....." ....9 heirs and assigns forever: Now, know all men by these presents, that in consideration of ...... to the within-named .... by the said.... ...., in hand paid at the ensealing and delivery of these presents, he, the said at the request and desire and upon the acceptance of the said hath bargained, sold, surrendered, yielded and given up, and by these presents doth bargain, sell, surrender, yield and give up, unto the said ..... .... and his heirs, all and singular the lands and premises by the withinwritten indenture, demised or mentioned, or intended so to be; and all the estate, right, title, interest, term of years, property, claim and demand, of him, the 'said .... of, in or to, the saine, or any part or parcel thereof, to the end and intent that the residue and remainder of the within-mentioned term may become and be merged and extinguished in the estate of freehold vested in the said .... of and in the said lands and premises. And the doth hereby, etc. [Covenants, as before.] said .... ... ......... In witness, etc. ..... Deed of Surrender of a Lease to the Lessor by Indorsement. Know all men by these presents, that I, the within named .... ...., in consideration of ...., to me in hand paid, at and before the cnsealing and delivery of these presents, do, for me, my executors and administrators, bargain, sell, surrender and yield up, from the day of the date hereof, unto the within named .... ...., and his heirs, [or, "his executors and administrators"], as well the within indenture of lease, as the land and premises therein mentioned, and the term of years therein yet to come, with all my right, title and interest, thereto, and that free and clear of all incumbrances of what kind soever, at any time, by me, or by my privity, consent or procurement, done, committed or suffered. In witness, etc. Deed of Release by a Mortgagee to the Mortgagor, of part of the Mortgaged Lands, part of the Money being Paid-To be used in Special Cases. mortgage, bearing date the .... day of .... did, for the consideration therein specified, and for securing the payment of the moneys therein mentioned, convey to the said .... certain lands situate at ......... ...., and of which the lands hereinafter contained are part and parcel. And, whereas, the said hath, on the day of the date hereof, paid unto the said the sum of...., part of the moneys so intended to be secured, and all interest due and owing for the whole principal money, so that there is due to the said ... upon the said security the sum of ...., principal money, and no more. And, whereas, the said at the desire and request of the said .... ... hath agreed to surrender and release to the said .... his heirs and assigns, the lands hereinafter described, and to accept and take the residue of the mortgaged land as his security for the sum remaining due, as aforesaid, and the interest thereof. Now, these presents witness: That the said .... in pursuance of the said agreement, and in consideration of one dollar, to him in hand paid, at and before the ensealing and delivery ..... ........ ..... of these presents, by the said ... ......... ..... hath granted, released, assigned and made over, and by these presents doth grant, release, assign and make over, to the said .... and to his heirs and assigns, all the part of the said mortgaged lands, described and bounded as follows, that is to say, etc., with the hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, and all the right, title and interest, of the said of, in or to, the same, to the intent that the lands aforesaid and hereby conveyed, may be discharged from the said mortgage, so that the rest of the lands, in the said mortgage specified, may remain to the said as heretofore. To have and to hold the lands and premises hereby released and conveyed to the said ... his heirs and assigns, to his and their only proper use and behoof for ever. In witness, etc. .... ..... ........ Deed of Release of Dower by a Widow. [For Oregon.] ..... ..... ......... for and To all to whom these presents shall come, ......... of, etc., relict of.... ...., late of, etc., send greeting: Know ye, that the said in consideration of ...., to her in hand paid, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, by her son, of, etc., hath granted, remised, released and forever quitclaimed, and by these presents doth grant, remise, release and forever quitclaim, unto the said .... ...., his heirs and assigns forever, all the dower and thirds, right and title of dower and thirds, and all other right, title, interest, property, claim and demand, whatsoever, in law and in equity, of her, the said .... of, in and to [a certain parcel of land, etc., or if the release is intended to be a general one, say:] all and every, the messuages, lands, tenements and real estate, whereof the said ..... died seized or possessed, or whereof he was seized or possessed, at the time of his intermarriage with the said .... or at any time since, wheresoever the same may lie and be situate, so that she, the said her heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, nor any other person or persons for her, them or any of them, have, claim, challenge or demand, or pretend to have, claim, challenge or demand, any dower or thirds, or any other right, title, claim or demand, of, in or to, the same, or any part or parcel thereof, in whosoever hands, seizin or possession, the same may or can be, but thereof and therefrom shall be utterly barred and excluded forever by these presents. In witness, etc. ..... Deed of Release of Dower. ......... [For Oregon.] ......... Know all men by these presents, that the widow and relict of the within named lately deceased, in consideration of the sum of .... dollars, to her in hand paid by the within named .... ...., of, etc., at or before the execution of these presents, the receipt whereof, etc., and for divers other good causes and considerations, her thereunto moving, hath remised, released and forever quitclaimed, and by these presents doth, for herself, her heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim, unto the said ...., his heirs and assigns, all the dower, and right and title of dower, and all other the estate, right, title, interest, .... claim and demand, whatsoever, both at law and in equity, of her, the said which she now hath, or which she, her heirs, executors or administrators, can or may at any time hereafter have, claim or demand, of, in, to or out of, all and singular, the said land and premises, by the within indenture, conveyed or mentioned, or intended so to be, or their appurtenances, or any part thereof, so that she, the said .... her heirs, executors and administrators, or any of them, shall not, nor will, at any time hereafter, have, claim or pretend to, any such dower, or right or title of dower, or other estate, right, title, interest, pretense, claim or demand, as aforesaid, of, in, to or out of, the said premises or any part thereof, with their appurtenances, but of and from the same, and every part thereof, shall and will be from henceforth utterly debarred and excluded forever by these presents. In witness, etc. Deed of Gift by a Father to a Son of his Personal Property, on Conditions. This indenture, made the, etc., between ......., of, etc., of the one part, and... of, etc., of the other part. Whereas, the said.............., being the father of the said... by reason of his age and infirmities, ...... .... ...... ........... .........., ...... is not capable of attending to his estate and affairs as formerly, and has therefore agreed, for advancement of the said.. to make over his property to the said .........., so that the said .... should pay the debts of the said and afford him a maintenance as is hereinafter mentioned. Now, this indenture witnesseth, that the said .........., in order to carry the said agreement into effect, and in consideration of the natural love and affection which he hath for and toward his son, the said and of the provisos, covenants and agreements, hereinafter mentioned, by the said ...... to be observed and performed, hath given, granted, bargained, sold and assigned, and by these presents doth give, grant, bargain, sell and assign, unto the said .........., his executors, administrators and assigns, all and singular, his household goods, and implements of household stock in trade, debts, rights, credits and personal estate, whereof he is now possessed, or anyways interested in or entitled unto, of what nature or kind soever the same are, or wheresoever or in whosoever hands they be or may be found, with their and every of their rights, members and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said goods, household stuff, stock in trade, debts, rights and personal estate, and the other the premises, unto the said .... his executors, administrators and assigns forever, without rendering any account or being therefor in any wise accountable to the said .........., his heirs, executors or administrators, for the same. ........... .... ..... And the said ........., for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators doth covenant, promise, grant and agree, to and with the said ..... his executors, administrators and assigns, in manner and form following: that is to say, that he, the said ........................... his heirs, executors and administrators, shall and will settle, pay, discharge and satisfy, or cause to be settled, paid, discharged and satisfied, all accounts, debts, judgments and demands, of every nature and kind whatsoever, now outstanding against, or now due from, or payable by the said........... or for the payment of which ........ the said .........., shall be liable, or be held liable, either at law or equity, on account of any matter, cause or thing, heretofore had, suffered, done or performed, and at all times hereafter, free, discharge and keep harmless and indemnified, the said ...... his heirs, executors and administrators, from all and every such accounts, debts, judgments and demands, and from all actions, suits and damages, that may to him or them arise, by reason of the non-payment thereof; and moreover, that he, the said his heirs, executors and administrators, shall and will yearly and every year, during the term of the natural life of the said .........., by four equal quarterly payments, the first to begin on the .... day of...... next, well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said or his assigns, the sum of......, for, or toward his support or maintenance, and find or provide for him sufficient meat, drink, washing, lodging, apparel and attendance, suitable to his state and situation at the choice and election, from time to time, of the said ..... ......... Provided, always, and upon this condition, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, that if the said.........., his heirs, executors and administrators, shall neglect or refuse to pay the said accounts, debts, judgments and demands, according to his covenant aforesaid, or shall suffer the said.......... to be put to any cost, charge, trouble or expense, on account of the same, or shall neglect or refuse to pay the said annual sum, in manner aforesaid, or to find and provide for the said as aforesaid, that then in all, any or either, of the cases aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said........ all and singular the premises hereby granted, to take, repossess and enjoy, as in his former estate. In witness, etc. Deed of Gift of Goods, to be used by the Giver during Life. Know all men by these presents, that I ...... ........ of ....... ...... in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have and bear to my nephew, of .... and for and toward the better support and maintenance of him after my decease, and for divers other good causes and valuable considerations me thereunto especially moving, have given, granted and sold, and by these presents do give, grant and sell, unto the said........................, all and singular my goods and chattels, whatsoever and wheresoever, and of what nature, sort or kind soever. To have and to hold the said goods and chattels hereby granted, bargained and sold, and every part and parcel thereof, unto the said ...., his executors, administrators and assigns, as his and their own proper goods, chattels and effects, from henceforth forever; provided, always, and these presents are upon this especial trust and confidence, and upon this express condition, that he, the said ........., his executors, administrators and assigns, shall and do permit and suffer me, the said....... to use keep and enjoy, all and singular, the said goods and chattels, [or if apart, specify them], during my natural life, without paying or yielding anything for the same, or in respect thereof, and not otherwise; and that from and after my decease, he, the said his executors, administrators or assigns, shall, or lawfully may have, hold and enjoy, the same, and every part and parcel thereof, and dispose thereof and convert the same to his own proper use, and behoof, as he or they may think it. In witness, etc. COPYRIGHT. Copyright, what is.-The exclusive privilege, secured according to certain legal forms, of printing, publishing, and binding copies of writings or drawings. Foundation of.-The foundation of copyright is the natural dominion which every one should have over his own ideas; the enjoyment of which he may if he chooses confine to himself or impart to others. In short ideas are regarded as property. UNITED STATES LAW OF COPYRIGHT. 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