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Stealings and other takings. Larceny.


h. 1., or both.

Imp. 6 months, h. 1., fine to $200, or both.

Fine to $100, imp. to 1 year h. 1., or both.

Imp. to 2 years, with o without h. 1., and with of without solitary confine ment.

Imp. to 2 years, h. 1., fine to $200, or both.

Fine to $250, imp. to 2 years

h. 1., or both.

Imp. 6 months, or fine to $200.

Fine to $100 for each offense
Fine to $2,000, imp. h. 1. to

five years.

Fine to $800, or h. 1. to 10 years, or both.

Fine to $250, or imp. h. 1

2 years, or both.

Imp. to 1 year, fine to $500 or both.

Fine to $200 for each offense imp. to 6 months, or both Fine to $200, or imp. to: years, or both.

Fine to $100, or jail to

months, or both.

Fine to $100 or jail to 1 year
Imp. to 6 months or fine to


Imp. to 2 vears, fine to $100

If the value of arti-
cle be under $20,
misdemeador; if
the value be
above $20, high

[blocks in formation]

Stealing money over $20 fine to $500 or imp. h. 1 10 years, or both; flower in graveyards fine, t $100, 6 months in jail, o both; for ticket less tha $20 in value, fine to $100 o 3 months in jail, or both but if equal to or greate than $20, fine to $500 of imp. h. 1. 10 years, or both "Such punishment as if h had stolen other goods o the like value."

Fine to $500 or imp. h. 1

to 10 years, or both. Imp. to 5 years h. 1.

Fine to $100, imp. h. 1.

[blocks in formation]

, or both.

to $50, imp. to
ths, or both.

o $500 or imp. h. 1
months, or both.
$100, imp. to h. 1. 1
, or both.

$300, imp. h. 1. to

, or both.

$5,000, imp. h. 1. to

years, or both.

Fine to $1,000, imp. to

years, or both.

Fine to $5,000, State prison 5 years, or both.

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