Your example will, I trust, serve as a stimulus to others, and will thus be the means of rescuing from oblivion many interesting events in our earlier history, which are rapidly passing away with their aged depositories. Your own work, which is well and handsomely executed, contains much valuable information, and will, I trust, secure to you a liberal public patronage, as well as the Legislative countenance to which it entitles you. With best wishes, Respectfully yours, THE REV. Mr. White. JOHN MACPHERSON BERRIEN. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, 16th January, 1854. We have examined the Historical Collections of Georgia, by the Rev. George White, and take pleasure in saying, that in our opinion it contains much that is interesting and useful. The work strongly commends itself to the liberal patronage of the people of the State. Georgia has appropriated large sums of money to collect in manuscript the colonial archives, and every record that can throw light upon her early history. Mr. White, after culling over these large volumes with great labor and considerable expense to himself, has brought out in his Historical Collections, (besides a great deal of other exceedingly interesting matter) many of the most interesting and useful of these incidents and facts connected with our colonial and revolutionary history which the Legislature went to so much expense to procure. ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS, Member of Congress, 8th Cong. District, Geo. JUNIUS HILLYER, M. C. 6th Con. Dist., Gev. DAVID A. REESE, M. C., 7th Con. Dist., Georgia. JAMES L. SEWARD, M. C., 1st Cong. Dist. WILLIAM C. DAWSON, U. S. S. JAMES M. WAYNE, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the U. S. ALFRED H. COLQUITT, M. C., 2nd Con. Dist. E. W. CHASTAIN M. C., 5th Con. Dist., Georgia. 4 OF GEORGIA: CONTAINING THE MOST INTERESTING FACTS, TRADITIONS, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, ANECDOTES, ETC. RELATING TO ITS HISTORY AND ANTIQUITIES, FROM ITS FIRST COMPILED FROM ORIGINAL RECORDS AND OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. ILLUSTRATED BY NEARLY ONE HUNDRED ENGRAVINGS OF PUBLIO BUILDINGS, RELICS OF ANTIQUITY, HISTORIC LOCALITIES, NATURAL SCENERY, BY THE REV. GEORGE WHITE, M.A. AUTHOR OF THE "STATISTICS OF GEORGIA," HONORARY MEMBER OF THE WISCONSIN HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEW YORK: PUDNEY & RUSSELL, PUBLISHERS, 1855. |