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said, "Mr. Kinzett, will you meet me in heaven?


replied, "I hope so, my child." She then repeated two verses out of the School Hymn-book.


"We sing of the realms of the bless'd,
That country so bright and so fair;
And oft are its glories confess'd,

But what will it be to be there!
We speak of its freedom, from sin,
From sorrow, temptation, and care,
From trials without and within,

But what will it be to be there!""

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The room was then full of weeping friends, but she was filled with joy and triumph. After this she sunk down in a state of great bodily weakness, and was heard to say, Come, Lord Jesus, and come quickly! She lived for several days after, but was too weak for much conversation. The Lord preserved her mind in peace till she was called to resign her happy spirit into the hands of God who gave it. She died June 17th, 1852. I visited her several times during her affliction, and always found her mind in peace, and resigned to the will of God, whether for life or death. H. WILLIAMS.



MY DEAR YOUng Friends,—I hope you read my letter about " A Wonderful Book." I dare say that some of you have purchased and read the book for yourselves. If so, I hope your opinion coincides with mine as to its character and worth. The book has had a wonderful sale. In America, about two hundred thousand copies are in circulation. In England, it is likely that a much greater number have been sold. One can hardly enter a book-shop, or look on a book-stall, without seeing "Uncle Tom's Cabin," in nearly every style of binding, and decked in nearly every colour of the rainbow. It is offered for sale at a variety of prices, from sixpence to

seven shillings and sixpence. Peers and peasants, philosophers and school-boys, ministers of the gospel and sceptics, are alike interested, affected, and thrilled by it. The Earl of Carlisle, some time ago, travelled in America, was an attentive observer of all he saw, and lately delivered in Leeds, a Lecture, about his travels, which he also published. He recently wrote. to Edward Baines, Esq., Editor of the "Leeds Mercury," the following letter

"Naworth Castle, Sept. 6. MY DEAR MR. BAINES,-I write a line to thank you, as privately, or as publicly, as you think fittest, for your admirable comment upon an admirable book, "Uncle Tom's Cabin." It gave me the more special pleasure from having been somewhat disheartened and disappointed in other quarters. There are, however, very few subjects, I will not say there are none, upon which I have not found our sympathies flow in common. With respect to the work in question, its genius, its pathos, its humour, must sufficiently commend themselves to its nearly unparalleled number of readers. feel that I have seen and known enough to convince my own mind equally of its general fairness, fidelity, and truth. "Very faithfully yours,



I regard this as a very important testimony. If the Earl saw enough while in America to convince him of the truthfulness of the book, what must be the untold sufferings endured by our coloured brothers and sisters in that guilty, groaning land. Perhaps no other book ever issued from the press that has secured so wide a popularity in so short a time. Children laugh and cry over it; the hearts of fathers and mothers are stirred in their inmost depths by its pathos. I must, however, turn to the interesting and important subject of my present letter-The Sabbath. To the toiling millions weary with labour, and jaded with care-the Sabbath is an interesting day. The whirl of machinery, the business of the exchange, the anxieties of the office, shop, and counting-house, cease. They can breathe the fresh, pure air of heaven, and "rest from their labours." Forgetting the

cares and toils of earth, they can think of, and prepare for, heaven. Their families, seldom meeting on other days, are assembled and blend their sympathies together on this sacred day. Gloomy, indeed, would be the lot of the labouring man, were it not for this day of rest. Many of the readers of the JUVENILE COMPANION are, during the six days, forced to attend the early call of the factory bell; but, on the seventh day, they listen with much more joyous feelings to the sound of "the church-going bells." Some of the most illustrious of the many illustrious sons of old England have acknowledged, in glowing terms, and urged, in strong language, the claims of this day. You remember, my young friends, the excellent maxim of that just, upright, and pious judge, Sir Matthew Hale.

"A Sabbath well spent, brings a week of content,
And health for the toils of the morrow;

But a Sabbath profan'd, whate'er may be gain'd,
Is a certain forerunner of sorrow.

To the pious and devout Christian, the Sabbath is an interesting day. On that day he thinks of Jesus and his Gospel. He can, on the Sabbath, get the rust of earth rubbed from his soul, and be enabled, with increasing clearness, to read his title clear to mansions in the sky. He calmly and peacefully sits down "in green pastures, and by the side of still waters." He feeds on angel's food. Strength is imputed to all that is holy within him. He grows in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. He worships and waits, as "seeing Him who is invisible." His soul grows in likeness to Jesus. He becomes strengthened for the "battle of life." He drinks of the brook by the way, and lifts up his head. How beautifully the poet paints the Christian, opening his eyes in the calm, sweet light of this holy day, saying

"Welcome sweet day of rest,

That saw the Lord arise;
Welcome to this reviving breast,

And these rejoicing eyes."

To the young man, toiling hard in manual labour-in lowly circumstances but with a soul fired with the desire of high mental and moral culture, the Sabbath is an interesting day. He can handle the book, instead of the axe or the hammer. He can visit the school, the house of prayer, or his own quiet room, instead of the busy workshop, or the anxious counting-house. He hears the hum of human voices, instead of the clatter of the loom, the sound of the hammer, anvil, or the blowing of the forge-bellows. To him, with his warm hopes, his lofty aspirations, and his holy resolves, the Sabbath is a peculiarly interesting day. Many are the prayers which he utters-high the aims he cherishes-and happy the hours he spends, on the Sabbath. He acquires materials for thought. From the pages of the best authors-from the volume of inspiration from the teachings of the pulpit, he gathers up information which he examines and fixes in his mind by the meditations of the week. He welcomes the Sabbath-day as a dear friend. And many, from the ranks of the toiling masses, have, by diligent self-culture, pursued principally on the Sabbath, risen to highly influential and important stations in the church of God. I hope many of the readers of these letters will, by prayerful, and thoughtful diligence, do the


The Sabbath is an interesting day to the Sabbath-school teacher. On this day the first thoughts are of God and his class. While washing, dressing, and engaged in his private devotions, uppermost in his mind are his scholars. And with how thoughtful, and glad a heart, and quick step, does he wend his way to the school. There he is, the centre of an interesting group of clean faces and sparkling eyes. They join in the song of praise. Hear them, they are singing, as I have often done :

"Great God to thee my voice I raise,
To thee my youngest hours belong;
I would begin my life with praise,

Till growing years improve the song."

Prayer is offered, and the Book of books is read and expounded. The truth enters the young minds of many in

that group. With prayerful diligence the good teacher pursues his arduous but interesting toil. The thought is an encouraging one, that such groups as I have been seeking to portray are very numerous. We have more than two hundred thousand Sabbath-school teachers, and two millions of scholars. Blessed day in which so much useful, but unobtrusive talent and labour is employed in telling the little ones of Him, who so kindly said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven!"

Though the Sabbath is the most toilsome and laborious, it is the most welcome and interesting day to the Gospel minister. I will here bring before you, my young friends, some very rich, and very excellent poetry, on the Sabbath, composed by a very amiable, pious, though rather quaint man, George Herbert. And I hope you will not be displeased with me for so often quoting good poetry. When Uncle Joseph was a little boy, he was always pleased with good verses in the books which he read. He used to commit to memory nearly every nice piece he met with in his books; and that you may be encouraged to do the same, allow me to say, that I have never repented doing so. They are in my mind yet; and nearly every verse that I have put into my letters, I have written from memory, without referring to the books that contain them. I doubt not many young people welcome the verses that appear in their books. I know some who learn them by heart. I hope many of you will learn the following beautiful


One day most calm, most bright,
The fruit of this, the next world's bud,
The inducement of supreme delight,
Writ with a Friend, and with his blood;
The couch of time, care's balm and bay,
The week were dark, but for thy light;
Thy torch doth show the way.

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