CONSTITUTION OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION I-NAME The name of this organization shall be the Mississippi Valley Historical Association. The object of the Association shall be to promote historical study and research and to secure coöperation between the historical societies and the departments of history of the Mississippi Valley. III MEMBERSHIP Membership in this Association shall be divided into three classes, namely: active, sustaining, and life members. Any one interested in the study of Mississippi Valley history may become a member in any of these classes upon payment of the dues hereinafter provided. The officers of the Association shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, and a Secretary-Treasurer, who with six other active members, and such ex-Presidents of the Association as retain their membership therein, shall constitute the Executive Committee. All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected and have qualified, providing, however, that at the first election held hereunder two members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for one year, two for two years, and two for three years, and that hereafter two members of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually to hold office for three years. The Executive Committee shall have general charge of the affairs of the Association including the calling of meetings and selection of papers to be read. Five members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A regular annual meeting and a mid-year meeting of the Association shall be held on such dates and at such places as the Executive Committee may determine. VIDUES The annual dues for individual active members shall be one dollar. The annual dues for library members shall be two dollars. Sustaining members either individuals or institutions - shall pay five dollars annually. Any individual may become a life member upon the payment of fifty dollars. This Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting, notice of such amendment having been given at a previous meeting, or the proposed amendment having received the approval of the Executive Committee. OFFICERS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY PRESIDENT REUBEN G. THWAITES, LL. D. Secretary and Superintendent of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin FIRST VICE PRESIDENT Professor of History, Northwestern University SECOND VICE PRESIDENT Professor of History, University of Cincinnati SECRETARY-TREASURER CLARENCE S. PAINE Secretary of the Nebraska State Historical Society EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE In addition to above named officers (EX-PRESIDENTS) FRANCIS A. SAMPSON, LL. B. Secretary of the State Historical Society of Missouri THOMAS M. OWEN, A. M., LL. D. Director of the Department of Archives and History of the State of Alabama CLARENCE W. ALVORD, PH. D. Associate Professor of History, University of Illinois ORIN G. LIBBY, PH. D. Secretary of the State Historical Society of North Dakota |