dens. D. The left subclavian artery. E. The left carotid artery. F. the common trunk which sends off the right subclavian and right carotid arteries. G. The external carotid. H. Facial artery, which sends off the coronary arteries of the lips. I. Arteria temporalis profunda. K. Aorta descendens. L, L. The iliac arteries, which send off M, M. the femoral or crural arteries. N. B. The other arteries in this figure have the same distribution as the veins of the same name; and generally, in the anatomical plates, the description to be found on the one side, points out the same parts in the other. 1. The frontal vein. 2. The facial vein. 3. Vena temporalis profunda. 4. Vena occipitalis. 7. The vascular arch on the palm of the hand, which is formed by the radial artery and vein, and the ulnar artery and vein. 10, 10. Cephalic vein. 12. Median vein. 13. The humeral vein, which, with the median, covers the humeral artery. 14, 14. The external thoracic or mammary arteries and veins. 15. The axillary vein, covering the artery. 16. The subclavian veins, which, with the jugulars, form 17, the vena cava superior. 18. The cutaneous arch of veins on the fore part of the foot. 20. The vena profunda femoris, covering the artery. 21. The upper part of the vena saphena major. 22. The femoral vein. 23, 23. The iliac veins. 24, 24. Vena cava inferior. 25, 25. The renal veins, covering the arteries. 26, 26. The diaphragmatic veins. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VI. Fig. 3. THORACIC DUCT AND PRINCIPAL TRUNKS OF THE ABSORBENTS.-1. Neck. 2, 2. Jugular veins. 3. Vena cava superior. 4,4,4,4. Subclavian veins. 5. Aorta pulled to the left side by ligature. 6. Branches from the curvature of the aorta. 7, 7. Carotid arteries. 8, 8. First ribs. 9,9. Trachea. 10, 10. Spine. 11, 11. Vena azygos. 12. Descending aorta. 13. Cœliac artery. 14. Superior mesenteric artery. 15. Right crus of the diaphragm. 16, 16. Two kidneys. 17. Right emulgent artery. 18. External iliac arteries. 19. Internal iliac artery. 20. Cavity of the pelvis. 22, 21. Spine of the os ilium. 22, 22. Groins. 23. Lymphatic glands in the groin into which lymphatic vessels are seen to enter. 24. Lymphatic vessels of the lower extremities passing under Pouparts' ligament. 25. Plexus of lymphatics. 26. Psoas muscle with lymphatics. 27. Another plexus of lymphatics. 28. Lymphatics passing over the os sacrum. 29. Right psoas with plexus on its inside. 30. Plexus on each side of the spine. 31. Spaces occupied by lymphatics. 32. Trunk of the lacteals on the under side of the superior mesenteric artery. 33. The same divided into two branches, one of which passes each side of the aorta. 34. Thoracic duct rising. 35. Passing under the right emulgent artery. 36. Penetrating the thorax. 37. Lymphatics join joining it. 38. Passing under the aorta. 39. Plexus of lymphatics. Fig. 2. THORACIC AND ABDOMINAL VISCERA. 1. Vertebræ of the neck. 2. Jugular veins. 3. Subclavian veins. 4. Descending cava. 5. EXPLANATION OF PLATE VII. BRAIN, SPINAL CHORD, AND NERVES.-A, A.. Anterior lobes of the cerebrum. B, B. Lateral lobes of the cerebrum. C, C. The two lobes of the cerebellum. D. Pons varolii, or tuber annulare. E. The passage from the third ventricle to the infundibulum. F. the medulla oblongata, which sends off the spinal chord. G, G. That part of the os occipitis which is placed above (H, H,) the transverse process of the first cervical vertebra. I, I, &c. The seven cervical vertebræ, with their intermediate cartilages. K, K, &c. The twelve dorsal vertebræ, with their intermediate cartilages. L, L, &c. The five lumber vertebræ, with their intermediate cartilages. M. The os sacrum. os coccygis. N. The NERVES.-1, 1. The first pair or olfactory. 2, 2. The second or optic. 3, 3. The third or motores oculorum. 4,4. The fourth or pathetici. 5, 5. The fifth or trigemini, its three branches being the opthalmic, the superior maxillary, and the inferior maxillary. 6, 6. The sixth or abductores. 7,7. The seventh or auditores, composed of the portio dura, and portio mollis. 8,8. The eighth or par vagum. 9,9. The ninth for the tongue, 10, 10. The intercostal or great sympathetic. 11, 11. The accessoreus. 12, 12. The first cervical nerves. 13, 13. The second cervical. 14, 14. The third cervical. 16, 16. The brachial plexus 17, 17. The twelve dorsal, or, as they have been named, proper intercostal. 18, 18. The five lumbar. 19, 19. The sacro sciatic. 20. The stomachic plexus. 21, 21. Branches of the cœliac or solar plexus. 22, 22. Branches of the superior and inferior mesenteric plexuses. 23, 23. Nerves accompanying the spermatic chord. 24, 24. The hypogastric plexus. of the obliquus inferior. L, Anterior part of the frontal bone cut. M, Crista galli of the ethmoid. bone. N, Posterior part of the sphenoid bone. O, Transverse spinous process of the ethmoid bone. P, Carotid artery, divided where it passes through the bone. Q, The artery within the cranium. R, Ocular artery. Fig. 3. AN INTERIOR VIEW OF THE COATS AND HUMOURS OF THE EYE.-aaaa, Tunica sclerotica cut in four angles and turned back. bbbb, Tunica choroides adhering to the inside of the sclerotic. cc, Retina which covers the vitreous humour. dd, Ciliary processes which are continued from the choroid. ee, Iris. f, Pupil. Fig. 4. EYE-BALL WITH ITS MUSCLES.a, Optic nerve. b, Trochlearis muscle. c, Part of the os frontis to which the trochlea or pulley is fixed, through which d, the tendons of the trochlearis pass. e, Attollens oculi. f, Adductor oculi. g, Abductor oculi. h, Obliquus inferior. i, part of the superior maxillary bone to which it is fixed. k, Eye-ball. Fig. 5. ANTERIOR PART OF THE RIGHT EXTERNAL EAR, CAVITY OF THE TYMPANUM, ITS SMALL BONES, COCHLEA, AND SEMI-CIRCULAR CANALS.-a, Malleus. b, Incus with its long head resting upon the stapes. c, Membrana tympani. de, Eustachian tube covered by part of ff, The musculus circumflexus palati, 1, 2, 3, Semicircular canals. 4, Vestible. 5, Cochlea. 6, Portio mollis of the seventh pair of nerves. Fig. 6. MUSCLES WHICH COMPOSE THE FLESHY SUBSTANCE OF THE TONGUE.-aa, Tip of the tongue. b, Its root. c, part of the membrane of the tongue which covered the epiglottis. dd, part of the hyo-glossus muscle. e, lingualis or genio-glossus. gg, Part of the stylo-glossus. NERVES. a a, Optic nerve. b, Third pair. c, Its joining with a branch of the first branch ot the fifth pair to join 1, the lenticular ganglion which sends off the ciliary nerves. d, ee, Fourth pair. f, Trunk of the fifth pair. g, First branch of the fifth pair. h, Frontal branch of it. i, Its ciliary branches along with which the nasal twig is sent to the nose. k, Its branch to the lachrymal gland. 1, Lenticular ganglion. m, Second branch of the fifth pair. n, Third branch of the fifth pair. o, Sixth pair of nerves, which sends off p, the beginning of the great sympathetic. q, Remainder of the sixth pair spent on e, the abductor oculi. INDEX. ABDOLLALIPH, his improvements referred to, 13. ABDOMEN, external divisions of, 80. Muscles on the fore part of, 174. Muscles within the cavity of, 178. Fasciæ of, 82. Principal arteries of, 296, 297, 298. Veins of, 314. ABDUCENTES, nerves, 340. ABSORBENTS, Asellius the discoverer of the lacteals, 17. The absorbent and lymphatic systems described, 53, 54. Glands of, 55. Particular absorbents or lymphatics, 317, 318, et seq. ADIPOSE membrane, 70. Adipose substance of the heart, 35. ADNATA tunic of the eye, 190. ANATOMICAL BOOKS, account of, 374, et seq. ANATOMY, definition of, 1. Division of, 2. Properly separated from physiology, 3. History of, 5. Plan of the present treatise of, 4. ANI sphincter, 246. AORTA, description of, 89. 96. ARABIANS, anatomical knowledge of, 13. ARCH crural, 283. ARETÆUS, referred to as an anatomist, 11. ARISTOTLE, his writings referred to, 9. ARM, bones of the, 142. 143. Muscles of 180.181. Blood-vessels of, 295. 312. Ligaments of the, 158. ARTERIES, 44, et seq. Distribution of, 89, et seq. ARTERIA innominata, 94. ARTICULAR nerve, 357. ARTICULATION, different kinds of, 84. ASELLIUS, the discoverer of the lacteals, 17. AUDITORY nerves, 341. AURICLES of the heart, AXILLARY artery, 295. BARCLEY'S arrangement of muscles, 187. BARTHOLINE, writer on the lymphatics, 17. BLADDER, urinary, 266. Gall, 256. BLOOD-VESSELS, origin, 284. Distribution of, 289. General account of, 44, et seq. BODY, progressive changes in the, 19. Its weight at different periods, 28. Composition of, 30. BONES, 67. Junction of, 84. Process of forming, 91. Books, antomical, 374, et seq. BRAIN, 57. Gray and white matter in, 58. Membranes of the, 59. Progressive development of, 61. Particular description of, 326. Peculiarity of blood-vessels in the, 311. Nerves of the, 331. BREASTS, 235. Bone of the breast, 123. Muscles about the, 175, 176. |