and the paintings. His majefty paid great attention alfo to the library, which contains upwards of 3000 of the moft valuable books, bound with much elegance. The royal family viewed the veffels going up and down the channel through a large telescope, out of one of the windows, which afforded a very fine profpect.

When they took leave, they expreffed themselves highly gratified; and left Mr. and Mrs. Weld, to return to Weymouth to dinner.

4. The orders for tin to be exported to the Afiatic markets this feafon are much more numerous than ever were known.

The quantity of wool brought to, or ready for, market at this time is much greater than has been known for feveral years paft.

His majefty's prefent of the breed of fheep to the British wool fociety arrived at Leith on Wednesday laft from London. Order

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