TABLE 6.-Statistics of universities and colleges for men only, and for both esxes, for 1893-94-Continued. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Religious denomination. University of Rochester.. Union College.. Syracuse University. University of North Car olina. Biddle University 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Davidson College....... Trinity College.. Guilford College.. Lenoir College.. 302 303 Mount Pleasant. Newton North Carolina College.. Catawba College.. 304 Raleigh Shaw University. 1 305 Rutherford College Rutherford College. 306 Salisbury Livingstone College 307 Wake Forest...... Wake Forest College. 308 Weaverville.. Weaverville College. 3 1 20401267 10 32,000 7,000 Nonsect. 0 6, 000 500 Presb. 11, 000 2,000 Presb. 259 36 6, 000 1,500 M. E. 2,000 Friends. 150 40 Luth. 0 1, 200 500 Luth. 2,000 Ref. TABLE 6.-Statistics of universities and colleges for men only, and for both sexes, for 1893-94-Continued. 354 355 356 857 Newberg. 358 Philomath. 350 369 Collegeville. 370 Easton...... 372 371 Gettysburg. Greenville 873 TABLE 6.-Statistics of universities and colleges for men only, and for both sexes, for 1893-94-Continued. 411 Huntingdon 412 Jackson.. 413 Knoxville. 414 415 416 417 Maryville. 424 425 Sewanee 426 418 Memphis.. 419 Milligan 420 Mossy Creek. 421 Nashville Vanderbilt University. University of the South. 427 Sweetwater...... Sweetwater College.. 428 Tusculum......... 430 |