Imágenes de páginas


What is the sixth commandment?

Thou shalt not kill.

When do we break this commandment?

Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer, and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. 1 John iii. 15.


What is the seventh commandment?

Thou shalt not commit adultery.
When do we break this commandment?

Whenever we do, speak, or think what is impure and unchaste.

But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matt. v. 28.


What is the eighth commandment?

Thou shalt not steal.

When do we break this commandment?

Whenever we secretly take that which belongs to another.


Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko ning-o-dwahching eu guh-ge-qua-win?

Ka-go wen ish-e-wa-kan.

Ah-nen dush an do-tuh-ming puh-nah-je-to-yung O-o guh-ge-qua-win?

Ah-wa-gwan shong-a-ne-mah-gwan e-nu we-kahne-sun nish-e-wash-ke suh ow: ke-ke-kan-dah-nahwah suh ow na-she-wash-kid kah-wen kah-ge-ga bemah-de-ze-win o-ge-gish-kun-sin. 1 John iii. 15.


Ah-nen dush a-ke-do-muh-guk a-ko nezh-wah-ching eu guh-ge-qua-win?

Ka-go wen bish-e-gwah-de-ze-kan.

An-nen dush an-do-tuh-mung pah-nah-je-to-yung o-o guh-ge-qua-win?

Eu suh ma-je-e-ke-do-yun-gon ga-mah gi-ya ma-jee-nan-duh-mun-gon eu suh go guh-ge-bah-de-ze-win. O-o suh nen ke-de-ne-nim, ah-wa-gwan suh go ow ma-sah-we-kuh-nah-wah-buh-mah-gwan e-nu e-quawun nin-go-de-no dush e-na-ne-mod, me-suh go ahzhe-gwah ke-be-she-gwah-de-zid e-mah o-da-ing., Matt. v. 28.


Ah-nen a-ke do-muh-guk a-ko swah-ching eu guhge-qua-win?

Ka-go wen ke-mo-dish-ke-kan.

Ah-nen dush an-do-tub-mong puh-nah-je-to-yung o-o guh-ge-qua-win ?

Ke-moj suh ga-go wa-dah-pe-nah-mun-gon puhkon-e-zid ta-ban-dung.


A little boy had a kind father and mother, and a good home, and every thing that a good boy can want to make him happy, except a new heart. When he was about five years old, he was left alone in his mother's room, and he saw a paper of pins on her table. So he took two of them, and put them in a little tin box to make them rattle. His mother heard the noise, and she asked him where he got the pins. He said he found them on the floor. By and by this little boy began to take cakes and apples from his mother's closet. When he went to school, he took the pens and penknives of other boys. When he was an apprentice to a watchmaker and jeweler, he took rings, and little pieces of gold and silver; and at last he broke open one of his master's letters, and took the money that was in it. For this he was sent to prison, and when I saw him in his little dark room locked up, he looked very unhappy, and told me that all his troubles began in taking those two pins!


Ba-zhik quo-we-zans ah-pe-je shah-wa-ne-me-gogo-bun e-nu o-bah-bah-yun gi-ya o-mah-nah-yun, gi-ya o-ne-she-she-ne-go-bun eu an-duh-wŏd, gi-ya kuh-ke-nah ah-noj ga-go ah-yah-ne-go-bun ow kame-no-que-we-zans-e-wid ka-on-je pah-pe-nan-dunge-bun muh-na-ze-go-bun a-tuh osh-ke-o-da. Ah-pe dush nah-no-be-bo-nuh-ge-zid, ne-zhe-ka nah-gahnah-win-de-bun e-mah o-mah-mah-yun o-dah-je-suhgo-ming o-ge-wah-bun-don dush ne-go-muh-ze-ni-egun e-nu sa-sa-gwah-be-da-e gon-sun-o-gej o-do-powin ah-ta-uig. Me dush ke-muh-mod ah-kik-wahbe-ko muh-kuh-kou-sing dush o-ge-ah-to-nun we-zhenow-o-wa-be-nung. O-nah-mah-yun dush o-ge-nondon eu zhe-now-o-wa-nig o-ge-guh-gwa-je-mon dush kah-on-de-nung e-nu sa-sa-gwali-be-da-e-gon-sun. O-o-e-dush ke-e-ke-do me-je-sug suh ne- ge-on-de-nabnun. Pah-nc-mah dush me nah-wah nin-go-ding mah-bum qu-ewe-zans o-ge-muh-mo-nun buh-quazhe-gons-un gi-ya nie-she-nie-nun e-mah e-nu o-mahmah-yun o-dah-tah-so-we-ning. Ah-pe dush a-zhod ke-ke-no-ah-mah-ding o-ge-mun-nah-we-de-nah-mahwon wej que-we-we-zaus-un me-gwuhn-un gi-ya meqwuh-ue mo-ko-mon-ans-un. Ah-pe dush gi-ya eu ke-ke-no-ah-mah good tuh-bi-e-ke-zis-won-e-ka-we-nene-wun gi-ya sho-ne-ah-ka-we-ne-ne-wun o-ge-muhnah we-de-nah-mah-won te-de-be-nin-je-pe-zo-we-uun gi-ya a-ne-pe-wa-guh-non-duh-ming o-zah-wah shone-yah gi-ya sho-ue-yah: ish-quahj dush o-ge-bah-kege-nuh-mo-wŏan e-nu o-do-ge-mah-mun eu mah-je-bee-guh-ne muh-ze-ni-e-gun ke-muh-mod dush eu shone-yah ah-ta-go-buh-nan e-mah. O-o dush ke-e-zheche-gad ke-bah-quah-o-de-we-gah-me-gong, ke-e-zhenah-zhah-wah, ah-pe dush wah-yah-bun-nug o-mah ke-bah-quah-o-de-we-guh-me-gong puh-suh-gesh-kuhbid, gi-ya ka-gat suh ge-che-gush-kan-duh-me-nah-goze, me gi-ya a-zhid kuh-ke-nah o-no ne-go-duh-geze-we-nun me wan-je-sing e-nuh nezh sa-sa-gwah-beda-e-gon-sun.


I once heard it related, that a man, who was in the habit of going to his neighbor's field to steal grain, one day took with him his son, a boy about eight years of age. The father told him to stand still, while he looked if there was any person near to see him. After standing on the fence, and peeping through all the corn-rows, he returned to take the bag from the child, and began his guilty work. "Father," said the boy, "you forgot to look somewhere else." The man dropped the bag in a fright, and said, "Which way, child?" supposing he had seen some one. "You forgot to look up to the sky, to see if God was noticing you." The father felt this reproof of the child so much, that he left the grain, returned home, and never again ventured to steal, remein bering the truth the child had taught him. The eye of God always beholds us.


of this when tempted to omit prayer, to steal, and take what you have no right to. Look upwards. God is in the sky, aud in the clouds, and in the sun, and at night he is in the moon, and in the thickest darkness, and he sees you all the time.

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