'Try me, O God, and search the ground of my heart, prove me, and examine my thoughts, look well if there be any wickedness in me," any presumptuous sins, any secret faults, any, and what doing of the things which I ought not to do, any, and what leaving undone of the things which I ought to do, and turn Thou me wholly unto Thee, and so shall I be turned, and “lead me in the way everlasting." PRAYER. 66 CONSIDER." Remem BEFORE you pray ber that you are about to speak to GOD, and that it is only "through JESUS CHRIST that you have access by one SPIRIT unto the FATHER." When you awake in the morning, look back on God's mercies towards you, look forward to the trials you are likely to meet with in the day; during the course of the day, frequently lift up your heart to God, and as occasions arise, send up a prayer for forgiveness, or for grace, and that for yourself or for others. you retire to rest, at night, When 66 commune with your own heart on the mercies and forbearance you have received from God, and on the manner in which you have passed the day, on the course of your thoughts, words, and actions during it; after consideration, "kneel down before the LORD your MAKER," and pour out your heart before HIM." ALMIGHTY and everlasting God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, look down, I humbly beseech Thee, from Heaven, Thy dwelling-place, upon me, Thine unworthy servant, who am but sinful dust and ashes. I acknowledge that I have grievously offended against Thine holy laws, in thought, word, and deed, that I have done the things which I ought not to have done, and have left undone the things which I ought to have done. [Here name the sins of which your conscience accuses you, whether sins of omission or commission-towards God, your neighbour, or yourself.] If thou shouldest be extreme to mark what is done amiss, I must utterly perish: but have pity upon me O God, and forgive me all the sins which I have committed during my life past, and receive me into Thine everlasting favour, for Jesus Christ's sake: and forasmuch as I cannot do any good thing without Thee, give me the grace of thy Holy Spirit; enlighten my dark mind that I may understand Thy word: make me to know and feel that there is none other name under Heaven given among men whereby I can be saved, but only the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and strengthen my faith in Him For His sake give me godly sorrow and true repentance, pardon, and justification, sanctification and life. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. -Make me to comprehend the immeasurable extent of Thy love in Christ Jesus, and shed abroad the love of Thyself in my heart, that I may fear to offend Thee, and delight : to do Thy will. Preserve me, O God, from a deceived heart; dispose me to set myself in the light of Thy word, and cause it to shine into the hidden places of my heart, that it may shew me to myself: Implant in me, O Heavenly Father, the same mind which was in Christ Jesus-the same lowliness, meekness, and gentleness—the same purity, truth, and guilelessness of heartthe same integrity, love, and charity towards all my brethren in Christ Jesus, and all mankind--the same diligence and constancy in well-doing-the same piety and devotedness to Thee-the same resignedness to Thy will and commandments, and zeal for Thy glory. Fix my affections on things above, and make me seek my rest, and joy, and happiness in THEE. I yield Thee humble and hearty thanks, O thou Giver of every good and perfect gift, for all Thy mercies towards me, "for my creation, preservation, for all the blessings of this life, but above all for thine inestimable love, in the redemption of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory." [Here call to mind and name the particular mercies, temporal or spiritual, which have been vouchsafed to you.] Make me more thankful for all Thy blessings, and give me grace to shew forth Thy praise, not only with my lips, but in my life, by aiming to glorify Thee in my body and in my spirit, which are Thine. Pour down the abundance of Thy blessing upon all my relations and friends. [Here remember husband, wife, parents, children, brothers, sisters, and other relations, the members of the family, master, mistress, or servants, and friends, and pray for them according to what appear to be their special wants.] Give them the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, and turn their hearts, (together with mine own) more and more unto Thee. Bless the King, and all that are put in authority under him, and give them grace to rule in Thy fear, and to be zealous for Thy kingdom: bless all the Royal Family; bless the Bishops and Pastors of Thy Church, and especially those who are appointed to minister unto me, and give me grace to profit by their ministrations. Strengthen and purify Thy Church in this country, and make it a 'a praise among all the people of the earth.' "O send forth the light of thy Truth" to the nations which are yet sitting |