AN ACT CONCERNING FOREIGN, BENEVOLENT AND FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Colorado: Section 1. Any benevolent or fraternal society or other, doing business in this State, under the Lodge System and incorporated under the laws of another State, which issues certificates of indemnity against loss by death, accident or sickness of any of its members, shall file a copy of its charter or articles of incorporation as required by Section 25, Chapter 19, General Statutes. Sec. 2. Every such foreign benevolent or fraternal society or order shall file with the Secretary of the State a certificate signed by its president or head officer and its secretary, duly acknowledged, designating an agent or agents and their place of residence in this State, upon whom process may be served. Sec. 3. Suits against such corporations may be instituted at the election of the plaintiff in the county in which he resides, or in the county in which the agent resides. Sec. 4. That any lodge of any such benevolent or fraternal society or order which has complied with the provisions of this act may bring an action on any bond running to it or to any of its officers, the same as though such lodge had been incorporated under the laws of this State. Sec. 5. The fees of the Secretary of State shall be the same as for corporations not organized for pecuniary profit. Sec. 6. It shall be the duty of the presiding officer of any lodge in this State under any such foreign benevolent or fraternal society or order, to see that the requirements of this law are complied with, and for holding any meeting after 90 days from the pas sage of this act, this time being allowed for a compliance with its provisions, in the absence of a compliance with its provisions such officers shall be subject to a fine of twenty dollars ($20) for each and every meeting so held by his lodge, the same to be collected by the District Attorney of the district in which said lodge is located. Approved April 3, 1893. |