Imágenes de páginas

St. Mary's Church, Warwick, Admitted 1808. The Rev. J. H. Burton, Rector. Ira Amole, Rector's Warden; U. Grant Mauger, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, adult 1, infants 4, total 5; confirmed, female 1; communicants, added, new 2, present number 25; burials 4; public services, on Sundays 101, on other days 42, total 143; Holy Communion 14; children catechised, times 12; Sunday Schools and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 10, scholars 70, total membership 80; other Parish agencies, King's Daughters, St. Mary's Guild; Church 1, sittings 300; Parsonage 1; Cemetery 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $425, of which from Convocation $200; total number of free sittings 300.

Receipts. Offerings for all Parish purposes $277.73; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $40.72; investments $135; Sunday School $35; King's Daughters $10; Guild $10; total $508.45.

Expenditures.-Parochial: Current expenses (see*, p. 171) $297,67; improvements $115.06; support of Sunday Schools $25; total Parochial $437.73.-Diocesan: Episcopal and Convention Fund $6.72; Missions, Diocesan $13; Episcopal Hospital $10; Christmas Fund (seet, p. 171) $1; total Diocesan $30.72.-General: Missions, Domestic $10; miscellaneous $30; total General [or Extra-Diocesan] $40. Total for all objects, $508.45.

Financial Condition.-Aggregate value of property of the Parish, real and personal, $6000; Endowment Fund $2450. Other Information.-St. Mary's Guild has been organized during the past year.


St. John's Church, Pequea. Admitted 1810. The Rev. Simon K. Boyer, Rector.

Baptisms, adults 3, infants 2, total 5; confirmed, male 5. female 4, total 9; communicants, added, new 7, died 1, removed 1, present number 92; marriages 3; burials 7; public services, on Sundays 54, on other days 10, total 64; Holy Communion 14; children catechised, times 7; Sunday Schools

and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 17, scholars 103, total membership 120; other Parish agencies, Woman's Auxiliary, Junior Auxiliary; Church 1, sittings 250; Parsonage 1; Cemetery 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $500, of which from Sustentation Fund $350; total number of free sittings, many.

Receipts.-Pew rents $200; offerings for all Parish purposes $62.47; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $53.26; donations $350; investments $237.50; other sources $62.50; Sunday School $29.61; Woman's Auxiliary $73.79; other societies $3; total $1072.13.

Expenditures.-Parochial: Current expenses (see*, p. 171) $554.24; payment of debts $147.50; support of Sunday Schools $27.98; for the Poor $1; total Parochial $730.72.-Diocesan: Episcopal and Convention Fund $17.82; Missions, Diocesan $13; Episcopal Hospital $2; Christmas Fund (seet, p. 171) $3.52; Woman's Auxiliary of Convocation of Chester $17; total Diocesan $53.34.-General: Missions, Foreign $14.96, Domestic $14.96, Jews $1; total General [or Extra-Diocesan] $30.92. Total for all objects, $814.98.

Financial Condition.-Aggregate value of property of the Parish, real and personal, $11,000; Endowment Fund $4850.

Other Information.—An extra effort was made during the past year to pay off a long standing mortgage against the Church. Four hundred and twenty-one dollars was contributed by members of the Parish, and friends outside of the Parish, and paid on mortgage and balance of interest. Three hundred dollars was donated by the Advancement Society, and paid over as a final payment.

St. Paul's Church, West Whiteland. Admitted 1828. The Rev. Henry J. W. Allen, Rector. Templin R. Thomas, Rector's Warden; Thomas H. B. Jacobs, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, adult 1, infants 6, total 7; confirmed, male 1, female I, total 2; communicants, added, new 2, present number 56; burials 3; public services, on Sundays 57, on other days 17, total 74; Holy Communion 19; Sunday Schools and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 3, scholars 18, total membership 21; other Parish agencies, Parish Guild, Woman's Auxiliary; Church 1, sittings 300; Parsonage 1; Cemetery 1;

salary of Rector, per annum, $650, of which from Sustentation Fund $250; arrears of salary, none.

Receipts.-Pew rents $313.25; offerings for all Parish purposes $396.48; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $176.86; donations $90; investments $20; Woman's Auxiliary $134.50; other societies $169; total $1300.09.

Expenditures.-Parochial: Current expenses (see*, p. 171) $612.50; improvements $164; support of Sunday Schools $25.80; for the Poor $3.50; total Parochial $805.80.-Diocesan: Episcopal and Convention Fund $13; Missions, Diocesan $13; Episcopal Hospital $3.92; Christmas Fund (see†, p. 171) $5.38; total Diocesan $35.30.-General: Missions, Foreign . $17.42, Domestic $14.43, Indian $5, Colored People $101.50. Jews $2.71; total General [or Extra-Diocesan] $141.06. Total for all objects, $982.16. Box sent, I; estimated value $12.

Financial Condition.-Aggregate value of property of the Parish, real and personal, $12,000; encumbrances, none.

St. Andrew's Church, West Vincent. The Rev. Edgar Campbell, officiating. Jonathan Evans, Rector's Warden; Samuel Miller, Accounting Warden.

Communicants, present number 13; public services, on Sundays 7; Church 1, sittings 150; Parsonage 1; Cemetery 1; total number of free sittings, all.

[blocks in formation]

Expenditures.-Parochial: Current expenses (see*, p. 171)


Financial Condition.-Aggregate value of property of the Parish, real and personal, $6200; Endowment Fund, for care of Cemetery, $2200.

Other Information.-This Church had been closed for seven years, but the debate in the Convention of last year furnished the incentive to the Parishioners and Rector of St. Peter's Church, Phoenixville, and services have been held in this Church by the Rector of St. Peter's, Phoenixville, one Sunday in each month since October 17, 1897. This arrangement will very probably continue. All arrearages to the Convention will be paid.

St. Mark's Church, Honeybrook. Admitted 1838. The Rev. J. H. Burton, Rector. Samuel Crouse, Rector's Warden; Edward H. Jones, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, infants 5; confirmed, female 2; communicants, added, new 3, died 1, present number 53; marriage 1; burial 1; public services, on Sundays 52, on other days 55, total 107; Holy Communion 15; children catechised weekly; Sunday Schools and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 7, scholars 63, total membership 70; other Parish agencies, Woman's Auxiliary to Convocation, Ladies' Aid Society, St. Mark's Guild, Daughters of the King; Church 1, sittings 300; Parsonage 1; Cemetery 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $375, of which from Convocation or Sustentation Fund $150; total number of free sittings 300.

Receipts. Offerings for all Parish purposes $63.74; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $35.68; other sources $334.20; Sunday School $12.27; Woman's Auxiliary to Convocation $4; other societies $176.52; total $626.41.

Expenditures.-Parochial: Current expenses (see*, p. 171) $410.68; improvements $117.77; support of Sunday Schools $7.65; otherwise $13.91; total Parochial $550.01.-Diocesan: Episcopal and Convention Fund $7.14; Missions, Diocesan Convocation $16; Auxiliary $4; Episcopal Hospital $2.54; Christmas Fund (see†, p. 171) $2; total Diocesan $31.68.— General: Missions, Domestic $6, Jews $1; N. Y. P. E. Bib. and P. Book Society $1, total General [or Extra-Diocesan] $8. Total for all objects, $589.69.

Financial Condition.-Aggregate value of property of the Parish, real and personal, $8000; Endowment Fund $203.

Other Information.-During the year there have been organized a chapter of the Daughters of the King and a Guild.

Holy Trinity Church, West Chester. Admitted 1832. The Rev. G. Heathcote Hills, M. A., Rector. Thomas H. Montgomery, Rector's Warden; John H. Darlington, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, adults 5, infants 20, total 25; confirmed, male 8, female 11, total 19; communicants, added, new 19, by transfer 12, died 7, present number 462; marriages 8; burials 15; public services, on Sundays, all; on Holy days, all; Holy Communion 83; children catechised, times 8; Sunday Schools and

Bible Classes, officers and teachers 28, scholars 250, total membership 278; other Parish agencies, Woman's Auxiliary, Working Guild, Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Junior Brotherhood St. Andrew, St. Ursula's Guild, Altar Society, Daughters of the King, Mothers' Meeting, Sewing School, Girls' Friendly Society; Church 1, sittings 600; Chapel building 1, sittings 500; Parish and School building 1; Parsonage 1; Cemetery 1; salary of Rector, per annum, $1800; arrears of salary $550; total number of free sittings 300; extra Sunday services, free to all, at night.

Receipts.-Pew rents $2044.09; offerings for all Parish purposes $1458.48; offerings for purposes outside the Parish $337.78; donations $485.78; other sources $1327.18; total $5653.31.

Expenditures.-Parochial: Current expenses (see*, p. 171) $3959.31; support of Sunday Schools $58.88; for the Poor $235.48; Altar Society $20.27; total Parochial $4273.94.-Diocesan: Episcopal and Convention Fund $65.74; Sustentation Fund $24.76; Missions, Diocesan $143.26, City $110, Deaf $6.20, Italian $30; Chester County Hospital $245.02; Christmas Fund (seet, p. 171) $19.59; total Diocesan $644.57.General: Missions, Foreign $150, Domestic $485, Indian $30. Colored People $40, Jews $17.80; Clergymen's Retiring Fund $12; total General [or Extra-Diocesan] $734.80. Total for all objects, $5653.31. Boxes sent, 4; estimated value $250.

Financial Condition.-Encumbrances, on buildings and lands (most on sexton's home) $400; other indebtedness $550.

St. Peter's Church, Phoenixville. Admitted 1840. The Rev. Edgar Campbell, Rector. William H. Reeves, Rector's Warden; James Wells Pennypacker, Accounting Warden.

Baptisms, infants 9; confirmed, male 4, female 12, total 16; communicants, added, new 16, died 1, removed 10, present number 132; marriages 3; burials 8; public services, on Sundays 144, on other days 126, total 270; Holy Communion 58; Holy Communion (private) 6; children catechised, times 12; Sunday Schools and Bible Classes, officers and teachers 12, scholars 100, total membership 112; Industrial School, teachers 9, scholars 100, total 109; other Parish agencies, Brotnerhood of St. Andrew, Daughters of the King, "Church Kalen

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