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sleep, and ask him to take care of us through the day, to keep us from sin, and to help us do his will. And then, after he has taken care of us all day, we ought to thank him for this, and ask him to take the same kind care of us through the night.

Now the little boy I was telling you about, arose quite early one morning, and saw the ground was all white with snow. He had a little new sled, which his uncle had given him before; and he had been waiting and waiting for snow, that he might slide. And now the snow had really come. So he put on his clothes as fast as he could, and ran down stairs. He thought of his prayers once, for a moment, but said to himself, "I will say them by and by."

It was a fine time to slide; and he loved the sport so well, that he was playing with his sled all day, except while he was at school. At night he was so tired that he wanted to go to bed as soon as he had eaten his supper. He was too sleepy to say his prayers; and so a whole day passed without prayer.

Did not this little boy love his play better than he loved God?

ge-zha-bah-wuh-guh-de-nig gi-ya an-duh-so o-nahgo-she-nig. Me-no-do-duh-mo-win suh o-o. Ke-dahe-nan-dah-min suh che-me-gwach-e-wa-ne-mung ow Ke-zha-mun-e-do ka-ge-zha-bah-we-guh-kin ke-meno-kuh-nah-wa-ne-me-uung kah pech we-ne-bah-yung, gi-ya che-guh-gwa-je-mung che-on-gwah-me-guh-nuhwa-ne-me-nung ka-ah-pech-e-ge-zhe-guk, che-bahtah-ze-se-wung, gi-ya cha-we-do-ko-nung che-e-zheche-ga-yung eu o-de-nan-dah-mo-win. Ke-me-no-guhnuh-wa-ne-me-nung dush kuh-ba-ge-zhik, e-nan-dahgwud eu che-me-gwach-e-wa-ne-mung, me-nah-wah gi-ya che-guh-gwa-je-mung che-ne-me-no-guh-nahwa-me-nung eu ka-ah-pech-e-te-be-kuk.

Mah-bah dush wen que-we-zans ta-bah-je-mah-gebun ning-o-ding kuh-ge-zha-bah-wuh-guh-de-nig, ahpe guh-ge-zhab ke-o-nesh-kah, e-nali-bid dush ahgwah-jeng, o-ge-wah-buh-mon e-nu go-nun wah-beshke-she-ne-ned. Te-be-nah-wa-wc-ze-go-bun e-nu ozhe-sha-yun che-bwah-so-ge-po-nig shah-guh je-be-ego-bun dush eu we-so-ge-po-nig we-zhó-shosh-qwahde-nah-wad. A-zhe-nun-duh-wan-dung ah-no ke-soge-po-nig. Ke-wa-we-be-tah dush ah-pe-je ke-pens-e ko-nah-yad ke-ne-son-duh-wa-buh-tod dush. Ah-jenah go ke-e-nan-dun eu we-ah-nah-me-ah-pun ke-ede-zo dush pah-ne-mah suh nah ning-uh-ah-nuhme-ah.

Ah-pe-je ke-me-no-e-zhe-wa-buh-de-ne eu we-zhoshosh-quah-de-nah-wad; ke-min-wan-dum suh eu ke-zho-shosh-quah-de-nah-wad, kuh-ba ge-zhik dush ke-e-nah-no-ke, me a-tuh ke-puh-ge-de-nod e-nu otah-bon-ans-un kah-e-pe-je ke-ke-no-ah-mah-wind. Ah-pe dush ta-be-kuh-de-nig ke-gah-ge-je-wuh-ge-ze ke-e-nan-dum dush ke-ah-squah we-se-nid we-guhwe-she-mod. On-zom dush ke-buh-duh-bah-de-ze eu we-ah-nuh-me-ŏd, kuh-ba-ge-zhik dush kah ke-ahnuh-me-ah-se.

Kah nuh wen mah-bah que-we-zans ah-wuh-shema o-ge-sah-ge-to-sen eu o-buh-kuh-me-ge-ze-win eu wen ka-ge-e-zhe-sah-ge-oh-pun e-nu Ke-zha-mun-edon ?


And what is the second commandment?

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them; for I, the Lord thy God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children, unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

When do we break the second commandment?

Whenever we worship any person or thing except


Here is a poor man who has bought a god from the god makers. I suppose he gave a dollar or two for it. He takes it home, and puts it up in his house, as we do a clock, and then he prays to it as his God. Perhaps he teaches his children to do as he does; and there is no one to tell them any better. see this boy is following the example of his father, worshipping the same idol that his father worships. Would he do so if he had the Bible, and went to Sunday-School?



Ah-nen dush_a-ke-do-mah guk a-ko-ne-zhing eu guh-ge-qua-win?

Ka-go wen ah-we-ah mah-zin-e-neg kah-o-zhe-tahmah-de-so-sen, gi-ya ga-go ish-pe-ming a-zhe-nahgwuk, gi-ya o-ge-duh-kuh-inig, g-ya ah-nah-me-bing ah-nah-nuh-kuh-mig: ka-go wen zhah-gush-ke-tahwah-ka-gon, gi-ya che-an-nuh-me-a-tah-wa-gwah


Nen wa-ge-mah-we-yon Ge-zha-mun-e-do-we-yon qui-yuk Ge-zha-mun-e-do-we-yon, nah-ze-kah-mowah-gwah e-nu o-muh-je-e-zhe-wa be-ze-win-ne-won eu ka-e-zhe-ah-quan-dah-mo-wŏd e-gu wa-o-sim-injig gi-ya e-nu o-ne-jan-ne-se-won ah-ue o-je-se-ne-nig e-uu o-muh-je-e-zhe-wa-be-ze-win-ne-won nis-sing newin ah-ne-ah-yah ne-ka-be-mah-de-ze-wod e-gu zhonga-ne-me-jig; wah-bun-dah-ah-gwah dush wen nezhah-wan-je-ga-win ne-be-wa dus-sing me-dah-swauk e-gu zi-yah-ge-jig, gi-ya ka-nah-wan-dun-gig nen gahge-qua-we-un.

Ah nen dush an-do-tuh-mong buh-nah-je-to-yung 0-0 guh-ge-qua-win?

Ah-we-yah suh a-nuh-me-a-tuh-wun-gon ga-mah gi-ya ga-go pa-mah-de-ze-yok wa-na-ne-mind dush wen ow Ge-zha-mun-c-do.

E-nuh mah-bum pa-go-nah-we-zid e-ne-ne kahgish-pe-nah-nod e-nu Mun-e-don o-ge-ah-yah-mo-won suh e-au Mun-e-don wa-zhe-ah-ne-jin. O-ge-ge-wawe-noa, ah-we-ah-sod dush e-mah an-dod, an-do-duḥmong ah-go-nung ow te-bi-ye-ke-ze-swõu e-mah andong, o-je-jeng-wah-ne-sod gi-ya ah-uh-me-a-tuhwol o-no o-mun-e-do-mun. Mong-e-zhah o-de-zheke-ke-no-ah-mah-won e-nu o-ne-jah-ne-sun che-dotuh-me-nid eu au-do-dung kah ah-we-yuh mah e-mah ah-yah-se ow ke-wen-duh-mah-wah-pun eu che-dodun-ze-gwah. Ke-wah-buh-mah mah-bum que-wezans ke-ke-nah-wah-buh-mod e-nu o-sun o-je-jengwah-ne-tah-wah-nid o-no mun-e-dou. Tah-e-zhe-chega nah o-o kish-pin ah-yong-e-bun eu Ge-zha-mun-edo o-de-ke-do-win gi-ya e-zhah-pun eu ah-nuh-me-age-zhe-guk ke-ke-no-ah-mah-ding?

( 3 )


What is the third commandment?

Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy Cod in vain for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

When do we break this commandment?

Whenever we lightly use the name of God, or Jesus Christ, or the Holy Spirit; as when we profanely curse and swear.

A young man was taken sick. He was so very sick that those who had the care of him thought he would not live, and they told him so. He was afraid to die. They told him to pray to God, and perhaps God would, for Christ's sake, have mercy on him, and save him. The young man said he wished he could pray, but that he had so long been in the habit of using God's name in vain, that he could not use it in any other way; and in a few hours he died without a prayer.


What is the fourth commandment?

Remember the Sabbath-day to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work; but the

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