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make annual Returns of Stock, amount of Policies


and on Marine Risks, done by every Corporate Body and Agency within the Province All Ins. Offices to of Nova-Scotia, between the First day of January and the Thirty-first day of December preceeding such Return, both days being included, which Return shall comprehend the number of Policies entered into, the number of Policies renewed, the amounts insured, and the Premiums paid; in case of Insurance against Fire, the nature of the Property insured, whether Real or Personal Estate, and its situation, whether in the City of Halifax or in other parts of the Province; in case of Marine Risks, the Ports to which the Vessels insured belong, whether to the Port of Halifax, or otherwise, and which Return shall also state the Capital and other Security for the payment of Losses, and where the same is situated; and in the case of Companies and Corporate Bodies out of Nova Scotia, whether there is any Security or Capital within the Province for the payment of Losses, and the nature, permanency, and amount thereof.

of Company to certify Returns.

Il. The Returns shall be certified to be true, under the hands of the President and President and Secy. Secretary of any Company, or Corporate Body having a President and Secretary in Nova Scotia, and under the hand of the Agent of any Company and Corporate Body not having a President and Secretary in the Province, but doing business by an Agent, and every person knowingly making a false or defective return shall forfeit the sum of Fifty Pounds.


An Act to repeal so much of the Act relating to Commissioners of Streets, as extends the same to Antigonishe.

(Passed the 28th day of March, A. D. 1850.)

BE it enacted, by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows

Vic., relating to Antigonishe, repealed.

1. So much of the Act passed in the Tenth year of Her Majesty's Reign, entitled, So much of Act 10th "An Act relating to Streets and Highways in certain Towns and Places therein mentioned," as applies to the Village of Antigonishe, in the County of Sydney, is hereby repealed.

under Act 10 Vic. not herein exempted from responsibility thereunder.

H. The Commissioners of Streets now in office, under the portion of the Act now Commrs. of Streets repealed, shall be responsible for all acts in respect of their office, and be liable to prosecution therefor, in the same manner and by the same means as if this Act had not been passed; and they shall have authority to sue for all Monies due to them as Commissioners, and to adopt all other necessary measures for settling the business of the Commissioners, before the coming into operation of this Act.

appoint Overseers of Highway to act until next General Sessions.

III. A Special Sessions for said County, at which there shall be present at least Special Sessions may Five Justices of the Peace, may appoint Overseers of Highways in place of the Commissioners of Streets, to act until the next General Sessions; and such Special Sessions may also divide the Streets and Roads, now under the control of the Commissioners, into Statute Labor Districts; the Overseers so appointed shall have notice of their appointment in the usual manner, and shall be liable to perform the duty in the same manner, and be subject to the same fines and penalties for breach of duty as may now be inflicted upon Overseers of Highways appointed by a General Sessions of the Peace.


tricts to be under control of General Sessions.

IV. At the First General Sessions of the Peace, after the Sitting of, and appoint- Statute Labor Disments by, such Special Sessions, the Statute Labor Districts, and the appointment of Overseers, shall be under the control and direction of the General Sessions for the County, in the same manner as if the Act hereby repealed had not passed.



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An Act to authorise the appointment of Trustees for the Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth.

(Passed the 28th day of March, A. D. 1850.)

BE it enacted, by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows:
I. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to appoint Three persons, to be
Trustees of the Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth; and upon their appointment, the
Burial Ground shall cease to be vested in the Trustees of the Dartmouth Common, and
shall vest in the Trustees who shall be so appointed; and the Trustees shall hold the
same upon the Trusts and for the Purposes mentioned in the Act passed in the Fifth
Year of Her Majesty's Reign, entitled, An Act for establishing a Public Burial Ground
at Dartmouth, and according to the limits specified in the Act passed in the Sixth
Year of Her Majesty's Reign, entitled, An Act to amend the Act for establishing a
Public Burial Ground at Dartmouth; and the Governor in Council shall have power
to remove or change the Trustees, or any of them, at pleasure: and whenever any
vacancy shall occur in the Trust by death, resignation, or removal from Office, the
Governor in Council shall have power to supply the vacancy.

II. The Trustees shall have power to make and amend Regulations for the improvement, protection, and management of the Burial Ground, which Regulations and any amendment thereof, shall be submitted to the General Sessions of the Peace, and when approved of and passed by the Sessions, shall be valid and effectual for the purposes intended.


An Act to amend the Act to Incorporate the Nova
Scotia Horticultural Society.

(Passed the 28th day of March, A. D. 1850.)

BE it enacted by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and Assembly, as follows: I. The Directors or Managing Committee of the Nova-Scotia Horticultural Society Bond or Loan Cer- may borrow Money on Bond or Loan Certificates, under the provisions of the Second

Directors may borrow Money on

tificate to extent

of £2500.

Section of the Act Twelfth Victoria, Chapter Forty, to the extent of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, and no more, upon a vote of the Company, convened at any General or Special Meeting, passed by three-fourths of the Stockholders presentthe object of such Meeting being specified in the notice thereof, given at least thirty days previously; and no money shall be so borrowed unless the whole amonnt of the Debts due by the Company shall be less than the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds, and the Money so borrowed shall be applied to the payment of such debts.









Academy at Pictou; Act relating to, 56.


Port Hood; sale of Land on which it stands, authorised, &c., 65.
And see Education.

Agents of Companies out of Province;. Proceedings at Law in reference to,


Anchorage of Vessels in Halifax Harbor regulated, 47.
Antigonishe, Commissioners of Streets; Act repealed, 33.
Appropriation; Act of, 1.

Assembly; Members of, authorised to vacate their Seats, 48.
Assessments in Halifax; Act concerning, altered, 17 to 19.
For Vaccination of Poor, 36.

And see Maxwelton, Clare, and Chester.

Auction Licenses in Halifax; Act relating to, continued, 81.


Barristers; Privilege of, conferred on Her Majesty's Subjects, 34,
Boards of Health, See Vaccination.

Burial Ground, Dartmouth; Trustees of to be appointed, 84.


Cape Breton Island, Act settling Titles to Land in, 32.

Act confirming Titles to Land in, 64.

County; Expenditure upon Roads in, authorised, 67.

Carpenters' Society of Halifax incorporated, 65.

Census of Province to be taken, 24.

Chester; Act to provide Weighing Machine, &c., for Township of, 48..
Public Documents; Custody of, provided for, 54.

Chezetcook Dike; Act to provide for erection of, 42.

Church Colonial Society; Halifax Association in aid of, incorporated, 57.
Clare Lock-up-House; Provision for Building of, 81.


Colonial Revenue; Acts relating to, further continued and amended, 14.
Impost Duties Act continued and amended, 14.
Inter Colonial Trade Act, 77.

United States Free Trade Act, 82.

Customs and Excise; Act for management of, 80.

And see Church.

Commercial Wharf Company of Yarmouth, incorporated, 44.

Commissioners of Streets, Antigonishe; appointment of, repealed, 83.
Schools, to be appointed, 58.

Companies doing Business by Agents in this Province; Act to facilitate legal Pro-
ceedings against, 31.

Insurance, to make annual Returns of Business, 82-3.

Conveyances; Registry of, 40.

Convicts; Act to prevent bringing of, into Province, 43.

Corporate Bodies; See Companies.

County of Halifax; Division of into Townships, with Municipal Privileges, 21.

Court House at Kentville; Act relating to, 33.

Of Marriage and Divorce; Fees in, regulated, 52.

Courts; all Her Majesty's Subjects authorised to plead in, 34.
Of Probate; Law relating to, further amended, 37.

Customs, Colonial; Act for management of, 80.


Dartmouth and Halifax Mutual Insurance Company incorporated, 30.
Town Property; Act concerning, 79.

Burial Ground; Trustees of to be appointed, 84.

Deeds, Registrars of; Act concerning, 39.

Dike across Chezetcook Harbour; Act to provide for erection of, 42.
Duties of Impost; Act for granting, continued and amended, 14.

Governor in Council authorised to take off, on Articles from British
North American Possessions, 77.

On certain Articles from United States, to be taken off on con-
ditions, 82.



Education; Act for Encouragement of, 58. pictou

Electric Telegraph Company from Truro to Pictou incorporated, 70.
Evidence of Judges of Supreme Court; Act for obtaining, 53.
Excise; See Revenue.

Fees in Probate Court of Judge and Registrar, altered, 38-9.

Of Registrars of, Deeds, altered, 40.tum

In Court of Marriage and Divorce regulated, 52.

Felons, convicted; Act to prevent introduction of, into Province, 43.
Fish Inspection Act amended, 22.

Flour, Wheaten; charged with Duty, 15.ido Mui

Weighing of, provided for, 23.bivong to ybose
Fog Bell; Patent authorised, 68.30 no919 at ab
Foreign; See bi ui noitsioneeA zal
Free Church; See Saint guibliu& not mo

Free Trade between British North American Possessions, authorised, 77.
United States and British North American Possessions, 82.


Gas Light Company, Kerosene; incorporated, 45.

George, Sir Rupert D.; Pension to, as retired Registrar of Deeds, 39.

Governor in Council authorised to establish Rates of Postage and make Postal arrange-
ments, 36-7.

Grammar Schools; Allowances for, and management of, 60.

Great Roads designated, and mode of laying out and settling Damages therefor, pre-
scribed, 34-5.


Halifax Incorporation Act altered, 15. Mayor and Aldermen, qualification and election
of, &c., 15-16. Conducting of Elections, 16. Assessments, 17-19.
Clerk of Licences to pay over Monies, 19-20. Licensed Houses, Hospi-
tal, Rock Head Farm, Market House, and Damages to New Roads, 20.
County; Divided into Townships, and Municipal Privileges conferred upon
Inhabitants, 21.

And Dartmouth Mutual Insurance Company incorporated, 30.

Mechanics' Institute incorporated, 43.

Harbor; Anchorage of Vessels in, regulated, 47.

Masonic Hall; Trustees of, incorporated, 49.

Association in aid of Colonial Church Society, incorporated, 57.

Carpenter's Society incorporated, 65.

Powder Magazine; Storage in, regulated, 66.

Auction Licenses, Act continued, 81.

Harbor of Halifax; Anchorage of Vessels in, regulated, 47.

Horticultural Society Incorporation Act amended, 84.

Hospital in Halifax; Authority given to City to borrow money for building, 20.

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Impost; Act for granting Duties of, continued and amended, 14.

Incorporation of Halifax; Act altoned, to. Mayor and Aldermen, Election, &c. of,
15-16. Conducting of Elections, 16. Assessments, 17 to 19.

Clerk of Licenses, 19-20. Licensed Houses, Hospital, Rock Head

Farm, Market House, and Appraisement of Damages for new
Roads, 20.

Halifax and Dartmouth Mutual Insurance Company, 30.
Halifax Mechanics' Institute, 43.

Commercial What Company, Yarmout,
Kerosene Gas Light Company, 45.

Trustees of Masonic Hall, Halifax, 49.

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Trustees of Lutheran Church, Lunenburg, 51.
Temperance Hall Company, Maitland, 54.
Halifax Colonial Church Society Association, 57.
Halifax Carpenter's Society, 65.

Temperance Hall Company, Sydney, C. B., 68.

Truro and Pictou Electric Telegraph Company, 70.

Trustees of St. Andrew's Free Church at Sydney C. B., 78.

Act of N. S. Horticultural Society amended, 84,

Inspection of Pickled Fish; Act for regulating, amended, 22.

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