INTELLECTUAL REPOSITORY AND NEW JERUSALEM MAGAZINE VOL. XVII.-ENLARGED SERIES VOL. XL-ENTIRE WORK 1870 LONDON: Published by the General Conference of the New Church, SIGNIFIED BY THE NEW JERUSALEM IN THE REVELATION: AND SOLD BY JAMES SPEIRS, 36 BLOOMSBURY STREET. Essays. CONTENTS. Address to the Members of the New Church in Great Britain and Ireland, Address to the Swedenborg Society on the occasion of the Sixtieth Anniversary, Animal Kingdom and Dreams, Sweden- Book of Dreams, Swedenborg and the, 9, Child Set by the Lord in our Midst, A, Christianity the Central Life of the World's Christian's Warfare and the Conqueror's Conference, Incorporation of the, 563. Church, the Education of the, 111, Fantastical Miracles, 171, 213. Geology and the Early History of our Race, the Teachings of Swedenborg in their Bearings on, 220, 319, 356, 415, God the Giver and the Guide of Life, 517. Grecian Mythology, Origin of, 366. Hiller, Tribute to the Memory of the late Hiller, Rev. O. P., Sermon on the death How Man is introduced into Heaven by means of the Holy Supper, 266. New Church, The Advocacy of the, 271. New Italy and the New Church, 20. Liberty and Authority in the Church, Littleness of Man and the Vastness of Modern Science and Swedenborg as to Modern Science compared with Sweden- borg's Scientific Theories, 59. Sermon on the Death of the Rev. O. P. New Materials for Swedenborg's Bio- Original Names " 'Jehovah," &c., Reten- Origin of the Grecian Mythology, On the Physical Constitution of the Sun, 107, 228, 281. Swedenborg and the Book of Dreams, 9, Swedenborg's Biographers, New Materials Swedenborg and Dante, 259, 305, 345, Swedenborg and Modern Science as to Swedenborg's Scientific Theories compared Swedenborg's Teachings in their bearing on Geology and the Early History of Tabernacles, The Feast of, 537. The Recent Discussion, 67. Temptation, Is it true that the Lord wills? Temptations: their Origin, Nature, and Christian's Warfare and the Conqueror's Mortality and Immortality of Man, The, 297. Lepers, The Ten, 153. |