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The Energy Committee has also been thinking further ahead. It appears, barring any radical breakthrough in physics, that thermal pollution will impose a definite limitation on the use of energy in the environment of this planet. The only feasible means of getting around this difficulty is to eventually locate most industry in a non-terrestrial environment.

All of the above considerations lead B'nai B'rith to strongly support House Concurrent Resolutions 451 and 447 with their request for an assessment "of developing as a national goal for the year 2000 the first manned structures in space for the conversion of solar energy and other extraterrestrial resources to the peaceable and practical use of human beings everywhere." It is with a firm belief that this assessment will shortly give a very positive result that the B'nai B'rith Energy Committee of Maryland urges the aforementioned immediate, sharp and continuously sustained increase in the NASA budget.

House Committee on Science and Technology

Hearing on Future Space Programs

January 24-26, 1978

Testimony of William A. Good, pilot for Braniff International

I appreciate this opportunity to present my own personal views regarding future commercial space programs. These ideas have been strongly influenced by my studies towards a PhD in international business at New York University, as well as by the recently concluded NASA pilot astronaut selection process in which I was an unsuccessful applicant.

Within three years the world hopes to see the beginning of the commercial phase of the Space Shuttle program and the birth of a commercial space transportation system. There is presently an urgent need for enlightened legislation and regulation to force the growth of an integrated air/space transportation system entirely within the private sector. In 1978 the Congress basically has two options with regard to transportation:



Fragmented regulatory misconception which fails to
deal with transportation as an integrated system and
thereby leads to eventual government operation of
AMTRAK/SKYTRAK/SPACETRAK, all in the name of "consu-
merism" and other political expediencies; or

Stable and integrated regulatory guidance which pro-
vides incentives for private capital by creating an
environment in which business can have some confidence
in its ability to earn a reasonable return on its

The airline industry has been so busy dealing with the effects of government-induced uncertainties that it is allowing itself to slip into a "no growth" mode by not insisting on a greater role in the development of the space transportation system at this important phase. The current NASA attitude is to maintain control of the space transportation system indefinitely. Congress needs to act now to support private enterprise in air/space transportation.



November 8-10, 1977


Support of ALPA members applying for pilot astronaut positions on the NASA Space Shuttle (Space Transportation System)


C. H. Lewis, Jr., BNF MEC Chairman

T. J. Beedem, Jr., NWA MEC Chairman


WHEREAS the NASA Space Shuttle is of extreme technological importance for future international transportation, communications, and economics, and

WHEREAS the NASA Space Transportation System User Handbook states that "Commercial activities of a domestic and international nature will be prevalent. The commercial utilization of space is being encouraged..."


WHEREAS industry leaders have recognized the importance of balancing the constraints of the laws of physics and the environment with the proper inputs of economic incentives, technological capabilities, and capital resources, and

WHEREAS at least one highly qualified ALPA member has applied to NASA for the position of pilot astronaut on the Space Shuttle, and

WHEREAS it is in the best interest of ALPA and the airline industry to support a leave of absence with accruing seniority for such highly qualified and motivated pilot astronaut applicants, and

WHEREAS there is no reason to place artificial restrictions on the involvement of the airline industry in advanced transportation systems once they are economically viable,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the President of the Association is directed to pursue all avenues necessary to support ALPA members who are highly qualified to participate in the NASA Space Shuttle Program as pilot astronauts, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President work with both NASA and ATA to insure continued airline industry growth within the entire terrestrial environment without artificial altitude and/or speed constraints, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution, as well as any future NASA/ATA/ALPA collaborative commercial agreements which may result in the not so distant future, be published in the Air Line Pilot magazine so as to increase ALPA membership awareness of the career implications of developing technology.


Chairman Olin Teague

Hause Science & Technology

13 January 1978
1540 Longfellow Court
Mc Lean, Virginia 22101
Telephone 356-6077

Space Science and Applications Sub-Committee

House Office Building

Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:

It has come to my attention that your committee is asking for suggestions for a long-range national space program. (House Resolution 451, 15 Dec 1977, 95th Congress, 1st Session).I am enclosing a work-sheet description of such a program.

I should inform you that I prepared the draft while I was still employed in NASA Headquarters, and that when I was ordered to suppress the document I retired, age 60, in 1969, CS Grade 16-7. I also at the same time prepared and circulated 100 copies of the document throughout NASA and among non-governmental workers all over the country.

It will be apparent to you that the document is not a finished workindeed it only professes to be a beginning step in the preparation of a finished plan.

I call your particular attention to three items:

(1) The plan is to use a small stable of standardized, reusable launch rockets for all missions.

(2) The plan calls for a small initial rate of expenditure, and a continued operation over a long enough period to amortize the initial investment over many missions.

(3) Instead of defining missions around some measurement or experiment, missions are defined in operational terms, as defined by trajectory mechanics requirements and propulsion capabilities. As you will see there are some 100 missions thus defined, and all of them require the use of the same standardized vehicles.

I trust the document will be of some use to you.

Yours truly,

Rollin W. Gillespie

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