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justifiable by law, or that his death was occasioned by the act of another by criminal means, and the party committing the act be ascertained by the inquisition and be not in custody, the coroner shall issue a warrant, signed by him, with his name of office, into one or more counties, as may be necessary for the arrest of the person charged.

Warrant of Coroner, Service of. The coroner's warrant may be served in any county, and the officer serving it shall proceed thereon in all respects as upon a warrant of arrest on an information before a magistrate, except that when served in another county it need not be indorsed by a magistrate of that county.

To Pay over Money.-The coroner must, within thirty days after an inquest upon a dead body, deliver to the county treasurer any money or other property which may be found upon the body, unless claimed in the meantime by the legal representatives of the deceased. If he fail to do so,

the treasurer may proceed against the coroner, to recover the same by a civil action, in the name of the county. [In Nevada and Idaho, no time is specified, but the justice must pay over the money without delay.]

Duty of Treasurer.-Upon the delivery of money to the treasurer, he shall place it to the credit of the county. If it be other property, he shall, within thirty days, sell it at public auction, upon reasonable public notice, and shall, in like manner, place the proceeds to the credit of the county.

If the Money in the Treasury be demanded within six years by the legal representatives of the deceased, the treasurer shall pay it to them, after deducting the fees and expenses of the coroner and of the county in relation to the matter, or the same may be so paid at any time thereafter, upon the order of the board of supervisors of the county.

Supervisors, Duty of.-Before auditing and allowing the account of the coroner, the board of supervisors shall require from him a statement in writing, of any money or other property found upon persons on whom inquests have been held by him, verified by his oath, to the effect that the

statement is true, and that the money or property mentioned in it has been delivered to the legal representatives of the deceased or to the county treasurer.

If the Office of Coroner be Vacant, or he be absent or unable to attend, the duties of his office may be performed by any justice of the peace of the county, with the like authority and subject to the same obligations and penalties as the coroner.

Justice acting as Coroner.-A justice of the peace acting as coroner shall be entitled to the same fees, payable in the

same manner.

Burial of Body and Fee.-When an inquest shall be held by the coroner and no person shall offer to take charge of the body of the deceased, it shall be his duty to cause said body to be decently interred, and in case that there shall not be sufficient property belonging to the estate of the deceased to pay the necessary expenses of the said burial, said expenses shall be a legal charge upon his county. The coroner shall be entitled to receive the sum of two dollars out of his county treasury for attending to the burial of such dead body. [Same in Nevada and Idaho, except the fee is five dollars.]


Elections and Qualifications.-See COUNTY CLERK, Ore


Duties. His general duties are the same as in California, which see.

Fees. For taking an inquest concerning the death or dangerously wounding of any person, five dollars. When acting as sheriff, the same fees as sheriff.

In addition to the duties of coroner, as prescribed by California law, Oregon coroners must hold inquests when a person is dangerously wounded.

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The people of the State of send greeting to Mr.

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We command you that, all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you be and appear before county coroner for the county of at the on the .... day of....., 18.., at .... o'clock, and there to serve as juror, in a certain inquisition now pending before said county coroner; and herein fail not, or answer the contrary, at your peril.

Given under my hand, this .... day of

..... A.D. 18..

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The people of the state of .... send greeting to Mr.


We command you that, all and singular business and excuses being laid

[blocks in formation]

then and there to testify and give evidence in a certain inquisition now pending before said county coroner-and herein fail not, or answer the contrary at your peril.

Given under my hand, this .... day of A.D. 18..


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M.D.: ......"

.............. send greeting:

county of



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We command you that, all and singular business and excuses being laid aside, you be and appear before the undersigned, county coroner for the day of...., 18.., at .... o'clock, then and there to inspect the body of a certain deceased person, and to testify and give evidence in a certain inquisition now pending before said county coroner—and herein fail not or answer the contrary at your peril. Given under my hand, this day of A.D. 18..

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You and each of you do solemnly swear that you will truly inquire into the cause of the death of the person whose body is now lying here [or, "whose body you have just viewed"], who he was, when, where and by

what ineans, he came to his death, and into the circumstances attending his death, and render a true verdict thereon, according to the evidence afforded you, or arising from the inspection of the body. So help you God.

Oath of Witness before Coroner's Inquest.

Yon do solemnly swear [or, "affirm "] that the evidence you shall give upon the inquest now pending, concerning the death of .... .... [or, "the person now lying here," or, "the person upon whom inquisition is being made"], shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. So help you God.

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.... .....


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We, the undersigned jurors summoned to appear before coroner of the and county of ...., at on the day of 18.., to inquire into the cause of the death of · [or, "of a person found drowned in the .... of ....," or, "found lying dead in the street," or, as the case may be, "whose name is unknown"], having been duly sworn according to law, and having made such inquisition, after inspecting the body, and hearing the testimony adduced, upon our oaths, each and all do say, that we find the deceased was named was a native of



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aged about 18.., in this

years, that he came to his death on the .... day of county, by drowning, having been found in the .... of ...., at or near the street wharf, and that whether the same was accidental or intentional we have no means of knowing [or, "by poison administered willfully by his own hand," or, "by the hand of," or, "by the means or instigation of some other person to the jury unknown," or, "and we further find, that we believe .... to be the person by whose act the death of the said .... is occasioned "-stating the facts, as the case may be].


All of which we duly certify by this inquisition, in writing, by us signed, this.... day of



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Coroner's Certificate of Death.

Office of the coroner of the and county

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[blocks in formation]

I,.... ...., coroner, do hereby certify, that I held an inquisition upon the body of a native of...., aged ...

.... .....


years, at No.


street, on the .... day of ...., 18.. Verdict of the jury-death from intemperance.

And I further certify, that I interred the body at the .... cemetery, in this county, on the .... day of.....

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

An inquisition having this day been found by a coroner's jury before me, has come to his death by criminal

stating that a man, named.....

means, by the act of a man named

you are therefore comand take him before


manded forthwith to arrest the above-named
the nearest or most accessible magistrate in this county.
Given under my hand, in the ......and county of

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[blocks in formation]

California.-At least nine tenths of the business of mining is conducted by corporations; and nearly all are organized under the laws of the state of California, having their principal place of business at San Francisco. The same may be said of other businesses carried cn by corporations. It is, then, of the greatest importance for business men and others to know their exact standing as a debtor, creditor, or stockholder of a corporation.

For what Purpose Formed. Without naming the various transactions that a corporation may engage in, it can be said that it may carry on any trade or business that a partnership


Liability before the Codes.-The liability of stockholders of corporations formed prior to twelve o'clock, noon, of January first, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, is as follows: Each stockholder is individually and personally liable for his proportion of all the debts and liabilities of the company, contracted or incurred during the time when he was a stockholder, for the recovery of which joint or several actions may be instituted and prosecuted. In any such action, whether joint or several, any defendant may, at the trial, offer evidence of the payment by him, of any debt or liabilities of such corporation, and upon proof of such payment, the same shall be taken into account and credited

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