The Public Clash of Private Values: The Politics of Morality PolicyChristopher Z. Mooney SAGE Publications, 2001 - 283 páginas Abortion, capital punishment, gambling, homosexual rights, pornography, physician assisted suicide, and sex education are among the most controversial issues facing public policymakers today. All involve controversial questions of first principle that render public policy no less than legal sanctions of right or wrong, or morality policy. Mooney brings together top researchers in the field to explore the unique characteristics and politics of morality policy. The result is a definition of the current state of knowledge in the field and a guideline for future observation. |
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Página 92
... censorship . Stressing the costs of censorship , entrepreneurs forced the loyalists to abandon support for censorship . New leadership within the movie industry then devised a new , " ratings " bargaining game . The final section of the ...
... censorship . Stressing the costs of censorship , entrepreneurs forced the loyalists to abandon support for censorship . New leadership within the movie industry then devised a new , " ratings " bargaining game . The final section of the ...
Página 103
... censorship . The Loyalists : Supporters of Movie Censorship To prevent the failure of a bargaining game under assault by entrepreneurs , par- ticipants loyal to the game can try to impose costs on these entrepreneurs . The capacity of ...
... censorship . The Loyalists : Supporters of Movie Censorship To prevent the failure of a bargaining game under assault by entrepreneurs , par- ticipants loyal to the game can try to impose costs on these entrepreneurs . The capacity of ...
Página 105
The Politics of Morality Policy Christopher Z. Mooney. legal status of censorship , exploited by studio executives and directors in their search for economic and artistic benefits , had destabilized the censorship game . Loyalists ...
The Politics of Morality Policy Christopher Z. Mooney. legal status of censorship , exploited by studio executives and directors in their search for economic and artistic benefits , had destabilized the censorship game . Loyalists ...
Términos y frases comunes
100th Congress abor abortion opinion abortion policy abstinence abstinence-only abstinence-only sex education activists agenda American analysis argued bargaining game bill bishops capital punishment Catholic censorship Chapter citizens clean air coalition coefficients Congress congressional conservative constituents Court Daynes death penalty debate decision Eagle Forum economic election elites enforcement entrepreneurs family planning federal free votes fund fundamentalist gay issues general-fund lotteries Haider-Markel and Meier homosexuality influence issue salience legislature lesbian liberal majority measure medical abortion Mei-Hsien Mooney and Lee morality issues morality policy MPAA National nonmorality policy obscenity parental consent Parliament party pattern policymakers Political Science politicians pornography preferences pro-choice pro-gay pro-life public opinion public policy question redistributive reform religious response right-to-die salience sexually explicit material social statute suggests Tatalovich temporal diffusion tion U.S. House U.S. Supreme Court United values variables voters voting behavior women