"TIME IS MONEY." The sooner you get it the less it will cost you. It's a business in which a man has to pay for gray hairs. At age twenty-five you get about twice as much as at forty-five-for the same yearly cost. The man of thirty gets more than three times that of the man of sixty; and at forty, more than four times that at seventy. Mind these two rules, therefore: First, Begin Young, or, as Young as You Can; Second, Hold on to the End. Of course by this time you know what we are talking about-Life Insurance. And the Company-the Metropolitan. This is the Company that has a larger clientage than any other Company in America-larger, in fact, than all the others put together, omitting one! All good Philistines will draw the infer ence. It also has a wide assortment of the best plans of insurance ever offered,-for all ages, and both sexes, and from $5 to $100,000 on individual lives. Write to the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I Madison Avenue, New York, and get some facts and figures adapted to your age. |