Imágenes de páginas
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Austen, Burton C., Charity Organization Society, 324 West Twenty-eighth street, New York city.

Austin, D. P., M. D.. 12 West Ninety-fifth street, New York city.

* Bacon, Charles B., M. D., Deputy Superintendent Kings County Hospital, Flatbush, L. I., N. Y.

Bacon, Francis E., Syracuse Bureau of Labor and Charities, Syracuse, N. Y.
Bacon, Francis M., Down Town Rellef Bureau, Trinity Church Association, 20 West
Tenth street, New York city.

Bailey, Melville K., Grace Chapel, 417 East Thirteenth street, New York city. Ballieff, Mrs. S. Gaston, House of Calvary, "The Unadilla," 132 West Eleventh street, New York city.

Bainbridge, Mrs. L. S., Superintendent The Edgewater Crèche, 105 East Twentysecond street, New York city.

Baker, A. D. L., City of Gloversville, Gloversville, N. Y.

Baker, Mrs. Jonathan, Matron Suffolk County Almshouse, Yaphank, N. Y.
Baker, Jonathan, Keeper Suffolk County Almshouse, Yaphank, N. Y.

Baker, Rev. Nelson H., Erie county, West Seneca, N. Y.

* Baker, Richard C., Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1192 Lex Ington avenue, New York city.

Bannard, Otto T., Vice-President Charity Organization Society, 30 Broad street, New York city.

* Bannin, Michael E., Catholic Charities of Brooklyn, 893 Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Barnes, Charles Wheeler, Charity Organization Society, 149 Broadway, New York city.

Barnes, John C., Moderation Society's Free Ice Water Fountains, 34 Park row, New York city.

• Barrows, Isabel C., Editor Proceedings National Conference of Charities and Correction, 135 East Fifteenth street, New York city.

* Barrows, S. J., Corresponding Secretary Prison Association of New York State, 135 East Fifteenth street, New York city.

* Barry, J. J., Catholic Home Bureau, 1169 Boston avenue, New York city.

Bates, Benj. F., President Brooklyn Sunday Breakfast Association, 114 Fort Greene place, Brooklyn, N. Y.

* Bauer, F. E., Deputy Superintendent Department of Public Charities; 2 East One Hundred and Sixteenth street, New York city.

Bauer, F. E., M. D., Physician Municipal Lodging House; 100 East One Hundred and Twenty-third street, New York city.

Baumgardner, Burdette C., Des Moines, Iowa.

Bealin, John J., Free Employment Office, 107 East Thirty-first street, New York city.

Beard, I. W., Chaplain Almshouse, 238 West Thirteenth street, New York city. * Beckett, Charles H., Manager New York State Reformatory at Elmira, 306 West Eighty-eighth street, New York city.

Beekman, J. M., M. D., Charity Organization Society, 10 East Twelfth street, New York city.

Beemer, James G., The Industrial Christian Alliance, Yonkers, N. Y.

Beers, Mrs. Edwin, President Brooklyn Home for Aged Colored People, 131 Remsen street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Belden, Mrs. James M., Manager House of Refuge for Women at Hudson, care of H. R. Hoyt, 11 William street, New York city.

• Bell, Mrs. Abbie J., Columbia County Almshouse, Chatham, N. Y.

• Bell, Clark, President Medico-Legal Society, 200 West Seventy-eighth street, New York city.

Bell, William G., Investigator New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 105 East Twenty-second street, New York city.

• Benerman, J. A., M. D., Home Physician German Odd Fellows Home Association, 1891 Lexington avenue, New York city.

Benneche, Edward, President German Poliklinik, 21 West Eighty-sixth street, New York city.

• Bennett, Geo. C., Bookkeeper and Cashier New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 105 East Twenty-second street, New York city. Bennington, John K., Superintendent of the Poor of Genesee County, Batavia, N. Y. • Berg, Mrs. Albert W., Manager Mary A. Fisher Home for Educated Poor, 356 West Twentieth street, New York city.

• Bergen, Mrs. Tunis G., President Kings County Committee, State Charities Aid Association, 101 Willow street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Betts, Samuel T., Director Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 332 South Salina street, Syracuse, N. Y.

Betts, Mrs. Samuel T., Syracuse Bureau of Labor and Charitles, 416 James street, Syracuse, N. Y.

Bljur, Nathan, Vice-President United Hebrew Charities of the City of New York, 32 Nassau street, New York city.

• Blondi, Anna, Visitor New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 139 MacDougall street, New York city.

Bird, Patrick H., The Catholic Boys' Association, 162 Ninth avenue, New York city.

Bishop, Mrs. George M., Treasurer Society for Employment and Relief of Poor Women, 142 East Eighteenth street, New York city.

Bishop, Samuel H., Assistant Secretary Brooklyn Bureau of Charities, 29 West Eighty-fourth street, New York city.

Blagden, Jr., George, New York State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Children, 18 East Thirty-sixth street, New York city.

• Blair, George, Superintendent Outdoor Poor, Department of Public Charities, 585 Broome street, New York city.

Blaustein, David, Superintendent Educational Alliance, 184 Eldridge street, New York city.

Bliss, Mrs., West Side Settlement, 14 East Seventy-first street, New York city. Bliss, Sybil A., Visitor New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 347 East Third street, New York city.

Blodgett, William T., Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children, Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Y.

Blodgett, Mrs. William T., Cuban Orphan Society, 24 West Twelfth street, New York city.

Bloomingdale, J. B., President Hebrew Technical Institute, 11 East Sixty-seventh street, New York city.

Bloss, Miss Bessie K., Agent Charity Organization Society, 105 East Twentysecond street, New York city.

Boedicker, Miss Lillie, Registrar United Hebrew Charities, 44 Irving place, New York city.

Boehm, Mrs. I., Beth-El Sisterhood, 772 Park avenue, New York city.

Bogert, Mrs. Peter, Treasurer Brooklyn Diet Dispensary, 1711 Eighty-sixth street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Bogert, S. S., M. D., Charity Organization Society, 219 East Seventeenth street, New York city.

* Bond, Miss Kate, Charity Organization Society, 230 West Fifty-ninth street, New York city.

Booth, Miss, Presbyterian Home for Aged Women, 13 East Thirty-second street, New York city.

Bottome, Rev. Geo. H., Grace Chapel, 417 East Thirteenth street, New York city. Bowdoin, Mrs. G. S., President Grace Church Day Nursery, 39 Park avenue, New York city.

* Bowen, Rev. R. C., Chaplain Kings County Penitentiary, 227 Lenox road, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Bowne, Miss E., Third Directress Colored Orphan Asylum, 131 East Thirty-sixth street, New York city.

Boyd, Miss C. M., Pro-Cathedral, 130 Stanton street, New York city.

Boyd, Mrs. Mary K., Superintendent Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion, N. Y.

Boyer, Frank, Office of President of State Board of Charities, 31 Nassau street, New York city.

Boyle, James F., Treasurer Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 140 East Forty-fourth street, New York city.

Brace, C. Loring, Secretary Children's Aid Society, 105 East Twenty-second street, New York city.

Brackett, Jeffrey R., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Bradford, Miss, Kings County Local Visiting Committee, 175 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Bradley, Charles F., Member City Homes Association, Chicago, 1745 Hinman avenue, Evanston, Ill.

Brady, Paul T., St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, Syracuse, N. Y.

Brailly, Alfred V., M. D., Superior Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 280 West One Hundred and Fifteenth street, New York city.

Bressler, David M., Manager United Hebrew Charities, 73 East One Hundred and Eighth street, New York city.

* Briggs, Prof. Franklin H., Superintendent State Industrial School; and Monroe County, Rochester, N. Y.

Brill, Miss Mary S., Agent Agency for Dependent Children, of State Charities Aid Association, 21 Grand street, Newburgh, N. Y.

Brinckerhoff, Miss H. C., Westchester Temporary Home, White Plains; Ossining, N. Y.

Broderick, Edward F., St. Vincent de Paul Society, 522 Court street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brook, Simpson J., Physician-in-charge St. Vincent's Retreat for the Insane, Harrison, N. Y.

Brooks, D. C., Superintendent of the Poor of Tioga County, Spencer, N. Y.

Brown, B. W. B., Chairman The Northern Dispensary, 18 Wall street, New York city.

Brown, Frederick J., Director Masonic Board of Relief, 6 Landscape avenue, Yonkers, N. Y.

Brown, Geo. R., Superintendent Leake and Watts Orphan House, Yonkers, N. Y. Brown, Goodwin, Manager St. John's Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, N. Y.

Brown, Herbert S., Charities Review, 105 East Twenty-second street, New York city.

Brown, W. J., St. Vincent de Paul Society, Ray 16, near Eighty-sixth street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Brownell, Louise, Application Bureau Charity Organization Society, 107 East Twenty-second street, New York city.

Bruce, Charles E., M. D., Superintendent New York Juvenile Asylum, One Hundred and Seventy-sixth street and Amsterdam avenue, New York city. Bryant, Ralph R., The Industrial Christian Alliance, 170 Bleecker street, New York city.

* Buck, William B., Secretary Cuban Orphan Asylum, New York city; 24 North Ninth avenue, Mount Vernon, N. Y.

Buckley, Rev. James M., D. D., President Methodist Episcopal Hospital, Brooklyn; 150 Fifth avenue, New York city.

Buell, Mrs. George C., Vice-President Rochester Orphan Asylum, 47 Cedar street,
New York city.

Bunker, George R., Manager St. John's Riverside Hospital, Yonkers, N. Y.
Burns, Helen R., Cooper Settlement, 269 Avenue C, New York city.

* Burr, Miss Margaret W., Vice-President Madison County Committee State Charitles Ald Association, Cazenovia, N. Y.

Burrows, Miss Sarah F., Agent Charity Organization Society, 527 Amsterdam avenue, New York city.

Butler, E. J., Director Catholic Home Bureau, 102 West Forty-second street, New York city.

Butler, Miss Mary M., President The Woman's Institute of Yonkers, 263 Palisade avenue, Yonkers, N. Y.

Butler, Nicholas M., Columbia University, New York city.

Byington, Mrs. Kate M., Albany Guild for the Care of the Sick Poor, 558 Western avenue, Albany, N. Y.

Cain, George A., Pro-Cathedral, 130 Stanton street, New York city.

* Caird, Mrs. James, City Charities, Troy, N. Y.

Caird, Rev. James, City Charities, Troy, N. Y.

Camp, Frederic E., Five Points House of Industry, 55 Liberty street, New York city.

* Camp, William R., Investigator Charity Organization Society, 129 Lexington avenue, New York city.

* Canfield, Prof. George F., President State Charities Aid Association, 49 Wall street, New York city.

Carey, Rev. E. L. C. M., St. Vincent's Orphan Asylum, Syracuse, N. Y.

* Carmand, Mrs. Kate V., Treasurer St. Philip's Parish Home, 54 Wall street, New York city.

* Carpenter, J. Du Bois, Poughkeepsie Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

* Carroll, C. B., House of Calvary, 69 East Ninety-second street, New York city. * Carroll, Mrs. Sarah A., House of the Holy Family, 69 East Ninety-second street, New York city.

Cary, Eugene, Trustee New York State School for the Blind, Batavia; Niagara Falls, N. Y.

Castillo, Emilio M., Spanish Benevolent Society of New York, 722 Lexington avenue, New York city.

Chandler, Lewis Stuyvesant, Laura Franklin Free Hospital for Children, 66 Exchange place, New York city.

Chandler, Mrs. C. L., President Syracuse Home Association, Syracuse, N. Y.

Chapin, Henry D., M. D., Trustee Havens Relief Fund Society, 51 West Fiftyfirst street, New York city.

Chapinau, Miss Isabel M., President Brooklyn Diet Dispensary, 95 Pierrepont street, Brooklyn, N. Y.

Chard, Marie L., M. D., Physician The Edgewater Crèche, 347 West Eighty-seventh street, New York city.

Chase, John H., University Settlement, 184 Eldridge street, New York city. Cheney, George L., Charity Organization Society, 131 East Fifty-seventh street, New York city.

Child, Byron M., Superintendent of State and Allen Poor, State Board of Charlties, Albany, N. Y.

Childs, Miss Caroline, King's Daughters' Settlement and Jacob A. Riis Home, Great Neck, L. I., N. Y.

Clark, Elmer C., Examiner of Dependent Children Department of Public Charities, 31 West One Hundred and Seventeenth street, New York city.

* Clark, Miss Gertrude, Agent State Charities Aid Association, 224 West Fortyfourth street, New York city.

* Clark, Miss Mary Vida, Assistant Secretary State Charities Aid Association, 105 East Twenty-second street, New York city.

• Clarke, Miss Dora, Assistant Agent Charity Organization Soclety, "The Whittier," One Hundred and Twentieth street, New York city.

* Clarke, Essie, Clerk New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 105 West Ninety-fourth street, New York city.

Coady, J. J., Superior Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 12 West Sixtieth street, New York city.

Cohen, Mrs. A. N., Ladies' Hebrew Lying-in Relief Society, 152 West Eighty-second street, New York city.

* Colby, Mrs. Florence F., Subscription Clerk New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 310 East Nineteenth street, New York city. Coleman, Caryl, Particular Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Pelham Manor, New York.

*Coleman, George B., St. Zita's Home, 125 East Fifty-second street, New York city.

* Coleman, Mrs. John C., Recording Secretary Stony Wold Sanitarium, 167 West Seventy-third street, New York city.

* Colles, Miss E. B., Agent Charity Organization Society, 208 East Fiftieth street, New York city.

Conroy, Rev. J. H., Auditor Ogdensburg City Hospital, Ogdensburg, N. Y.

* Constable, William P., Commissioner of Charities, Yonkers, N. Y.

* Constable, Mrs. William P., 69 Ravine avenue, Yonkers, N. Y.

Constantine, D. J., M. D., Department of Health, Buffalo, N. Y.

* Cook, Miss Edith W., 76 Hudson street, Hoboken, N. J.

Cook, Katharine R., Agent Charity Organization Society, 262 Delaware avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.

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