others are chosen in their place, by the then present directors, and thereafter by not less than three nor more than eleven directors, one of whom they shall appoint their president, who shall hold his office for one year, and until another is chosen, which said directors shall be stockholders, and shall be annually elected at such times and places as the by-laws of said corporation shall prescribe. Notice of all stockholders' meetings shall be given at least five days prior to such meeting, in such way and manner as the directors shall order. A majority of said directors shall, in all cases, when met in accordance with the bylaws of said company, constitute a board for the transaction of business, and a majority of the stockholders present at any legal meeting shall be capable of transacting the business of such meeting, each share entitling the owner thereof to one vote, which vote may be given by said stockholder in person or by lawful proxy. SEC. 5. The directors for the time being, or a majority of them, shall have power to fill any vacancy which may happen in their board by death, resignation, or otherwise, for the then current year, to appoint and employ from time to time a secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as the by-laws of the corporation shall prescribe, who shall hold their offices until others shall be chosen in their stead; and said directors may employ all such agents, mechanics, and laborers as they may think proper, for the transaction and management of the business and affairs of said corporation, and may require said secretary, treasurer, and other officers and agents to give such security, by bond or otherwise, for the faithful discharge of their trusts and duties as said directors may deem proper; and said directors shall and may, as often as the interests of the stockholders shall require, and the affairs of the corporation will permit, declare a dividend or dividends of the profits of each share, which shall be paid by the treasurer of said corporation. SEC. 6. If it shall so happen that an election of directors shall not be made at the regular annual meeting of said corporation, said corporation shall not, for that cause, be deemed to be dissolved; but such election may be holden on any day thereafter, which shall be appointed by the directors. SEC. 7. The books of said corporation containing their ac counts, shall, at all reasonable times, be open to the inspection of any of the stockholders of said corporation, and as often as once in each year a statement of the accounts of said company shall be made by order of the directors, SEC. 8. The directors may call in the subscriptions to the additional capital stock, and require the same to be paid by installments, and at such times and places as they shall deem proper, giving such notice thereof as the by-laws and regulations of said company shall prescribe; and, in case any stockholder shall refuse or neglect payment of such installment or installments for the term of thirty days after the same shall become due and payable, and have been notified thereof, the stock of such negligent stockholder or stockholders, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, shall be sold by the directors, at public auction, giving at least thirty days' notice thereof in some newspaper published in the town of Bridgeport, and the proceeds of such sale shall be first applied in payment of the installments called for, and the expenses attending the call and sale, and the residue shall be refunded to the owner thereof. SEC. 9. The said corporation shall, within the period of three months next after the acceptance by its stockholders of this act, lodge with the secretary of state a certificate of such acceptance, containing a statement of the amount of capital actually paid in, and belonging to said company, which said certificate shall be signed by the president and secretary, and verified by their oath, and the amount of capital stock thus certified shall not be withdrawn and refunded to the stockholders so as to reduce the same below the amount stated in said certificate; and in the event any part of the capital stock paid in and certified shall be withdrawn and refunded to the stockholders, without the consent of the general assembly, the directors or dering, causing, or allowing such withdrawal or reduction of capital stock, shall be liable, jointly and severally, as traders in company, in case of the insolvency of said corporation at any period afterwards, for all debts owing by said corporation at the time of, or subsequently to, the reduction or diminution of the capital stock aforesaid. SEC. 10. This act shall take effect whenever the same shall have been approved by the stockholders owning a majority of the stock of said corporation. SEC. 11. This act shall be subject to be altered, amended or repealed, at the pleasure of the general assembly. Approved, June 5th, 1873. [Senate Joint Resolution No. 29.] [14.] AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE POQUONNOCK FISH COMPANY. Resolved by this Assembly: That the Poquonnock Fish Company is hereby authorized and empowered to increase its capital stock up to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars. Approved, June 11th, 1873. [15.] INCORPORATING THE "HARTFORD NEWS ASSOCIATION." Resolved by this Assembly: SECTION 1. That A. D. Worthington, Edward S. White, David Hall, F. Chamberlin, Ezra Hall, and all others who are or shall hereafter become associated with them, be and they hereby are made and constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of the Hartford News Association, to be located in the city and county of Hartford, State of Connecticut, for the purpose of manufacturing and publishing books, maps, engravings and papers, and to do such other things as are incidental to or necessary for the prosecution of the publishing business, and by that name they and their successors and assigns shall be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to purchase, lease, take, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy any lands, tenements, hereditaments, and any and all kinds of personal property which shall be necessary for the views and purposes of said corporation, and the same or any part thereof to sell, lease, and dispose of at pleasure; also to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded in any court of justice; also to make and establish such by-laws, rules and regulations as they shall deem expedient for the better management of the concerns of said corporation, and the same to alter and repeal: provided always, that such by-laws, rules and regulations be not inconsistent with the laws of this state, or of the United States. SEC. 2. The capital stock of said corporation shall be one hundred thousand dollars; the shares of said capital stock shall be one hundred dollars each, and shall be deemed personal property, and shall be transferable only on the books of said corporation, in such form as the by-laws thereof shall prescribe; and said corporation shall at all times have a lien on all the stock and property of its members invested therein, for all debts due from them to said corporation; and said corporation may engage, go into operation and commence business whenever and as soon as fifty thousand dollars of said stock shall be sub scribed for, and forty per cent. of the same shall be paid in cash. SEC. 3. The stock, property, affairs and business of said corporation shall be under the care of, and managed by not less than three nor more than five directors, one of whom shall, by said directors, be appointed president, who shall hold their offices for one year, and until others are chosen in their stead. Said directors shall be stockholders, and shall be chosen annually by the stockholders, at such time and place as shall be provided by the by-laws of said corporation. A majority of said directors shall in all cases, when met in conformity with the by laws, constitute a quorum for the transaction of business; and a majority of the stockholders present at any legal meeting shall be capable of transacting the business of such meeting; and, at all meetings of the stockholders, each share of the stock shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote, which vote may be given by said stockholder in person, or by lawful proxy. The first meeting of the corporation hereby formed may be called by any two of the corporators named in the first section of this act, at such time and place, and upon giving such notice of such meeting as they shall deem reasonable and proper. SEC. 4. The directors for the time being, or a majority of them, shall have power to fill any vacancy in their board, which may happen by death, resignation, or otherwise, for the then current year; and a majority of the directors, when met in conformity with the by-laws, shall have power to appoint and employ, from time to time, a secretary, treasurer, and such other officers as the by-laws of the corporation shall prescribe, who shall hold their offices until others shall be chosen in their stead; and said directors shall and may, as often as the interests of the stockholders shall require, and the affairs of the corporation will permit, declare a dividend or dividends of the profits on each share, which shall be paid by the treasurer of said corporation. SEC. 5. The said corporation shall, within the period of six months, next after the same shall become organized, make and lodge with the secretary of this state a certificate setting forth the whole amount of capital stock subscribed for, and the amount of the same actually paid in, the names of the stock. holders, and the number of shares held by each; which certifi 18 MIDDLETOWN GAS LIGHT CO.—JEWETT CITY SAV. BANK. cate shall be signed by the president and secretary of said corporation, and verified by their oaths; and within three months after any subsequent installments of said capital stock, or of any increase thereof, shall have been paid in, a like certificate shall be made and lodged as aforesaid. SEC. 6. This act may at any time be amended or repealed by the general assembly. Approved, June 11th, 1873. [16.] AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE MIDDLETOWN GAS LIGHT COMPANY. Resolved by this Assembly: That the Middletown Gas Light Company be and are hereby authorized and empowered to increase their capital stock to any sum not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars cach. Approved, June 11th, 1873. [17.] INCORPORATING THE JEWETT CITY SAVINGS BANK. Resolved by this Assembly: SECTION 1. That Thomas L. Shipman, Daniel S. Anthony, John W. Fanning, Asher P. Brown, Thomas A. Clark, Alfred A. Young, John R. Tracy, Welcome A. Browning, Ira G. Briggs, Andrew C. Burnham, Jeremiah K. Adams, Philetus Rathbun, George Sanger, James O. Sweet, Erastus C. Kegwin, Hezekiah L. Reade, Phineas Boyle, Silas E. Sherman, William Soule, Beriah H. Browning, Joseph E. Leonard, Henry L. Johnson, Frederick P. Partridge, John A. Rockwell, Alfred F. Brown, Israel Mathewson, Levi J. Branch, Cornelius Murphy, Edwin Lathrop and Patrick Murtha, and their successors be and they hereby are incorporated by the name, style and title of the Jewett City Savings Bank; and they, and such others as shall be duly elected members of said corporation, as in this act provided, shall be and remain a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title aforesaid, for |